Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/(Blitz3dSDK) PNG Texture Colorizer And Alpha Modifier

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(Blitz3dSDK) PNG Texture Colorizer And Alpha Modifier by JesseJoh2013
I'm pretty proud of this one - even though it's small, it works well with the Blitz3DSdK.

Basically you pass the function a texture, and values to add or subtract from each of the channels. If you were to enter -20 for the blue and green channels, your texture would become redder. Just like with other Blitz3D commands such as TurnEntity - entering 0 for a modifier value will induce no change on that channel.

This also works with PNG textures that have alpha channels :) For me, I performed the colorize a bunch of times before loading a character and it reasonably quick too.

My purpose was to be able to change the color of clothing on a character.
' Usage
' modify_texture_rgba( <input texture>, <r modifier (-255 to 255)>, <g modifier (-255 to 255)>, <b modifier (-255 to 255)>, <a modifier (-255 to 255)> )
' For example, if you entered -20 for the green and blue modifiers, your texture would get redder.
Function modify_texture_rgba(texture, r_modifier, g_modifier, b_modifier, a_modifier)
	' Lock texture buffer for fast operation
	' Loop through the texture
	For Local y = 0 To bbTextureHeight(texture) - 1
		For Local x = 0 To bbTextureWidth(texture) - 1
			' Get RGBA
			Local rgba_value = bbReadPixelFast(x, y, bbTextureBuffer(texture))
			' Get individual values
			Local a = (rgba_value Shr 24) & $FF
			Local r = (rgba_value Shr 16) & $FF
			Local g = (rgba_value Shr 8) & $FF
			Local b = rgba_value & $FF
			' Red modifications
			If r_modifier > 0 Then
				If r + r_modifier < 255 Then
					r = r + r_modifier
					r = 255
				End If
			End If
			If r_modifier < 0 Then
				If r + r_modifier > 0 Then
					r = r + r_modifier
					r = 0
				End If
			End If
			' Green modifications
			If g_modifier > 0 Then
				If g + g_modifier < 255 Then
					g = g + g_modifier
					g = 255
				End If
			End If
			If g_modifier < 0 Then
				If g + g_modifier > 0 Then
					g = g + g_modifier
					g = 0
				End If
			End If
			' Blue modifications
			If b_modifier > 0 Then
				If b + b_modifier < 255 Then
					b = b + b_modifier
					b = 255
				End If
			End If
			If b_modifier < 0 Then
				If b + b_modifier > 0 Then
					b = b + b_modifier
					b = 0
				End If
			End If
			' Alpha modifications
			If a_modifier > 0 Then
				If a + a_modifier < 255 Then
					a = a + a_modifier
					a = 255
				End If
			End If
			If a_modifier < 0 Then
				If a + a_modifier > 0 Then
					a = a + a_modifier
					a = 0
				End If
			End If
			' Make it RGBA Again
			Local new_rgba = (a Shl 24 | r Shl 16 | g Shl 8 | b)
			' Write the pixel to the texture
			bbWritePixelFast(x, y, new_rgba, bbTextureBuffer(texture))
	' Unlock the texture buffer

End Function



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