Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Perlin Noise HeightMap Generator

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Perlin Noise HeightMap Generator by sswift2003
This function creates a height map using perlin noise. It then saves the heightmap as an image, but it is quite possible to use it to generate random terrains at runtime before your game begins, or to save the actual floating point data, which would allow you to have more detailed terrains with larger height variations. Of course, 16bits of precision would be more than enough, so it would be a waste to store the floats as is.

The heights generated by this algorithm will never dip below 0, and depending on the multiplier you use, can get very large.

For example, with the default image size of 1024, the system will do 10 passes over the data, because 2^10 = 1024, and each pass halves the size of noise bitmap it generates.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Perlin Noise Heightmap Generator - Copyright 2003 - Shawn C. Swift
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Graphics 640,480,32,2




	SeedRnd MilliSecs()	

	; Set the size of the heightmap we want to generate.
	HeightMapSize = 1024

	; Generate the heightmap.
	Generate_Heightmap(HeightMapSize, 0.25, 2)

	; Save the heightmap to an image.
	; You'll get more accuracy and more interesting terrains if you save the actual data instead. 
	; But that will quadruple the size of the datafile created.
	; Which is why instead you might consider just figuring out which sets of values produce a nice terrain and then
	; just creating the terrain at runtime when the program starts.  But if you do this, pray Mark never changes the
	; behavior of the rand() function!
		; Create an image.
			DestImage = CreateImage(HeightMapSize, HeightMapSize)
			DestBuffer = ImageBuffer(DestImage)
		; Write the data to the image.

			For LoopY = 0 To HeightMapSize-1
				For LoopX = 0 To HeightMapSize-1	
					; Calculate the color for this pixel.
					Pr = HeightMap#(LoopX, LoopY)
					If Pr < 0   Then Pr = 0
					If Pr > 255 Then Pr = 255 
					Pg = Pr
					Pb = Pr
					; Convert the color into a longint.	
					NewPixel = Pb Or (Pg Shl 8) Or (Pr Shl 16) Or ($ff000000)
					; Store the pixel in the image.
					WritePixelFast LoopX, LoopY, NewPixel, DestBuffer

			SaveImage(DestImage, "heightmap.bmp")
			FreeImage DestImage 
	; All done!

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; HeightmapSize must ba a power of 2.
; Scale# is the maximum height of the most frequent and smallest bumps in the terrain.
; Multiplier# is how much each successive pass multiplies scale# by.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Generate_Heightmap(HeightMapSize, Scale#, Multiplier#)

	; Set the maximum height of the first noise pass.
	Max_Height# = Scale#

	; Do the first pass seprately from the other passes since we can do it very cheaply.
		For Noise_Y = 0 To HeightMapSize
			For Noise_X = 0 To HeightMapSize
				HeightMap#(Noise_X, Noise_Y) = Rnd#(0, Max_Height#)

	; Now start with the second highest frequency noise;
	; The second largest noise map with slightly larger bumps than the first pass.
	NoiseMapSize = HeightMapSize/2
	; Multiply the maximum height for the start of the second pass.
	Max_Height# = Max_Height# * Multiplier#
		; Generate a noise map.
		For Noise_Y = 0 To NoiseMapSize
			For Noise_X = 0 To NoiseMapSize
				NoiseMap#(Noise_X, Noise_Y) = Rnd#(0, Max_Height#)

		; Calculate the diffrence in scale between the noisemap and the heightmap.		
		ScaleDifference = HeightMapSize / NoiseMapSize
		; Calculate how large of steps across the noise map we need to take for each pixel of the heightmap.
		StepSize# = 1.0 / Float(ScaleDifference)

		; Stretch the noise map over the heightmap using bilinear filtering.
		For Noise_Y = 0 To NoiseMapSize-1
			For Noise_X = 0 To NoiseMapSize-1

				N1# = NoiseMap#(Noise_X,   Noise_Y)  
				N2# = NoiseMap#(Noise_X+1, Noise_Y)  
				N3# = NoiseMap#(Noise_X,   Noise_Y+1)
				N4# = NoiseMap#(Noise_X+1, Noise_Y+1)
				Hx = Noise_X*ScaleDifference
				Hy = Noise_Y*ScaleDifference
				Iy# = 0
				For Height_Y = 0 To ScaleDifference-1

					; Calculate cosine-weighted bilinear average.
						ICy# = 1.0 - ((Cos(Iy#*180.0) + 1.0) / 2.0)
					Ix# = 0			
					For Height_X = 0 To ScaleDifference-1
						; Calculate cosine-weighted bilinear average.
						; Cosine weighting makes the map smoother, removing unsightly diamond artifacts from the
						; bilinear filtering. 
						; Essentially it "pushes" the four corner pixel colors towards the center, reducing the area
						; which is the average of the colors.  So the corner pixels go from a blurry diamond shape
						; to a blurry circle.
						; It is of course, slower to calculate than regular bilinear filtering, though by using a 
						; lookup table one could possibly speed the operation a litle.
							ICx# = 1.0 - ((Cos(Ix#*180.0) + 1.0) / 2.0)

							Na# = N1#*(1.0-ICx#)
							Nb# = N2#*ICx#
							Nc# = N3#*(1.0-ICx#)
							Nd# = N4#*ICx#
							HeightMap#(Hx+Height_X, Hy+Height_Y) = HeightMap#(Hx+Height_X, Hy+Height_Y) + (Na#+Nb#)*(1.0-ICy#) + (Nc+Nd#)*ICy#
						; Calculate bilinear average.

							;Na# = N1#*(1.0-Ix#)
							;Nb# = N2#*Ix#
							;Nc# = N3#*(1.0-Ix#)
							;Nd# = N4#*Ix#
							;HeightMap#(Hx+Height_X, Hy+Height_Y) = HeightMap#(Hx+Height_X, Hy+Height_Y) + (Na#+Nb#)*(1.0-Iy#) + (Nc+Nd#)*Iy#
						Ix# = Ix# + StepSize#

					Iy# = Iy# + StepSize#	

		; Reduce the frequency of the noise by half. 				
		NoiseMapSize = NoiseMapSize/2
		; Increase the maximum height of the noise.
		Max_Height# = Max_Height# * Multiplier#
	Until NoiseMapSize <= 1

End Function


Thanks for this code. It should prove very usefull

Just a thanks, very nice bit of code.

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