Code archives/Algorithms/Various Sorting Algorithms

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Various Sorting Algorithms by N2004
Functions for the following sorting algorithms:

Shell Sort
Bubble Sort
Insertion Sort
Selection Sort
Quick Sort
;; All sorting functions have been ported from C/C++ code on the website
;; All credit for writing these functions goes to Michael Lamont

Graphics 800,600,32,2

F = LoadFont( "Arial", "16" )
SetFont F

;; The array
Const ARRAYSIZE = 3000
Dim SortArray( ARRAYSIZE )

;; Fill it with pseudo-random integers
	SortArray( N ) = Rand(256*256)

;; Pick a mode
Print "1.  Shell Sort"
Print "2.  Quick Sort"
Print "3.  Bubble Sort (Warning: Can be very slow)"
Print "4.  Selection Sort"
Print "5.  Insertion Sort"
SortMethod = Input$( "Pick a method: " )

Select SortMethod
	Case 1
		Delay 250
		TT = MilliSecs()
		ShellSort( ARRAYSIZE )
	Case 2
		PivotMode = Input$( "Use a random pivot position with the quick sort function? (0 or 1)    " )
		Delay 250
		TT = MilliSecs()	;; Get the starting time
		QuickSort( 0, ARRAYSIZE, PivotMode )
	Case 3
		Delay 250
		TT = MilliSecs()
		BubbleSort( ARRAYSIZE )
	Case 4
		Delay 250
		TT = MilliSecs()
		SelectionSort( ARRAYSIZE )
	Case 5
		Delay 250
		TT = MilliSecs()
		InsertionSort( ARRAYSIZE )
End Select
TT = MilliSecs() - TT	;; Get the difference, resulting in the time it took to sort the array

For N = 64 To 128		;; Print 64 of the array's elements
	Print SortArray( N )

Print "Time Taken " + TT	;; And tell you how long it took



Function ShellSort( Size% )
	Local i, j, increment, temp
	increment = 3
	While increment > 0
			For i = 0 To Size
				j = i
				temp = SortArray( i )
				While j >= increment And SortArray( j-increment) > temp
						SortArray(j) = SortArray(j-increment)
						j = j - increment
				SortArray(j) = temp
			If increment/2 <> 0 Then
				increment = increment / 2
			ElseIf increment = 1
				increment = 0
				increment = 1
End Function

Function SelectionSort( Size% )
	Local i, j, min, temp
	For i = 0 To Size
		min = i
		For j = i+1 To Size
			If SortArray( j ) < SortArray( min ) Then min = j
		temp = SortArray( i )
		SortArray( i ) = SortArray( min )
		SortArray( min ) = temp
End Function

Function BubbleSort( Size% )
	Local i, j, temp
	For i = Size To 0 Step -1
		For j = 1 To i
			If SortArray( j - 1 ) > SortArray( j ) Then
				temp = SortArray( j - 1 )
				SortArray( j - 1 ) = SortArray( j )
				SortArray( j ) = temp
End Function

Function QuickSort( L, R, RandomPivot = True )
	Local A, B, SwapA#, SwapB#, Middle#
	A = L
	B = R
	If RandomPivot Then
		Middle = SortArray( Rand(L, R) )
		Middle = SortArray( (L+R)/2 )
	While True
		While SortArray( A ) < Middle
			A = A + 1
			If A > R Then Exit
		While  Middle < SortArray( B )
			B = B - 1
			If B < 0 Then Exit
		If A > B Then Exit
		SwapA = SortArray( A )
		SwapB = SortArray( A )
		SortArray( A ) = SortArray( B )
		SortArray( A ) = SortArray( B )
		SortArray( B ) = SwapA
		SortArray( B ) = SwapB
		A = A + 1
		B = B - 1
		If B < 0 Then Exit
	If L < B Then QuickSort( L, B )
	If A < R Then QuickSort( A, R )
End Function

Function InsertionSort( Size% )
	Local i, j, index
	For i = 1 To Size - 1
		index = SortArray( i )
		j = i
		While j > 0 And SortArray( j-1 ) > index
			SortArray( j ) = SortArray( j - 1 )
			j = j - 1
		SortArray( j ) = index
End Function


Hehem guess you got it sorted then Noel ;) good speeds :)

You could say that ;)

When I run the sample code with Debug enabled, I see the following errors:
Shell Sort = "Array index out of bounds"
Insertion Sort = "Array index out of bounds"

The other sorts perform fine.


I can't say why those errors occur, since these are pretty much straight ports of C code (refer to the comment at the top of the code for the link to it).

Can't access that link, however I guess C evaluates its conditions slightly differently then and never executes the second comparison, (which may well be the case if it has a logical AND). Or maybe the original code has the same issue.

It will probably not cause any problems most of the time though I guess the chance is always there that you will not have access rights to the out of range memory and you will get a memory violation error. In any event the debug annoyance alone probably makes a slight rewrite worthwhile... you may even find it speeds things up and that the modified shell implementation with an appropriate increment size can outperform your quicksort routine.

I honestly can't see shell out performing quicksort, but if anyone wants to have a go at it, I'd be glad to add the changes.

Just looking through the code I see
Function QuickSort( L, R, RandomPivot = True )
	Local A, B, SwapA#, SwapB#, Middle#

SwapA, SwapB and Middle should be the same typea as the array, namely integer.

The example code should still work because the array values are no larger than 256*256, i.e. 16-bit.

But larger integers can be changed by their temporary storage in floating point variables.

Well spotted Floyd, that changes things. Quicksort is now, er, quicker. The actual swap code does not look right either.

Floyd: Actually, the use of floats is intended because what I use it for is sorting distances for any number of things (I use this to sort quads based on distance in Ulysses).

DJ: The actual swap code is as it was on the website.

But when you use them to store integers it is just plain wrong.
Numbers bigger than 24 bits will be corrupted.
n% = 1234512345
Print n
Print Bin(n)


x# = n%
n% = x#

Print n
Print Bin(n)

WaitKey : End
This is the same problem as using a float to store Blitz handles for images, sounds, entities etc.
It may work by accident, depending on the exact numbers involved. But then you try the same code on a different PC. The numbers change and the program crashes.

Sir Gak2005
I get the error on ShellSort, too. If you have the Blitz debugger activated, it shows you that you are accessing a negative index into the array, which of course is a no-no.

While j >= increment And SortArray( j-increment) > temp

In the above, j=0 and increment is 3, giving array index of -3, which won't work.

Noel, turn them functions that take some base "NoelSortable" type that have to implement a Compare function or something. Then we can easily plug any sort of type into it and get them being sorted.



Here is heapsort in Bmax for anyone interested.
Function HeapSort(a%[], N%)
	Local aux%
	Local k%
	For k = N/2 To 1 Step -1
		aux = a[0]
		a[0] = a[N - 1]
		a[N - 1] = aux
    		N = N - 1
    		downheap(a, 1, N)
	Until N <= 1
	Function downheap(a%[],k%,N%)
		Local aux%,j%
		While k<=N/2
			If (j<N) And (a[j-1] < a[j]) Then j:+1
			If aux >= a[j-1] Then
				a[k-1] = a[j-1]
		a[k-1] = aux
	End Function
End Function

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