Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Distant Object Renderer

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Distant Object Renderer by sswift2003
This code may be useful for some people if they want to render feild of view type effects, but it won't speed up rendering anything in the distance. There is a speed cost associated with the effect, but it's not too bad.
; This is the location in the world where the blur camera will reside.
; This location should be far from any other geometry you have in your world.
Const DOA_BLUR_CAM_X# = 65536.0
Const DOA_BLUR_CAM_Y# = 65536.0
Const DOA_BLUR_CAM_Z# = 0.0


; Distant Object Accelerator

Type DOA_Camera

	Field Camera								; This is the camera which this DOA_Camera should augment.  If you have only one camera in your game, then set this to point to it.
	Field Camera_Zoom#							; These are the values set for the above camera.  They need to match it so that the augmented view matches the real view.
	Field Camera_Range_Near#
	Field Camera_Range_Far#
	Field Camera_FogMode
	Field Camera_FogRange_Near#
	Field Camera_FogRange_Far#	
	Field Camera_FogColor_R
	Field Camera_FogColor_G
	Field Camera_FogColor_B

	Field Resolution							; This is the resolution to render the augmented view's images at.  This must be a power of 2 in size.  The smaller this value the blurrier the objects in the distance will be.
	Field Range_Far#							; This is the distance which the augmented view should render out to.  This should be much greater than your main camera's far clipping plane.
	Field Cube_Mesh								
	Field Cube_Map[6]	
	Field Cube_Brush[6]
	Field Cube_Render_X#						; This is the location in the world at which the cube map was rendered.  It is used to determine if the map needs to be re-rendered.
	Field Cube_Render_Y#				
	Field Cube_Render_Z#
End Type	

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; You must create a DOA_Camera and set it's properties before calling this function.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function DOA_InitCam(CAM_Create.DOA_Camera)

	; Make sure we'll be able to render the textures when the time comes...
		If GraphicsHeight() < CAM_Create\Resolution   
			RuntimeError("Video mode not tall enough for this texture resolution!")

	; Create a mesh for this camera's skybox.
		CAM_Create\Cube_Mesh = DOA_CreateSkyBox()
		EntityFX CAM_Create\Cube_Mesh, 1+8+16
		;ScaleEntity CAM_Create\Cube_Mesh, 100, 100, 100
		; Render the skybox behind everything else.
		EntityOrder CAM_Create\Cube_Mesh, 255

	; Loop through each of the box's sides, create a brush+texture for it, and paint it.
	For LOOP_Side = 0 To 5

		CAM_Create\Cube_Brush[LOOP_Side] = CreateBrush()
		CAM_Create\Cube_Map[LOOP_Side]   = CreateTexture(CAM_Create\Resolution, CAM_Create\Resolution, 16+32+256)

		BrushTexture CAM_Create\Cube_Brush[LOOP_Side], CAM_Create\Cube_Map[LOOP_Side]
		PaintSurface GetSurface(CAM_Create\Cube_Mesh, LOOP_Side+1), CAM_Create\Cube_Brush[LOOP_Side]
End Function

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function DOA_Render(CAM_Main.DOA_Camera, Force_Render=0)

	; Hide the camera we're currently rendering with.
		HideEntity CAM_Main\Camera

	; Hide the skybox we're going to render to.
		HideEntity CAM_Main\Cube_Mesh

	; Store the location of the main camera.
		CAM_Main_X# = EntityX#(CAM_Main\Camera, True)
		CAM_Main_Y# = EntityY#(CAM_Main\Camera, True)
		CAM_Main_Z# = EntityZ#(CAM_Main\Camera, True)
	; Create a new camera to render with.
		CAM_Render = CreateCamera() 
	; Set the camera to clear the color and zbuffer.
		CameraClsMode CAM_Render, True, True
	; Set the camera view to a 90 degree fov, so that we can render the six views we need for a skybox.
		DOA_SetCameraFOV(CAM_Render, 90)
	; Set the camera's viewport to render the size of the texture requested.
		CameraViewport CAM_Render, 0, 0, CAM_Main\Resolution, CAM_Main\Resolution

	; Adjust the render camera's settings match the settings of the real camera.
		CameraFogMode  CAM_Render, CAM_Main\Camera_FogMode
		CameraFogRange CAM_Render, CAM_Main\Camera_FogRange_Near#, CAM_Main\Camera_FogRange_Far#
		CameraFogColor CAM_Render, CAM_Main\Camera_FogColor_R, CAM_Main\Camera_FogColor_G, CAM_Main\Camera_FogColor_B

