Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/3D Water Waves

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3D Water Waves by Santiworld2016
This is the 3dwater i create for my project
i create a mesh with hi-poly detail in center, and low-poly detail far of the center of the mesh

like Terrain mesh, you see highdetail near of the camera
the idea is you move the water with the camera pivot.

media and .bb file


Graphics3D 1024,768,0,2
Const eo# = .01 ;escala objetos
Const ee# = .01 ;escala escenarios

Global mx#,my#,mhl,mhc,mhr,mdc,mdl,mdr,mxs#,mys#,mzs#,mun$,accion$,mx1,my1,mzsv#,mlcv#,mrcv#,mouse_over$,last_mouse_over$,l_mdl

;! Create water 3d
Global mesh_agua = LoadMesh("objetos\agua\aguacurva3.b3d")
EntityPickMode mesh_agua,2
EntityFX mesh_agua,2
EntityShininess mesh_agua,.3
EntityColor mesh_agua,255,255,255
Global t_cube_map = LoadTexture("objetos\agua\cubemap2.jpg",64)
EntityTexture mesh_agua,t_cube_map,0,2
Global t_espuma = LoadAnimTexture("wateranim.bmp",256,124,124,0,25)
ScaleTexture t_espuma,.02,.02
TextureBlend t_espuma,3
Global t_e_frame
Global t_rio = LoadTexture("objetos\agua\waterhi2.jpg")
TextureBlend t_rio,2
te# = .06
ScaleTexture t_rio,te,te

;! Create camera
Global cam = CreateCamera()
PositionEntity cam,10,10,20
CameraClsColor cam,150,160,255
CameraFogColor cam,150,160,200
CameraFogMode cam,1
CameraFogRange cam,1,5000
CameraRange cam,1,100000

;! Create ambient sounds
;Global oido = CreatePivot(cam)
;CreateListener  oido,.1,0,1
;Global ps_agua = CreatePivot(cam)
;Global s_agua = Load3DSound("sonidos\oleaje suave.mp3")
;LoopSound s_agua
;Global c_agua = EmitSound(s_agua,ps_agua)
;SoundVolume s_agua,.1
;ChannelPitch c_agua,22000
;ChannelVolume c_agua,.051

;! Create ships
Type barco
	Field pivot
	Field entidad
	Field r#[3]
	Field v#[3]
End Type

nombre$ = "puma26"
b.barco = New barco
b\pivot = CreatePivot()
b\entidad = CreateCube(b\pivot);LoadMesh("objetos\barcos\"+nombre$+"\"+nombre$+".b3d",b\pivot)
ScaleEntity b\entidad,4,4,8
UpdateNormals b\entidad

;! Create light
sol = CreateLight(1)
PositionEntity sol,200,100,0
PointEntity sol,b\pivot


While Not KeyHit(1)
	If KeyDown(57) Then
		WireFrame 1
		WireFrame 0
	End If
	PointEntity cam,mesh_agua
	If mdr Then
		;MoveMouse -MouseXSpeed(),-MouseYSpeed()
	End If
	If mdr Then
		MoveEntity cam,mxs*.05,mys*-.05,mzs*5
		MoveMouse 500,400
	End If
	PointEntity cam,mesh_agua
	Color 255,255,255
	Text 10,10, "3D Waves by Santiago Gonzalez."
	Text 10,30, "SPACE - Wireframe
	Text 10,50, "MOUSE DOWN RIGHT : Mouse move camera"
	Text 10,70, "Change the configuration of waves with the mouse"
	Text 10,90, "Try Others .b3d water : aguacurva(1,2,3,4,5,6).b3d or aguarrecta(1 or 2).b3d"
	Text 10,110, "i make diferents mesh to test results.


Function wave_mesh()
	surf_agua = GetSurface (mesh_agua,1)
	t_e_frame = (t_e_frame + 1) Mod 23
	EntityTexture mesh_agua,t_espuma,t_e_frame,3
	vert = CountVertices(surf_agua)
	tri = CountTriangles(surf_agua)
	fdx# = 5
	fdy# = 1
	fdz# = 11
	wtipe = 0
	alpha# = 1
	f_alt# = 5
	For b.boton = Each boton
		If b\texto = "Vel" Then f_vel# = b\val
		If b\texto = "Alt" Then f_alt# = b\val
		If b\texto = "fdx" Then fdx# = b\val
		If b\texto = "fdy" Then fdy# = b\val
		If b\texto = "fdz" Then fdz# = b\val
		If b\texto = "Wtype" Then wtipe = b\val
		If b\texto = "Waves" Then waves = b\val
		If b\texto = "Alpha" Then alpha# = b\val
	f_alt# = 3
	For v = 0 To vert-1
		If wtipe = 1 Then
			z# = VertexZ(surf_agua,v)
			y# = VertexY(surf_agua,v) 
			x# = VertexX(surf_agua,v) 
			For w = 1 To waves
				dir = w * 30
				y = y+Sin(dir+(z*waves*fdz+((x+waves)*fdy)+(MilliSecs()*f_vel)))* f_alt 
				x# = VertexX(surf_agua,v) + Cos((z*fdx)+MilliSecs()*f_vel)*.1
			y# = y# - (y *.6)
			VertexCoords (surf_agua,v,x,y,z)
			;VertexColor surf_agua,v,100-(y*fy),100-(y*fy),250,alpha
		End If
		If wtipe = 2 Then
			z# = VertexZ(surf_agua,v)
			y# = VertexY(surf_agua,v) + Sin((v*fdz)+(MilliSecs()*f_vel))*.01
			x# = VertexX(surf_agua,v) + Cos((z*fdx)+MilliSecs()*f_vel)*.002
			For w = 1 To waves
				y# =  Sin((z+x)*fdy+(dir+MilliSecs()*f_vel))*f_alt
				dir = w * 30
			VertexCoords (surf_agua,v,x,y,z)
			VertexColor surf_agua,v,100-(y*fy),100-(y*fy),250,alpha
		End If
	UpdateNormals mesh_agua
End Function

