Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Free third-person camera .

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Free third-person camera . by Yue2015
This code can rotate around a mesh , and the mouse wheel over and out.
; Code Free Camera.
; ====================
Graphics3D ( 800, 600, 32, 2)
SetBuffer ( BackBuffer())

; Variables Free Camera.
Local  distCamera       = 200
Local  mouseVel#       	= 0.5 
Local  suaveCamara# 	= 4.5

Local mxs#
Local mys#
Local camxa# 
Local camya#

; Escene.
Local Luz%    = CreateLight()
Local Camera% = CreateCamera() ; Camera.
Local Cubo%   = CreateCube()   ; Player.
ScaleMesh Cubo%, 25, 25, 25

; Bucle.
While Not KeyHit(1)
        ; camera look
	If MouseDown(2) Then
		distCamera% = distCamera% + (MouseYSpeed() * mouseVel#)
		If distCamera% < 200 Then distCamera% = 200
		If distCamera% > 500 Then distCamera% = 500
		MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2
		mxs# = CurveValue(MouseXSpeed() * mouseVel#, mxs, suaveCamara#)
		mys# = CurveValue(MouseYSpeed() * mouseVel#, mys, suaveCamara#)
		camxa# = camxa - mxs Mod 360
		camya# = camya + mys
		If camya < -45  Then camya = -45
		If camya > 45 Then camya = 45
		distCamera% = distCamera% + (MouseZSpeed() * 3)
		MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2
		RotateEntity Camera%, camya, camxa, 0.0
		If distCamera% < 200 Then distCamera% = 200
		If distCamera% > 500 Then distCamera% = 500
	PositionEntity Camera%, EntityX(Cubo%),  EntityY(Cubo%), EntityZ(Cubo%)
	MoveEntity Camera%, 0, 0, -distCamera%

; Camara libre.
; ===============
Function CurveValue#(newvalue#, oldvalue#, increments)
	If increments >  1 Then oldvalue# = oldvalue# - (oldvalue# - newvalue#) / increments 
	If increments <= 1 Then oldvalue# = newvalue# 
	Return oldvalue# 
End Function


Rick Nasher2015
Hi Yue, always nice to see a contribution. Looks interesting. However it doesn't run straight from the box as some code is missing.

I did not go through entire code for I am in bed with a headache (have the flue), so I am bit lazy at the moment.

Would help if you made it procedural with cube or sphere for player etc, so could see how good it works.


Here is a sample video of how it works. :)

Edit: Update Code first post.

Rick Nasher2015
Nice. Moves like as in a 3d modeling program.

Also good for in a world editor if adding a key to drop the model onto the terrain and keys to flip through different models. Thanks for sharing.

That fixed it.

Not asking for a type now.


Nice example, but not sure why you use a scale so big (*10 ?)

Your example with a normal scale and some markers on the ground to see what is going on :

Also you should consider to add a eye pivot near the point of view of your character/vehicle, set as a child of the feet/root, so that when you zoom in, the view goes near the eyes, not near the feet/root...

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