	; Set the render camera to render starting from the real camera's far clipping plane (minus some fraction of the
	; range to keep holes from appearing in the map, and render out to the specified range.
		CameraRange CAM_Render, CAM_Main\Camera_Range_Far#-(CAM_Main\Camera_Range_Far#/1.5), CAM_Main\Range_Far#
	; Position the camera at the same location as the real camera.
		PositionEntity CAM_Render, CAM_Main_X#, CAM_Main_Y#, CAM_Main_Z# 

	; Position the skybox at the same location as the real camera. 
		PositionEntity CAM_Main\Cube_Mesh, CAM_Main_X#, CAM_Main_Y#, CAM_Main_Z#
	; Determine the distance of the main camera from the last location at which we rendered the scene.
		Difference# = Sqr((CAM_Main_X#-CAM_Main\Cube_Render_X#)^2.0 + (CAM_Main_Y#-CAM_Main\Cube_Render_Y#)^2.0 + (CAM_Main_Z#-CAM_Main\Cube_Render_Z#)^2.0)

	; If the skybox is out of date, rerender it.

		;AntiAlias True 

		; Store the location in the world at which this cube map was rendered.
			CAM_Main\Cube_Render_X# = CAM_Main_X#
			CAM_Main\Cube_Render_Y#	= CAM_Main_Y#			
			CAM_Main\Cube_Render_Z# = CAM_Main_Z#
		;For LOOP_Side = 0 To 5			
		For LOOP_Side = 0 To 0
			Select LOOP_Side
				Case 0 ; North
					RotateEntity CAM_Render, 0, 0, 0

				Case 1 ; East
					RotateEntity CAM_Render, 0, -90, 0
				Case 2 ; South
					RotateEntity CAM_Render, 0, 180, 0
				Case 3 ; West
					RotateEntity CAM_Render, 0, 90, 0
				Case 4 ; Up
					RotateEntity CAM_Render, -90, 0, 0
				Case 5 ; Down
					RotateEntity CAM_Render, 90, 0, 0
			End Select
			; Render the view.
			; Copy the view to the texture.
			CopyRect 0, 0, CAM_Main\Resolution, CAM_Main\Resolution, 0, 0, BackBuffer(), TextureBuffer(CAM_Main\Cube_Map[LOOP_Side])
			; Blur the texture.

				;HideEntity CAM_Render
				;DOA_BlurTexture2(CAM_Main\Cube_Map[LOOP_Side], 1, 1.0)
				;ShowEntity CAM_Render
				; Reset the texture's blending mode, scale, and position, because DOA_BlurTexture modifies them.
				;TextureBlend CAM_Main\Cube_Map[LOOP_Side], 2
				;ScaleTexture CAM_Main\Cube_Map[LOOP_Side], 1, 1
				;PositionTexture CAM_Main\Cube_Map[LOOP_Side], 0, 0
			;AntiAlias False
	; Show the skybox we just rendered to.
		ShowEntity CAM_Main\Cube_Mesh
	; Delete the render camera.
		FreeEntity CAM_Render
	; Show the main camera again.
		ShowEntity CAM_Main\Camera	
End Function		

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function DOA_CreateSkyBox()

	Sky = CreateMesh()

	; North

		SURF_Sky = CreateSurface(Sky)

		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,+1,+1,1,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,+1,+1,0,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,-1,+1,0,1
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,-1,+1,1,1
		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,1,2
		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,2,3

	; East

		SURF_Sky = CreateSurface(Sky)
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,+1,-1,1,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,+1,+1,0,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,-1,+1,0,1
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,-1,-1,1,1
		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,1,2
		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,2,3

	; South

		SURF_Sky = CreateSurface(Sky)

		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,+1,-1,1,0 
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,+1,-1,0,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,-1,-1,0,1
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,-1,-1,1,1

		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,1,2
		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,2,3

	; West

		SURF_Sky = CreateSurface(Sky)
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,+1,+1,1,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,+1,-1,0,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,-1,-1,0,1
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,-1,+1,1,1
		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,1,2
		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,2,3

	; Top

		SURF_Sky = CreateSurface(Sky)

		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,+1,+1,1,1
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,+1,+1,1,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,+1,-1,0,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,+1,-1,0,1

		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,1,2
		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,2,3

	; Bottom	

		SURF_Sky = CreateSurface(Sky)
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,-1,-1,0,1
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,-1,-1,0,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,+1,-1,+1,1,0
		AddVertex SURF_Sky,-1,-1,+1,1,1
		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,1,2
		AddTriangle SURF_Sky,0,2,3

	;FlipMesh Sky
	Return Sky

End Function

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function sets the camera's horizontal FOV, in degrees.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function DOA_SetCameraFOV(Camera, FOV#)
	CameraZoom Camera, 1.0 / Tan(FOV#/2.0)	
End Function

