Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/move object shadow along terrains

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move object shadow along terrains by Wiebo2002
You can use this code to put a shadow texture on a terrain. This eliminates the problems we all have with shadows put on meshes which 'hug' the terrain, as these cannot handle the sometimes extreme angles on terrains.

Ideally you would use a colormap to texture the terrain, a lightmap to provide the terrain shade, and then this texture to provide the object shadows.
Note that you can scale the texture to your liking.

Combined with Norc's realtime shadow code and my 'static shadows for terrains' code you will have great shadows when working with terrains... Enjoy!

; use cursor keys (left right) to move ball.
; watch the shadow!

Graphics3D 800,600,32
SetBuffer BackBuffer ()

EditCam = CreateCamera ()
PositionEntity EditCam, -2,4,-2
RotateEntity EditCam, 20, -45, 0

; create terrain. provide your own bitmap
terrain = LoadTerrain ("d:\blitz\3d\heli\editor\maps\hmap.bmp")
terrain_scale = 1

ScaleEntity terrain, terrain_scale, 16 ,terrain_scale

; colormap. provide your own texture
grasstex = LoadTexture ("d:\blitz\3d\heli\editor\maps\hmap_tex2.bmp")

; create shadow texture. clamp uv so texture doesn't repeat
shadowtex = CreateTexture (128,128, 1+16+32+256)

; create texture
ClsColor 255,255,255
Color 100,100,100
Oval 2, 2, 124, 124, 1
CopyRect 0,0,128,128,0,0, BackBuffer(), TextureBuffer(shadowtex)

; apply textures to terrain.
EntityTexture terrain, grasstex, 0, 0
EntityTexture terrain, shadowtex, 0, 1
TextureBlend grasstex, 1

; make a test object
testbal = CreateSphere()
PositionEntity testbal, 2, 4, 2
ScaleEntity testbal, 0.5,0.5,0.5

; set scale of shadowtexture
tex_scale# = 2
ScaleTexture shadowtex, tex_scale,tex_scale

; set initial uv values of shadowtexture. put it underneath our entity.
; uv 0,0 is topleft of terrain, while worldspace 0,0 is bottomleft of terrain. so we need some offsets.
; note that x and z in these variables is really u and v. I just named them x and z so they match my entity
; position naming

tex_xpos# = (EntityX(testbal) - (tex_scale / 2)) / tex_scale
tex_zpos# = (TerrainSize(terrain) - EntityZ(testbal) - (tex_scale / 2)) / tex_scale
PositionTexture shadowtex, tex_xpos, tex_zpos

While Not KeyHit(1)

	If KeyDown (203)
		TranslateEntity testbal, -0.1, 0, 0

		; add xspeed divided by texscale divided by terrain x size
		tex_xpos = tex_xpos - (0.1 / tex_scale) / terrain_scale
		PositionTexture shadowtex, tex_xpos , tex_zpos
	If KeyDown (205)
		TranslateEntity testbal, 0.1, 0, 0

		; add xspeed divided by texscale divided by terrain z size
		tex_xpos = tex_xpos + (0.1 / tex_scale) / terrain_scale
		PositionTexture shadowtex, tex_xpos , tex_zpos




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