Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Singing in the rain V2

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Singing in the rain V2 by fredborg2002
A small rain effect inspired by Metal Gear Solid 2 and Gene Kelly. Go figure :)

Uses camerapick to place small splashes of water around the scene, and creates an animtated texture for the splashes and water rings. Apart from that it's pretty straight forward.

; Singing in the rain
; Created by Mikkel Fredborg
; Use as you please!

Type Splashtex
	Field x#,y#
	Field sx#,sy#
	Field ox#,oy#
	Field c#
End Type

Type Splash3D
	Field sprite
	Field x#,y#,z#
	Field texture
	Field frame#,frames
	Field active
End Type

Type Rain3D
	Field sprite
	Field x#,y#,z#
	Field sx#,sy#,sz#
	Field active
End Type

Type Ring3D
	Field sprite
	Field x#,y#,z#
	Field texture
	Field frame#,frames
	Field active
End Type

Global s.splashtex
Global s3d.splash3d
Global r3d.rain3d
Global t3d.ring3d

SeedRnd MilliSecs()

; Colors
Global envr = 76
Global envg = 100
Global envb = 110

Graphics3D 640,480
SetBuffer BackBuffer()
; Camera
Global camera=CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera,0,0,-4 
CameraFogMode camera,1
CameraFogRange camera,0,100
CameraFogColor camera,envr*0.85,envg*0.85,envb*0.85
CameraClsColor camera,envr*0.85,envg*0.85,envb*0.85
CameraRange camera,1,100

; Lighting
Global light=CreateLight()
RotateEntity light,75,0,5
LightColor light,envr,envg,envb

AmbientLight envr*0.1,envg*0.1,envb*0.1

; Setup rain effects :)
Global RainSpeed# = 3.0

splashframes = 20

ringframes = 20


; Create a simple environment
arena = CreateMesh()

For i=0 To 19
	j = CreateSphere(10)
	scl# = Rnd(1,10)
	ScaleMesh j,scl,scl,scl
	PositionMesh j,Rnd(-20,20),-8+scl,Rnd(10,80)
	AddMesh j,arena
	FreeEntity j

For i=0 To 19
	j = CreateCube()
	scl# = Rnd(1,5)
	ScaleMesh j,scl,scl,scl
	PositionMesh j,Rnd(-20,20),-8+scl,Rnd(-10,-80)
	AddMesh j,arena
	FreeEntity j

For i=0 To 19
	j = CreateCylinder(10)
	scl# = Rnd(1,5)
	ScaleMesh j,scl,scl,scl
	PositionMesh j,Rnd(10,80),-8+scl,Rnd(-20,20)
	AddMesh j,arena
	FreeEntity j

; importante!!!
EntityPickMode arena,2
EntityShininess arena,0.2

p = CreateMirror()
p2 = CreatePlane(10,p)
EntityAlpha p2,0.75
PositionEntity p,0,-8,0
EntityPickMode p2,2

;Frame limiting code setup 
Global gameFPS 		= 30 
Global framePeriod 	= 1000 / gameFPS 
Global frameTime 	= MilliSecs () - framePeriod 
Global frameTween#  = 1.0

While Not KeyDown( 1 )

	; Frame limiting 
		frameElapsed = MilliSecs () - frameTime 
	Until frameElapsed 
	frameTicks = frameElapsed / framePeriod 
	frameTween# = Float (frameElapsed Mod framePeriod) / Float (framePeriod) 
	; Update game and world state 
	For frameLimit = 1 To frameTicks 
		If frameLimit = frameTicks Then CaptureWorld 
		frameTime = frameTime + framePeriod 
 	RenderWorld frameTween
	; FPS counter
	If Framecounter_time=0 Then Framecounter_time=MilliSecs()
	If Framecounter_time+1001 <MilliSecs() Then
	Color 255,255,255
	Text  10,10,Framecounter_framerate+" FPS"
	Text 480,10,"Singing in the rain"
	Text 424,25,"Created by Mikkel Fredborg"
	Text 490,40,"Use as you please!"



