Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/DigitText

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DigitText by markrosten2002
Want to display some graphics fonts in your 3d view, but don't want to use overlayed 2d?

These routines create and update a digit mesh which is essentially a flat mesh using seperate
surfaces to display your text for a given text string, using a loaded 2d font image for the

The example code shows how to set up your camera in order to get the screen positioning correct,
as the routines place the digit text mesh in relative 2d space. So you give the create routine 2d x
and y coordinates and a parent camera, and it places the entity at the correct position in 3d space
so that the digit mesh's text is the correct pixel size and position relative to your 2d screen.

The routine that determines which font image frame index to use expects your font image characters
to be ordered in a certain order. Here is the order:
Index Character
----- ---------
0 ,
1 -
2 .
3 /
4 :
5 =
6 ?
7 0
8 1
9-16 2-9
17 A
18-43 B-Z

You can of course just change the UpdateDigitText() function to use a different frame index list
for your font, which you will need to do anyway to use characters not covered by my font.

You can download a font image example here:

If you have any problems of questions on this code, feel free to email them to me.

Mark Rosten
;digit sprites for HUD
;by Mark Rosten

Graphics3D 640,480				;for example only. not needed

;=================================== declares

;-- hud digit text declares
Global digitbrush, digitbrushblank
Global digitlasttxt$

;-- load texture font frames
Global fonttexwidth = 16
Global fonttexheight = 16
Global fonttexture = LoadAnimTexture( "digifont.png", 4+16+32, fonttexwidth, fonttexheight, 0, 43 ) 
If fonttexture = 0 Then RuntimeError( "File 'digifont.png' not found!" )

;=================================== functions

;------------- create digit entity (for hud display text)
Function CreateDigitEntity( parent, numdigits, x, y, CamZoom#=1.0 )

	;-- create work brushes?
	If Not digitbrush
		; create work brushes
		digitbrush = CreateBrush()
		digitbrushblank = CreateBrush()

		; clear blank digit brush texture
		; (reset all pixels in texture to alpha 0, colour 0,0,0 )
		tex = CreateTexture(1,1,4)
		SetBuffer TextureBuffer(tex)
		For ty=0 To TextureHeight(tex)-1
			For tx=0 To TextureWidth(tex)-1
				WritePixel tx,ty,0
		SetBuffer BackBuffer()

		; assign blank alpha'ed texture to blank work brush
		BrushTexture digitbrushblank, tex

		; release texture
		FreeTexture tex

	;-- create digit mesh
	ent = CreateDigitMesh( numdigits, parent )

	;-- adjust start position y by font height
	y = y + fonttexheight

	;-- set entity properties
	EntityFX ent, 1+4+8 ;full bright, flatshaded, disable fog
	EntityOrder ent, -1 ;bring to front

	;-- position entity relative to camera
	;   (if you have multiple cameras then you will need to hide the digit entity before
	;    rendering the cameras that you don't want the digit entity visible in)
	PositionEntity ent,x-(GraphicsWidth()/2),(GraphicsHeight()/2)-y,(GraphicsWidth()/2) * CamZoom#

	;un-comment this to ignore the positioning in 2d space and view as normal mesh
	;PositionEntity ent, -50, 0, 100 

	;-- return newly created entity
	Return ent

End Function

;------------- create digit mesh (quads joined together. one surf per quad)
Function CreateDigitMesh( numdigits=1, parent )

	;-- create mesh
	mesh = CreateMesh( parent )

	;-- determine x and y sizes for single digit segment
	xsiz = fonttexwidth-1
	ysiz = fonttexheight-1

	;-- create seperate quad per digit segment
	For digit = 1 To numdigits

		; create a surface for this quad
		surf = CreateSurface( mesh )

		; create corner vertices for quad
		v0 = AddVertex( surf, x, ysiz, 0, 0, 0 )		;top left
		v1 = AddVertex( surf, x+xsiz, ysiz, 0, 1, 0 )	;top right
		v2 = AddVertex( surf, x+xsiz, 0, 0, 1, 1 )		;bottom right
		v3 = AddVertex( surf, x, 0, 0, 0, 1 )			;bottom left

		; create 2 triangles to create quad
		AddTriangle surf, v0, v1, v2
		AddTriangle surf, v0, v2, v3