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function blurs a texture using a technique that takes advantage of 3D acceleration.  
; * You MUST hide all other cameras before calling this function!
; * You MUST reset your texture's blending mode, scale, and position after calling this function!
; Texture is the texture you want blurred.
; Blur_Quality defines the quality of the blur.  1 = 4 passes, 2 = 8 passes, 3 = 12 passes, etc.
; 	(The reason that the passes are in multiples of four is because interference artifacts are created when
; 	the number of passes is not a multiple of four... meaning that ten passes will actually look far worse
; 	than eight.)
; Blur_Radius# defines the radius of the blur, in pixels, assuming a map size of 256x256.
;	(Ie, a radius of 16 will be the same width regardless of whether the texture is 16x16 or 512x512.  It will
; 	only be exactly 16 pixels wide if the map is 256x256.)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function DOA_BlurTexture(Texture, Blur_Quality, Blur_Radius#)

	; This is used for temporary storage of the meshes used for soft shadow blurring.
	Local BlurMesh[16*4]

	; If blurring is enabled...
	If Blur_Quality > 0

		Blur_Cam = CreateCamera()

		; Set the camera's range to be very small so as to reduce the possiblity of extra objects making it into the scene.
		CameraRange Blur_Cam, 0.1, 100
		; Set the camera to zoom in on the object to reduce perspective error from the object being too close to the camera.
		CameraZoom Blur_Cam, 16.0

		; Aim camera straight down.	
		RotateEntity Blur_Cam, 90, 0, 0, True

		; Set the camera viewport to the same size as the texture.		
		CameraViewport Blur_Cam, 0, 0, TextureWidth(Texture), TextureHeight(Texture)
		; Set the camera so it clears the color buffer before rendering the texture.
		CameraClsColor Blur_Cam, 0,0,0
		CameraClsMode  Blur_Cam, True, True						

		; Position the blur camera far from other entities in the world.
		PositionEntity Blur_Cam, DOA_BLUR_CAM_X#, DOA_BLUR_CAM_Y#, DOA_BLUR_CAM_Z#
		; Create the sprites to use for blurring the shadow maps.
		For Loop = 0 To (Blur_Quality*4)-1
			BlurMesh[Loop] = CreateSprite()

		; Set the caster texture to multiply blend mode so we can darken it by changing the entity
		; color when blurring.
		TextureBlend Texture, 2
		; Scale the texture down because we scale the sprites up so they fill a larger area of the
		; screen.  (Otherwise the edges of the texture are darker than the middle because they don't
		; get covered.
		ScaleTexture    Texture, 0.5, 0.5
		PositionTexture Texture, 0.5, 0.5
		; Blur texture by blitting semi-transparent copies of it on top of it.
		BlurRadius# = Blur_Radius# * (1.0 / 256.0)
		BlurAngleStep# = 360.0 / Float(Blur_Quality*4)

		; Normally we would just divide 255 by the number of passes so that adding all the passes
		; together would not exceed 256.  However, if we did that, then we could not have a number of
		; passes which does not divide 256 evenly, or else the error would result in the white part of
		; the image being slightly less than white.  So we round partial values up to ensure that
		; white will always be white, even if it ends up being a little whiter than white as a result
		; when all the colors are added, since going higher than white just clamps to white.
		BlurShade = Ceil(255.0 / Float(Blur_Quality*4))
		; Place each of the blur objects around a circle of radius blur_radius.
		For Loop = 0 To (Blur_Quality*4)-1
			EntityTexture BlurMesh[Loop], Texture
			EntityFX BlurMesh[Loop], 1+8
			EntityBlend BlurMesh[Loop], 3
			EntityColor BlurMesh[Loop], BlurShade, BlurShade, BlurShade
			ScaleSprite BlurMesh[Loop], 2, 2
			BlurAngle# = BlurAngleStep# * Float(Loop) + 180.0*(Loop Mod 2)
			Xoff# = BlurRadius# * Cos(BlurAngle#)
			Yoff# = BlurRadius# * Sin(BlurAngle#)

			PositionEntity BlurMesh[Loop], DOA_BLUR_CAM_X# + Xoff#, DOA_BLUR_CAM_Y# - 16.0, DOA_BLUR_CAM_Z# + Yoff#, True
		; Render the new texture.
		; Copy the new texture from the screen buffer to the texture buffer.		
		CopyRect 0, 0, TextureWidth(Texture), TextureHeight(Texture), 0, 0, BackBuffer(), TextureBuffer(Texture)
		; Free the blur entities.
		For Loop = 0 To (Blur_Quality*4)-1
			FreeEntity BlurMesh[Loop]