; Actual game loop
Function UpdateGame()
	If KeyDown(200) Then MoveEntity camera, 0, 0, 1
	If KeyDown(208) Then MoveEntity camera, 0, 0,-1
	If KeyDown(203) Then TurnEntity camera, 0, 2, 0
	If KeyDown(205) Then TurnEntity camera, 0,-2, 0
End Function

; Update the splashes
Function UpdateSplashes3D(cam,rainpercent)

	For s3d.splash3d = Each splash3d
		If s3d\active
			s3d\frame = s3d\frame + 0.75
			If s3d\frame < s3d\frames-1
				EntityTexture s3d\sprite,s3d\texture,s3d\frame
				s3d\active = False
				HideEntity s3d\sprite
			End If
			If Rand(100)<rainpercent
				If CameraPick(cam,Rand(GraphicsWidth()),Rand(GraphicsHeight()))
					If PickedNY()>0.25
						s3d\x = PickedX()
						s3d\y = PickedY()
						s3d\z = PickedZ()
						s3d\frame = 0
						s3d\active = True
						tmp# = Rnd(2,4)
						ScaleSprite	   s3d\sprite,Rnd(2,4)*PickedNY(),Rnd(2,4)*PickedNY()
						PositionEntity s3d\sprite,s3d\x,s3d\y,s3d\z
						ShowEntity	   s3d\sprite
						; add a wave sprite if it is on a flat area
						If PickedNY()>0.75
						End If
					End If
				End If
			End If
		End If
End Function

; Spawn a water ring
Function SpawnRing3D(x#,y#,z#,nx#,ny#,nz#)
	For t3d.ring3d = Each ring3d
		If t3d\active = False
			t3d\x = x#
			t3d\y = y#+0.05
			t3d\z = z#

			t3d\frame = 0
			t3d\active = True
			tmp# = Rnd(4,7)
			ScaleSprite    t3d\sprite,tmp*ny,tmp*ny
			PositionEntity t3d\sprite,t3d\x,t3d\y,t3d\z
			ShowEntity	   t3d\sprite
			AlignToVector  t3d\sprite,nx,ny,nz,0
		End If
End Function

; Update the water rings
Function UpdateRings3D()

	For t3d.ring3d = Each ring3d
		If t3d\active
			t3d\frame = t3d\frame + 0.5
			If t3d\frame < t3d\frames-1
				EntityTexture t3d\sprite,t3d\texture,t3d\frame
				t3d\active = False
				HideEntity t3d\sprite
			End If
		End If
End Function

; Update the rain sprites
Function UpdateRain3D(cam,maxdist#)

	For r3d.rain3d = Each rain3d
		If r3d\active
			r3d\x = r3d\x + r3d\sx	
			r3d\y = r3d\y + r3d\sy
			r3d\z = r3d\z + r3d\sz

			PositionEntity r3d\sprite,r3d\x,r3d\y,r3d\z	
			If EntityY(r3d\sprite)<-20
				r3d\active = False
				HideEntity r3d\sprite
			End If
			d#  = Rnd(5,maxdist)
			d2# = Rnd(-50,50)
			r3d\x = EntityX(cam,True) - (Sin(EntityYaw(cam,True)+d2)*d)
			r3d\y = EntityY(cam,True) + d
			r3d\z = EntityZ(cam,True) + (Cos(EntityYaw(cam,True)+d2)*d)

			r3d\sx = Rnd(-0.1,0.1)
			r3d\sy = Rnd(-RainSpeed,-RainSpeed*0.75)
			r3d\sz = Rnd(-0.1,0.1)
			r3d\active = True
			ShowEntity r3d\sprite
		End If	
End Function

; Create some sprites for the splashes
Function CreateSplashes3D(amount,tex,texframes)

