Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Unreal style portal effect

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Unreal style portal effect by *2003
This gives you a brief demo of how to do the Unreal portal effect in Blitz

Please include my name in the credits if you use this effect.

Replace the image with any image you have :)
; - Copyright ©2002 EdzUp
;	Coded by Ed Upton

Graphics3D 640,480,16,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

Global camera = CreateCamera()		;standard camera
CameraRange Camera, .1, 9999
MoveEntity camera, 0, 0, -2.5

Global Portal = CreateCube()		;this is the portal mesh (could be a plane etc
Global PortalTexture = CreateTexture( 256, 256 )	;portal texture

Global PortalCamera = CreateCamera()				;this is the camera that is placed where the
CameraViewport PortalCamera, 0, 0, 256, 256			;portal is
PositionEntity PortalCamera, -100, -1000, -100

Global Room = CreateCube()							;this is a test room to put portal camera into
ScaleEntity Room, -14, -14, -14
PositionEntity Room, -100, -1000, -100

Global Tex = LoadTexture( "Images\advert1.png" )	;basic texture could be any image :)
EntityTexture Room, Tex

Global temp=CreateImage( 256, 256 )					;temp image (camera image)
Global Angle# = 0

AmbientLight 255,255,255			

While Not KeyDown(1)
	RenderPortal( Portal )							;special function to render the portal

	If KeyDown(203)=1 Then Angle# = Angle# -1		;left and right cursor to turn camera
	If KeyDown(205)=1 Then Angle# = Angle# +1
	PositionEntity Camera, 0, 0, 0
	RotateEntity Camera, 0, Angle#, 0
	MoveEntity Camera, 0, 0, -2.5

	RotateEntity PortalCamera, 0, Angle#, 180		;rotate portal camera to what player should see
	Text 0, 0, "Portal demo - Copyright ©2002 EdzUp"
	Text 0,20, "Please include my name in credits if you use this effect in your game"
	Text 0,80, "Use left and right cursor to rotate camera"

Function RenderPortal( Entity )
	;Render portal texture
	HideEntity Camera								;hide camera
	ShowEntity PortalCamera							;show portal camera
	CopyRect 0, 0, 256, 256, 0, 0, BackBuffer(), TextureBuffer( PortalTexture )
	EntityTexture Entity, PortalTexture, 0, 0		;Retexture entity with new texture
	ShowEntity Camera								;show player camera
	HideEntity PortalCamera							;hide portal camera
	Cls												;clear back buffer
End Function


you should include the pic that excintuates the program. thanks for the support, make sure to put name in credits

Can you copyright code that copies an effect from a serious title that does have copyright? lol

From the top of the page:

This code has been declared by its author to be Public Domain code.

From inside the code:
Copyright ©2002 EdzUp

and it was just a joke anyway.

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