		; increment x start position for next quad
		x = x + xsiz


	;-- update normals (not sure if needed)
	UpdateNormals mesh

	;-- return newly created mesh
	Return mesh

End Function

;------------- update surface textures for digit mesh to show text
Function UpdateDigitText( ent, txt$, newx=-999, newy=-999, camzoom#=1.0 )

	;-- change in position?
	If newx <> -999
		If newx <> digitlastx Or newy <> digitlasty
			PositionEntity ent,newx-(GraphicsWidth()/2),(GraphicsHeight()/2)-newy,(GraphicsWidth()/2) * CamZoom#

	;-- if no change in text since last call, then don't need to do anything
	If txt$ = digitlasttxt$ Then Return

	;-- store this text
	digitlasttxt$ = txt$

	;-- convert to uppercase
	txt$ = Upper$(txt$)

	;-- texture digits 1 to length of passed text
	For i = 1 To Len(txt$)

		; only texture available surfaces
		If i <= CountSurfaces( ent )

			; get this digit's surface handle
			surf = GetSurface( ent, i )

			; determine texture frame
			; (this is based on layout of font image loaded)
			f = 0
			Select Mid$(txt$,i,1)
				Case ","
					f = 0
				Case "-"
					f = 1
				Case "."
					f = 2
				Case "/"
					f = 3
				Case ":"
					f = 4
				Case "="
					f = 5
				Case "?"
					f = 6
				Case "0","1","2","3","4","5","6","7","8","9"
					f = Int(Mid$(txt$,i,1))+7
					If Mid$(txt$,i,1) >= "A" And Mid$(txt$,i,1) <= "Z"
						f = (Asc(Mid$(txt$,i,1)) - 64) + 16
			End Select

			; set brush texture and paint surface with it?
			If f > 0
				BrushTexture digitbrush, fonttexture, f
				PaintSurface surf, digitbrush
				; no available font character for this digit. so use blank digit
				PaintSurface surf, digitbrushblank
			; text exceeds number of surfaces in digit mesh, so exit loop

	;-- clear remaining digits?
	If Len(txt$) < CountSurfaces( ent )

		; go through remaining digit surfaces..
		For i = Len(txt$)+1 To CountSurfaces( ent )
			; get this digit's surface handle
			surf = GetSurface( ent, i )

			; use blank digit for this surface
			PaintSurface surf, digitbrushblank


End Function

;=================================== example usage
;                                    (remove this section when copying in to your program)

;create light
light = CreateLight()			;for test only. not needed

;initialise camera
camera = CreateCamera()
camzoom# = 1.0
CameraZoom camera,camzoom#
CameraRange camera,1,((GraphicsWidth()/2) * camzoom#)+1000

;setup digit mesh (8 digits in this example)
numdigits = 14
mydigit_entity = CreateDigitEntity( camera, numdigits, 64, 64, camzoom# )

;create cube to rotate in front of camera
cube = CreateCube()
EntityColor cube, 128,0,0
PositionEntity cube, 0, 0, 5

;render loop
While Not KeyHit(1)
	test$ = Str$(cnt) : cnt = cnt + 1
	If Len(test$) < numdigits Then test$ = String$("0",8-Len(test$)) + test$
	test$ = "Test "+test$

	;if mouse button then pass new x/y 2d coordinates to fuction
	;otherwise just update digit text
	If MouseDown(1) And detach=False
		UpdateDigitText( mydigit_entity, test$, MouseX(), MouseY(), camzoom# )
		UpdateDigitText( mydigit_entity, test$ )

	;turn dummy cube
	TurnEntity cube, .5, 1, .5

	;toggle wireframe on W key
	If KeyHit(17)
		showwire = Not showwire
		WireFrame showwire

	;toggle digit text detach from camera
	If KeyHit(57)
		detach = Not detach
		If detach
			EntityParent mydigit_entity, cube
			PositionEntity mydigit_entity, 0, 0, 10
			EntityParent mydigit_entity, camera
			RotateEntity mydigit_entity, 0, 0, 0
			UpdateDigitText( mydigit_entity, test$, 64, 64, camzoom# )

	;update and render world

	;instructions text
	Text 0,0,"Hold mouse button to move digit text in 2d space"
	Text 0,12,"Press W to toggle wireframe mode"
	Text 0,24,"Press SPACE to toggle digit text attachment to camera or cube"




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