Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/2D-to-3D entity positioning (or something)

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2D-to-3D entity positioning (or something) by BlitzSupport2002
Takes 2D screen co-ordinates and positions an entity directly in line with them at its current z position. This will make sense when you try it ;)

UPDATED: Now corrects properly for camera position, plus a spiffy demo that might give 'world-builder' builders a few clues :)
; Most of this is unnecessary to use PositionEntityFrom2D () -- it's all just
; part of the spiffy demo :)

AppTitle "PositionEntityFrom2D..."
Graphics3D 640, 480

cam = CreateCamera ()
CameraRange cam, 0.1, 1000

light = CreateLight ()
MoveEntity light, -50, 25, -10
PointEntity light, cam

point = CreateSphere ()
EntityColor point, 255, 0, 0
PositionEntity point, 1, -4, 15
EntityPickMode point, 2

cube = CreateCube ()
ScaleMesh cube, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
EntityColor cube, 255, 255, 0
PositionEntity cube, 5, 2, 5
EntityPickMode cube, 2

cone = CreateCone ()
ScaleMesh cone, 0.75, 0.75, 0.75
EntityColor cone, 0, 255, 0
PositionEntity cone, -5, -2, 10
EntityPickMode cone, 2

MoveMouse GraphicsWidth () / 2, GraphicsHeight () / 2


	If picked = False
		If KeyDown (203) TurnEntity cam, 0, 1, 0, 1
		If KeyDown (205) TurnEntity cam, 0, -1, 0, 1
		If KeyDown (200) TurnEntity cam, 1, 0, 0
		If KeyDown (208) TurnEntity cam, -1, 0, 0
		If KeyDown (30) MoveEntity cam, 0, 0, 0.1
		If KeyDown (44) MoveEntity cam, 0, 0, -0.1
		If KeyDown (30) MoveEntity picked, 0, 0, 0.1
		If KeyDown (44) MoveEntity picked, 0, 0, -0.1
	mx = MouseX ()
	my = MouseY ()

	If MouseDown (1)
		If picked = False
			picked = CameraPick (cam, mx, my)
			If picked
				CameraProject cam, EntityX (picked, 1), EntityY (picked, 1), EntityZ (picked, 1)
				MoveMouse ProjectedX (), ProjectedY ()
			PositionEntityFrom2D (cam, picked, mx, my)
		picked = False

	If picked
		If EntityVisible (picked, cam)
			Color 255, 255, 255
			Color 127, 127, 127
		TriMesh cam, picked
	; Draw crosshair...
	Color 0, 0, 0: Line mx - 4, my, mx + 4, my: Line mx, my - 4, mx, my + 4
	Color 255, 255, 255: Line mx - 5, my - 1, mx + 3, my - 1: Line mx - 1, my - 5, mx - 1, my + 3

	Text 20, 20, "Move using cursors and A/Z"
	Text 20, 40, "Click/drag objects with mouse plus A & Z to alter objects' z depth..."
Until KeyHit (1)


; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; PositionEntityFrom2D ()
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Positions an entity at 3D x/y co-ords translated from given 2D co-ords, at
; specified z position. Useful for positioning an entity at mouse x/y position,
; at its current z depth...
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; entity is the entity to be positioned.
; x2d is the 2D x position you want translated to 3D.
; y2d is the 2D y position you want translated to 3D.
; z3d is the * 3D * z depth at which the translation should occur.
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
; positionGlobal defaults to false, as per PositionEntity.
; camZoom must be set manually if you've used CameraZoom to change it...
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Function PositionEntityFrom2D (usecam, entity, x2d#, y2d#, positionGlobal = 0, camZoom# = 1)
	gw = GraphicsWidth ()
	gh = GraphicsHeight ()
	x# = -((gw / 2) - x2d)
	y# = (gh / 2) - y2d
	parent = GetParent (entity)
	EntityParent entity, usecam
	z3d# = Abs (EntityZ (entity))
	div# = (gw / (2 / camzoom)) / z3d
	PositionEntity entity, x / div, y / div, z3d, positionGlobal
	EntityParent entity, parent
End Function

Function GlobalizeVertex (mesh, surface, index)
	vx# = VertexX (surface, index)
	vy# = VertexY (surface, index)
	vz# = VertexZ (surface, index)
	TFormPoint (vx, vy, vz, mesh, 0)
End Function

Function VertexGlobalX# ()
	Return TFormedX ()
End Function

Function VertexGlobalY# ()
	Return TFormedY ()
End Function

Function VertexGlobalZ# ()
	Return TFormedZ ()
End Function

Function VertexProject (usecam, mesh, surface, index)
	GlobalizeVertex (mesh, surface, index)
	CameraProject usecam, VertexGlobalX (), VertexGlobalY (), VertexGlobalZ ()
End Function

Function VertexScreenX ()
	Return ProjectedX ()
End Function

Function VertexScreenY ()
	Return ProjectedY ()
End Function

; Made possible thanks to SSwift and !

Function TriMesh (usecam, mesh)

	If EntityInView (mesh, usecam)

		For s = 1 To CountSurfaces (mesh)

			surf = GetSurface (mesh, s)

			; Parse each triangle in mesh...
			For t = 0 To CountTriangles (surf) - 1

				; Get triangle's vertice positions... presumably these are
				; in anti-clockwise order (since it appears to work :)

				v0 = TriangleVertex (surf, t, 0)
				v1 = TriangleVertex (surf, t, 1)
				v2 = TriangleVertex (surf, t, 2)
				If BackFacing (surf, v0, v1, v2, mesh, usecam)

					; Get 2D position for each point of triangle...

					VertexProject (usecam, mesh, surf, v0)
					vx0 = VertexScreenX ()
					vy0 = VertexScreenY ()

					VertexProject (usecam, mesh, surf, v1)
					vx1 = VertexScreenX ()
					vy1 = VertexScreenY ()

					VertexProject (usecam, mesh, surf, v2)
					vx2 = VertexScreenX ()
					vy2 = VertexScreenY ()

					; Draw triangle...

					Line vx0, vy0, vx1, vy1
					Line vx1, vy1, vx2, vy2
					Line vx2, vy2, vx0, vy0	




End Function

Function BackFacing (surf, v0, v1, v2, mesh, camera)

    ;vertex position
    x0# = VertexX (surf, v0): y0# = VertexY (surf, v0): z0# = VertexZ (surf, v0)
    x1# = VertexX (surf, v1): y1# = VertexY (surf, v1): z1# = VertexZ (surf, v1)
    x2# = VertexX (surf, v2): y2# = VertexY (surf, v2): z2# = VertexZ (surf, v2)
    dx1# = x1 - x0: dy1# = y1 - y0: dz1# = z1 - z0
    dx2# = x2 - x0: dy2# = y2 - y0: dz2# = z2 - z0

    ;cross product
    cx# = dy1 * dz2 - dy2 * dz1
    cy# = dz1 * dx2 - dz2 * dx1
    cz# = dx1 * dy2 - dx2 * dy1
    sz# = Sqr (cx * cx + cy * cy + cz * cz)
    cx = cx / sz: cy = cy / sz: cz = cz / sz
    ;plane offset
    dt# = -(cx * x0 + cy * y0 + cz * z0)
    ;tranform eye to mesh coords
    TFormPoint 0, 0, 0, camera, mesh
    Return TFormedX () * cx + TFormedY () * cy + TFormedZ () * cz + dt > 0
End Function


Thanks James. Needed this for SpriteMaster.
Works a treat.

Excellent, I will be using this also.

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