Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Entity properties without using types

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Entity properties without using types by Ken Lynch2003
A novel way of adding properties to entities without using types. Should be fairly fast for most cases. It's also very flexible in that when you copy an entity you also copy its properties, and when you delete an entity you also delete its properties.

Here's some example code:

; Demo Code for Entity Property Library
; (c)2003 Ken Lynch

Include ""  ;<-- you need to set this up to include the library code

Graphics3D 800, 600

cam = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity cam, 0, 0, -5

cube = CreateCube()

; Create 3000 properties for the cube
For n = 1 To 3000
	Text 0,0, "Creating property P"+Str(n)
	Flip: Cls
	SetProperty cube, "P"+Str(n), Str(n)


	; Hold space to view a random 10 properties
	If KeyHit(57) Then
		For n=1 To 10
			i = Rand(1, 3000)
			Text 0, (n+1)*16, "P"+Str(i)+" = "+GetProperty(cube, "P"+Str(i))

		; Wait while the space bar is still pressed
		While KeyDown(57)
	End If

	; Spin cube to show 3000 pivots doesn't decrease performance
	TurnEntity cube, 0, 2, 0
	Text 0, 0, "Press space to view a random 10 properties."
Until KeyHit(1)
; Entity Property Library
; (c)2003 Ken Lynch

; SetProperty entity,property$,value$
Function SetProperty(entity, property$, value$)
	Local props, p, v

	props = FindChild(entity, "properties")
	If props = 0 Then
		props = CreatePivot(entity)
		NameEntity props, "properties"
	End If
	p = FindChild(props, property)
	If p = 0 Then
		p = CreatePivot(props)
		NameEntity p, property
	End If
	v = GetChild(p, 1)
	If v = 0 Then v = CreatePivot(p)
	NameEntity v, value
End Function

; value$ = GetProperty$(entity,property$)
Function GetProperty$(entity, property$)
	Local props,p, v, value$

	props = FindChild(entity, "properties")
	If props > 0 Then
		p = FindChild(entity, property)
		If p > 0 Then
			v = GetChild(p, 1)
			If v > 0 Then value$ = EntityName(v)
		End If
	End If
	Return value$
End Function

; DeleteProperty entity,property$
Function DeleteProperty(entity, property$)
	Local props,p

	props = FindChild(entity, "properties")
	If props > 0 Then
		p = FindChild(entity, property)
		If p > 0 Then FreeEntity p
	End If
End Function


Extremely useful - thanks ! It's like an hashtable !


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