Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/xForm

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xForm by Klaas2002
This function resets the scale of an entity and all of its children to scale 1. The entitys still hold there position and the meshes where scaled to the initale scale.

Its somewhat like 3dMax xForm
Function xForm(entity,sxp#=1,syp#=1,szp#=1)
	Vx# = GetMatElement(Entity, 0, 0)
	Vy# = GetMatElement(Entity, 0, 1)
	Vz# = GetMatElement(Entity, 0, 2)	

	sx#=Sqr(Vx#*Vx# + Vy#*Vy# + Vz#*Vz#)
	sy#=Sqr(Vx#*Vx# + Vy#*Vy# + Vz#*Vz#)
	sz#=Sqr(Vx#*Vx# + Vy#*Vy# + Vz#*Vz#)
	px#=EntityX(entity) * sxp
	py#=EntityY(entity) * syp
	pz#=EntityZ(entity) * szp

	For i=1 To CountChildren(entity)

	ScaleEntity entity,1,1,1
	ScaleMesh entity,sx,sy,sz
	PositionEntity entity,px,py,pz
End Function



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