Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Rotating/Animated Quake2(md2) model

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Rotating/Animated Quake2(md2) model by CodeD2004
My first code submission, my first BB3D program as well. Woop-de-doo but, it should help people like me just getting started as well. It is ridiculously commented but, if you're brand spanking new it will help to know what's going on. Always, use the command references in HELP to find out how to do stuff and proper syntax usage. Basically, I started out just trying to load a quake2 (md2) and show it on screen. Then I wanted to make it rotate around. Then I wanted to make it animated at the same time as it's rotating around like it's on display, and for kicks I put some ground underneath his feet. Alright, I figured it out mostly by myself so you can too. Please stave off on showering me with da accolades. I'll have to make room first!! That was a joke.
;Richard Colletta (CodeD) Feb. 9, 2004
;This is my first try with BB3D to see if I can actually figure this crap, I can!! It's not hard...
;LESSON 1 (Let's see if I can load an md2!!)
;Yay, my first fricoculous program, "'s only an example"
;I think I'll use this as a base to start learning with, maybe making a basic pointless game with
;LESSON 2 (Let's see if I can rotate it around)
;Alright!! starting with the basic example code to load an md2 I figured out purely by guessing how to rotate the darn thing!
;I was tripping on my feet till I figured i had to renderworld and flip for every rotation, I remember all that old basic stuff so, x = x + 1 was easy!
;LESSON 3 (let's see if I can animate this thing?!)
;Yes, we did it finally, just had to figure out the right place to put those loop codes and those anim sequences!
;If only this were QuickBasic I'd be getting accolades for loading, displaying, and animating a q2 model!

;beginning of a passage of voodoo incantations of some sort
Graphics3D 800, 600 ; sets the graphics mode
SetBuffer BackBuffer() ;creates a buffer for animations

camera=CreateCamera() ;creates a friggin camera
ground=CreatePlane(2) ;this makes some ground!
EntityAlpha ground, 0.5 ;i just stole this ground stuff from examples
EntityColor ground, 50, 20, 10
PositionEntity camera, 0, 120, -60 ;position the camera in x, y, z i.e. leftright, updown, 3rd dimension
spotlight = CreateLight() ;lets make a light
PositionEntity spotlight, 0, 80, -60 ;put it somewhere
light=CreateLight() ;another one whee! drunk with power
RotateEntity light, 90, 0, 0

playermod = LoadMD2("tris.md2") ;load a md2 file, replace this with an md2 you have in directory, I used Johnny the Homicidal Maniac for this example
playermodtexture = LoadTexture ("jthm.pcx") ;loads the md2's texture which should be in the same directory as the model, both unpacked!
EntityTexture playermod, playermodtexture ;it puts the texture on the model

PositionEntity playermod, 0, 122, 0 ;put our dude somewhere

x = 0 ;make a variable called x and give it a value

AnimateMD2 playermod, 1, 0.1, 0, 40 ;play the idle (standing) animation for quake2 model (i.e. frames 0-40)
While Not KeyDown(1) ;while a key hasn't been pressed do the following:
x = x + 1 ;increase x's value by 1, which will make it cycle through 360 degrees
RotateEntity playermod, 0, x, 0 ;inserting the value x to make it dynamic, it rotates!
RenderWorld ;render screen
UpdateWorld ;update it, i.e. animations etc.
Flip ;flip buffer pages

End ;End



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