		; Free the blur camera.
		FreeEntity Blur_Cam

End Function

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function blurs a texture using a technique that takes advantage of 3D acceleration.  
; * You MUST hide all other cameras before calling this function!
; * You MUST reset your texture's blending mode, scale, and position after calling this function!
; Texture is the texture you want blurred.
; Blur_Quality defines the quality of the blur.  1 = 4 passes, 2 = 8 passes, 3 = 12 passes, etc.
; 	(The reason that the passes are in multiples of four is because interference artifacts are created when
; 	the number of passes is not a multiple of four... meaning that ten passes will actually look far worse
; 	than eight.)
; Blur_Radius# defines the radius of the blur, in pixels, assuming a map size of 256x256.
;	(Ie, a radius of 16 will be the same width regardless of whether the texture is 16x16 or 512x512.  It will
; 	only be exactly 16 pixels wide if the map is 256x256.)
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function DOA_BlurTexture2(Texture, Blur_Quality, Blur_Radius#)

	; This is used for temporary storage of the meshes used for soft shadow blurring.
	Local BlurMesh[16*4]

	; If blurring is enabled...
	If Blur_Quality > 0

		Blur_Cam = CreateCamera()

		; Set the camera's range to be very small so as to reduce the possiblity of extra objects making it into the scene.
		CameraRange Blur_Cam, 0.1, 100
		; Set the camera to zoom in on the object to reduce perspective error from the object being too close to the camera.
		CameraZoom Blur_Cam, 16.0

		; Aim camera straight down.	
		RotateEntity Blur_Cam, 90, 0, 0, True

		; Set the camera viewport to the same size as the texture.		
		CameraViewport Blur_Cam, 0, 0, TextureWidth(Texture), TextureHeight(Texture)
		; Set the camera so it clears the color buffer before rendering the texture.
		CameraClsColor Blur_Cam, 0,0,0
		CameraClsMode  Blur_Cam, True, True						

		; Position the blur camera far from other entities in the world.
		PositionEntity Blur_Cam, DOA_BLUR_CAM_X#, DOA_BLUR_CAM_Y#, DOA_BLUR_CAM_Z#
		; Create the sprites to use for blurring the shadow maps.
		For Loop = 0 To (Blur_Quality*4)-1
			BlurMesh[Loop] = CreateSprite()
		; Scale the texture down because we scale the sprites up so they fill a larger area of the
		; screen.  (Otherwise the edges of the texture are darker than the middle because they don't
		; get covered.
		ScaleTexture    Texture, 0.5, 0.5
		PositionTexture Texture, 0.5, 0.5
		; Blur texture by blitting semi-transparent copies of it on top of it.
		BlurRadius# = Blur_Radius# * (1.0 / 256.0)
		BlurAngleStep# = 360.0 / Float(Blur_Quality*4)

		; Normally we would just divide 255 by the number of passes so that adding all the passes
		; together would not exceed 256.  However, if we did that, then we could not have a number of
		; passes which does not divide 256 evenly, or else the error would result in the white part of
		; the image being slightly less than white.  So we round partial values up to ensure that
		; white will always be white, even if it ends up being a little whiter than white as a result
		; when all the colors are added, since going higher than white just clamps to white.
		BlurShade = Ceil(255.0 / Float(Blur_Quality*4))
		; Place each of the blur objects around a circle of radius blur_radius.
		For Loop = 0 To (Blur_Quality*4)-1
			EntityTexture BlurMesh[Loop], Texture
			EntityFX BlurMesh[Loop], 1+8
			EntityAlpha BlurMesh[Loop], 1.0 / Float(Loop+1)
			ScaleSprite BlurMesh[Loop], 2, 2
			BlurAngle# = BlurAngleStep# * Float(Loop) + 180.0*(Loop Mod 2)
			Xoff# = BlurRadius# * Cos(BlurAngle#)
			Yoff# = BlurRadius# * Sin(BlurAngle#)

			PositionEntity BlurMesh[Loop], DOA_BLUR_CAM_X# + Xoff#, DOA_BLUR_CAM_Y# - 16.0, DOA_BLUR_CAM_Z# + Yoff#, True
		; Render the new texture.
		; Copy the new texture from the screen buffer to the texture buffer.		
		CopyRect 0, 0, TextureWidth(Texture), TextureHeight(Texture), 0, 0, BackBuffer(), TextureBuffer(Texture)
		; Free the blur entities.
		For Loop = 0 To (Blur_Quality*4)-1
			FreeEntity BlurMesh[Loop]

		; Free the blur camera.
		FreeEntity Blur_Cam

End Function



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