	For i = 0 To amount-1
		s3d.splash3d = New splash3d
		s3d\sprite   = CreateSprite()
		s3d\texture  = tex
		s3d\frames	 = texframes
		s3d\frame	 = Rand(s3d\frames)
		s3d\x		 = Rnd(-3.0,3.0)
		s3d\y		 = Rnd(-3.0,3.0)
		s3d\z		 = Rnd(-3.0,3.0)

		s3d\active	 = False
		EntityTexture s3d\sprite,s3d\texture,s3d\frame
		EntityFX	  s3d\sprite,1+8
		EntityBlend   s3d\sprite,3
		EntityColor   s3d\sprite,envr,envg,envb
		EntityAlpha   s3d\sprite,0.5
		PositionEntity s3d\sprite,s3d\x,s3d\y,s3d\z
		ScaleSprite	   s3d\sprite,3,3
		HandleSprite   s3d\sprite,0,-0.1
		HideEntity	   s3d\sprite

End Function

; Create some sprites for the water rings
Function CreateRings3D(amount,tex,texframes)

	For i = 0 To amount-1
		t3d.ring3d   = New ring3d
		t3d\sprite   = CreateSprite()
		t3d\texture  = tex
		t3d\frames	 = texframes
		t3d\frame	 = Rand(t3d\frames)
		t3d\x		 = Rnd(-3.0,3.0)
		t3d\y		 = Rnd(-3.0,3.0)
		t3d\z		 = Rnd(-3.0,3.0)

		t3d\active	 = False
		EntityTexture t3d\sprite,t3d\texture,t3d\frame
		EntityFX	  t3d\sprite,1+8+16
		EntityBlend   t3d\sprite,3
		EntityColor   t3d\sprite,envr,envg,envb
		EntityAlpha   t3d\sprite,0.5
		PositionEntity t3d\sprite,t3d\x,t3d\y,t3d\z
		ScaleSprite	   t3d\sprite,5,5
		HideEntity	   t3d\sprite
		SpriteViewMode t3d\sprite,2

End Function

; Create some rain sprites
Function CreateRain3D(amount,tex)
	For i = 0 To amount-1
		r3d.rain3d = New rain3d
		r3d\sprite = CreateSprite()

		r3d\x	   = 0.0
		r3d\y	   = -20.0
		r3d\z	   = 0.0

		r3d\sx	   = 0.0
		r3d\sy	   = -Rnd(-RainSpeed,-RainSpeed*0.75)
		r3d\sz	   = 0.0

		EntityTexture r3d\sprite,tex
		EntityFX 	  r3d\sprite,1+8
		EntityBlend	  r3d\sprite,3

		EntityColor   r3d\sprite,envr,envg,envb
		EntityAlpha   r3d\sprite,0.25
		ScaleSprite   r3d\sprite,5,5
		SpriteViewMode r3d\sprite,4

End Function

; Create a simple texture for the rain sprites
Function CreateRainTexture(drops,size)
	rtex = CreateTexture(size,size,0)
	gbuff = GraphicsBuffer()

	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(rtex)
	For i=0 To drops-1
		l  = Rand(5,40)
		l2 = l/2
		x  = Rand(TextureWidth(rtex))
		y  = Rand(TextureHeight(rtex))
		For j=0 To l-1
			grey = (1.0-Abs(Float(j-l2)/Float(l2)))*255
			Color grey,grey,grey
			y2 = (y+j) Mod (TextureHeight(rtex)-1)
			Plot x,y2

	SetBuffer gbuff

	Return rtex
End Function

; Create an animated texture for the water rings
Function CreateRingTexture(drops,size,frames)
	Local sizeratio#  = Float(size)/128.0
	Local frameratio# = Float(frames)/100.0
	Local framestep   = 100/frames
	Local nextframe   = 0
	Local texframe	  = 0
	Local size2#	  = size/2
	Local draw		  = False
	For i=0 To drops-1
		s.splashtex = New splashtex
		tmp1# = Rnd(-2.0*sizeratio,2.0*sizeratio)
		tmp2# = Rnd(0,360)
		s\x    = size2 + (Cos(tmp2)*tmp1)
		s\y    = size2 + (Sin(tmp2)*tmp1)
		s\sx   = Rnd(0.0          , 2.0*sizeratio)
		s\sy   = Rnd(1.0*sizeratio, 2.5*sizeratio)
		s\c	   = Rnd(0.1,1.0)
		s\ox   = s\x
		s\oy   = s\y

	rtex = CreateTexture(size,size,0,frames)
	gbuff = GraphicsBuffer()