Type boton 
	Field nombre$
	Field texto$
	Field val#
	Field max#
	Field min#
	Field tipo
	Field cat
End Type

Function crear_botones()
	new_boton ("","Direction",0,0,360,1,1)
	new_boton ("","WZize",100,10,1000,1,1)
	new_boton ("","Wtype",1,0,10,2,1)
	new_boton ("","Waves",1,1,10,2,1)
	new_boton ("","Vel",.1,0,10,1,1)
	new_boton ("","Alt",1,0,10,1,1)
	new_boton ("","fdx",5,0,100,1,1)
	new_boton ("","fdy",1,0,100,1,1)
	new_boton ("","fdz",11,0,100,1,1)
	new_boton ("","",11,0,10,1,1)
	new_boton ("","Alpha",1,0,1,1,1)
End Function

Function water_conf()
	Color 255,255,255
	For b.boton = Each boton
		If Abs(my-y) < 10 Then
			Color 255,255,0
			If b\tipo = 1 Then b\val = b\val + mzs*b\val*.1
			If b\tipo = 2 Then b\val = Int(b\val + mzs)
			Color 0,0,0
		End If
		If b\val > b\max Then b\val = b\max
		If b\val < b\min Then b\val = b\min
		Text x,y,b\texto
		Text x2,y,b\val
End Function

Function new_boton(nombre$,texto$,val#,min#,max#,tipo,cat)
	b.boton = New boton
	b\nombre$ = nombre$
	b\texto$ = texto$
	b\val# = val#
	b\min# = min#
	b\max# = max#
	b\tipo = tipo
	b\cat = cat
End Function

Function update_mouse()
	l_mdl = mdl
	mhl = MouseHit(1) ;Or JoyHit(1,0)
	mhr = MouseHit(2) ;Or JoyHit(2,0)
	mhc = MouseHit(3) ;Or JoyHit(1,0)
	mx# = MouseX()
	my# = MouseY()
	mz# = MouseZ()
	mxs# = MouseXSpeed() 
	mys# = MouseYSpeed() 
	mzs# = MouseZSpeed()
	mdl = MouseDown(1) ;Or JoyDown(1,0)
	mdr = MouseDown(2) ;Or JoyDown(2,0)
	mdc = MouseDown(3) ;Or KeyDown(56); Or JoyDown(3,0)
	If mdl = 0  Then 
		mx1 = mx
		my1 = my
	End If
	pick = CameraPick(cam,mx,my)
	If mdr = 1 Or mdc = 1 Then
		MoveMouse gancho*.5,galto*.5
	End If
End Function

Function update_barcos()
	For b.barco = Each barco
		pick = LinePick( EntityX(b\pivot,1),100,EntityZ(b\pivot,1),0,-200,0,1)
		nx# = PickedNX()
		ny# = PickedNY()
		nz# = PickedNZ()
		y# = PickedY()
		ys# = EntityY(b\pivot,1)
		flotacion# = .0005
		gravedad#= .0005
		If y > ys Then
			b\v[1] = b\v[1] + flotacion
			b\v[1] = b\v[1] - gravedad
		End If
		rv# = .999
		rr# = .999
		av# = 100
		b\r[0] = b\r[0] + nx * av
		b\r[1] = b\r[1] + ny * av
		b\r[2] = b\r[2] + nz * av
		For i = 0 To 2
			b\v[i] = b\v[i] * rv
			b\r[i] = b\v[i] * rr
		AlignToVector b\pivot,nx,ny,nz,2,.05
		b\r[1] = .2
		b\v[2] = .05
		TurnEntity b\pivot,b\r[0],b\r[1],b\r[2]
		TranslateEntity b\pivot,b\v[0],b\v[1],0
		MoveEntity b\pivot,0,0,b\v[2]
		PositionEntity b\pivot,EntityX(b\pivot,1),y,EntityZ(b\pivot,1)
End Function


Really nice!

Rick Nasher2016
Really good stuff + not that slow actually!

you welcome!

maibe someone can find the way to make vertex manipulation more faster.

Guy Fawkes2016
that would be lovely! =) It would also be lovely if there was absolutely 0 texture on the water, & a reflection of objects / surroundings! =)



You can find a similar code in the cubemap demo

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