Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/First Person Shooter Camera Control

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First Person Shooter Camera Control by *2002
This source code allows you to move and look around, jump, walk and fly. All I ask is if you use it please add me in the credits of your game, thanks.
; - Copyright ©2002 EdzUp
;	Coded by Ed Upton

;	For this demonstration you will need a terrain called LandBlue.bmp
;	and a stone.bmp texture, the terrain image could be any heightmap
;	and the stone.bmp could be any texture you want.

Graphics3D 640,480,16,2								;Initialise graphics
SetBuffer BackBuffer()								;Initialise double buffering

Global CamPivot = CreatePivot( )					;create camera pivot
Global Camera = CreateCamera( )						;create camera with CamPivot as parent

AmbientLight 255,255,255							;the the global light level to fullbright

Global Terrain = LoadTerrain( "LandBlur.bmp" )		;Load landblue.bmp terrain (this could be any terrain)
ScaleEntity Terrain, 8, 32, 8

Global Stone = LoadTexture( "stone.bmp" )			;terrain texture, this too can be any texture
EntityTexture Terrain, Stone

MoveEntity CamPivot,256,250,256						;Move camera above terrain

Global Gravity# = 0.16								;Game gravity
Global PlayerGravity# = 0.0							;current player gravity

EntityType CamPivot, 1
EntityRadius CamPivot, 1.5
EntityType Camera, 1
EntityRadius Camera, 1.5
EntityType Terrain, 2

Collisions 1, 2, 2, 3
Collisions 2, 1, 2, 3

Global FlyMode=0									;if 1 then flymode is on
Global WalkSpeed#=.5								;this handled the walking motion
Global Jumped=0										;Jump check

While Not KeyDown(1)						;main loop
	TurnEntity CamPivot, 0, 0 -MouseXSpeed(), 0		;left/right rotation
	TurnEntity Camera, MouseYSpeed(), 0, 0			;up/down rotation
	RotateEntity CamPivot, EntityPitch#( CamPivot ), EntityYaw#( CamPivot ), 0	;z roll correction
	MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2	;move mouse pointer to center of screen

	RotateEntity Camera, EntityPitch#( Camera ), EntityYaw#( CamPivot ), 0		;Z roll correction

	If KeyDown( 54 ) =1 							;Walk key (Right Shift)
		WalkSpeed# = .05
		WalkSpeed# = .5

	If KeyDown( 157 ) =1							;Fly mode (Right CTRL)

	If KeyDown( 57 ) =1 And Jumped =0				;Jump check
		PlayerGravity# = 2.5
		Jumped =1
	;Cursor keys for movement
	If FlyMode=0
		If KeyDown( 200 ) =1 Then MoveEntity CamPivot, 0, 0, WalkSpeed#
		If KeyDown( 208 ) =1 Then MoveEntity CamPivot, 0, 0, 0-WalkSpeed#
		PositionEntity Camera, EntityX#( CamPivot ), EntityY#( CamPivot ), EntityZ#( CamPivot )
		If KeyDown( 200 ) =1 Then MoveEntity Camera, 0, 0, WalkSpeed#
		If KeyDown( 208 ) =1 Then MoveEntity Camera, 0, 0, 0-WalkSpeed#
		PositionEntity CamPivot, EntityX#( Camera ), EntityY#( Camera ), EntityZ#( Camera )
	If KeyDown( 203 ) =1 Then MoveEntity CamPivot, -1, 0, 0
	If KeyDown( 205 ) =1 Then MoveEntity CamPivot, 1, 0, 0

	; ************* Gravity check *************
	If FlyMode=0
		If EntityCollided( CamPivot, 2)
			;do nothing if player is in contact with terrain
			PlayerGravity# = 0.0
			Jumped =0
			PlayerGravity# = PlayerGravity# - Gravity#
	; ******* END OF GRAVITY CHECK ************
	TranslateEntity CamPivot, 0, PlayerGravity#, 0	;move camera pivot according to current gravity force


I have a problem with this code in windowed mode with a mouse connected on the laptop. The camera mouse movement is broken then. It keeps moving the camera when you do not move the mouse.The touchpad mouse works fine. In fullscreen mode the error is not there either.

I have no idea what could be wrong other then that it must be a mouse problem.

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