Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Replace Texture

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Replace Texture by *2004
This function will allow you to replace a texture on a multi-textured mesh

For animated textures simply replace the texture with the new texture you want before the main loop then in the main loop simply call the replace texture function and replace the texture with the same texture but at a different frame.

The lightmapped parameter is if you want the lightmapping removed from that particular texture (useful for tv screens or lights).

A Big thank you goes to MasterBeaker for pointing out a memory leak problem :).
Function ReplaceTexture( Mesh, OldTexture$, NewTexture, Frame=0, LightMapped=1 )
	;this function changes the lightmap on a mesh to a selected lightmap
	Local SurfS=CountSurfaces( Mesh ) 
	Local SurfI=0
	Local BlankBrush = CreateTexture( 64, 64 )
	SetBuffer TextureBuffer( BlankBrush )
	ClsColor 255, 255, 255
	ClsColor 0, 0, 0
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()
	For SurfI=1 To Surfs
		s=GetSurface( Mesh, SurfI ) 
		t0=GetBrushTexture( b, 0 ) 
		t1=GetBrushTexture( b, 1 )
		If Upper$( StripPath$( TextureName$( t0 ) ) ) = Upper$( OldTexture$ )
			BrushTexture b, NewTexture, Frame, 0
			If LightMapped=0
				BrushTexture b, BlankBrush, 0, 1
				BrushTexture b, t1, 0, 1
			PaintSurface s, b
		If t0<>0 Then FreeBrush t0
		If t1<>0 Then FreeBrush t1
		If b<>0 Then FreeBrush b
	FreeTexture BlankBrush
End Function



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