	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(rtex)
	For f=0 To 99
		If f = nextframe 
			SetBuffer TextureBuffer(rtex,texframe)
			nextframe = nextframe + framestep
			texframe  = texframe + 1
			draw = True
			draw = False
		End If
		For s.splashtex = Each splashtex
			s\sx = s\sx + s\sy
			s\sy = s\sy * 0.99 
			If s\sx>size2 Then s\sx = size2
			If draw
				mul# = (Sqr((s\sx - size2)*(s\sx - size2))/size2)
				If mul<0 Then mul = 0
				grey = (Float(99-f) / 99.0) * 255 * mul * s\c
				Color grey,grey,grey
				Oval s\x-(s\sx/2),s\y-(s\sx/2),s\sx,s\sx,False
			End If
	For s.splashtex = Each splashtex
		Delete s
	SetBuffer gbuff
	Return rtex

End Function

; Create an animated texture for the water splashes
Function CreateSplashTexture(drops,size,frames)
	Local sizeratio#  = Float(size)/128.0
	Local frameratio# = Float(frames)/100.0
	Local framestep   = 100/frames
	Local nextframe   = 0
	Local texframe	  = 0
	Local size2#	  = size/2
	Local draw		  = False
	For i=0 To drops-1
		s.splashtex = New splashtex
		tmp1# = Rnd(-16.0*sizeratio,16.0*sizeratio)
		tmp2# = Rnd(0,360)
		s\x    = size2 + (Cos(tmp2)*tmp1)
		s\y    = size2 + (Sin(tmp2)*tmp1)
		s\sx   = Rnd(-1.0*sizeratio, 1.0*sizeratio)
		s\sy   = Rnd(-1.2*sizeratio,-0.5*sizeratio)
		s\c	   = Rnd(0.1,1.0)
		s\ox   = s\x
		s\oy   = s\y

	stex = CreateTexture(size,size,0,frames)

	gbuff = GraphicsBuffer()

	For f=0 To 99
		If f = nextframe 
			SetBuffer TextureBuffer(stex,texframe)
			nextframe = nextframe + framestep
			texframe  = texframe + 1
			draw = True
			draw = False
		End If
		For s.splashtex = Each splashtex
			s\x = s\x + s\sx
			s\y = s\y + s\sy
			s\sy = s\sy + (0.02 * sizeratio)
			s\sx = s\sx * 0.99 
			If s\x<0      Then s\x = 0
			If s\x>size-1 Then s\x = size-1
			If s\y<0      Then s\y = 0
			If s\y>size-1 Then s\y = size-1			
			If draw
				mul# = 1.0 - (Sqr( (s\x - size2)*(s\x - size2) + (s\y - size2)*(s\y - size2))/size2)
				If mul<0 Then mul = 0
				grey = (Float(99-f) / 99.0) * 255 * mul * s\c
				Color grey,grey,grey
				Line s\x,s\y,s\ox,s\oy
				s\ox = s\x
				s\oy = s\y
			End If
	For s.splashtex = Each splashtex
		Delete s
	SetBuffer gbuff
	Return stex
End Function


Pete Carter2004
great example i loved the effect in mgs 2 and you have recreated it really well. any chance of the same sort of effect but smaller and that looks good in a rts style game with the camera at about 45 degrees. im making a syndicate style game and rain would look great.

Boiled Sweets2006

Very nice

Very nice, slightly tweaked the speed/spread :

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