Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Scenegraph for Blitz3D

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Scenegraph for Blitz3D by Warner2010
If you hide entities that are far away, rendering is faster.
However, looping through all entities in your scene takes much time.
If you search through only the entities that are in a square area around your camera, it goes faster.

You could use this routine to switch between highpoly and lowpoly models as well.
	Const area = 48		;render area (size of grid around camera that is rendered)
	Const scale# = 2.0	;scale of scenegraph (array size * scale = 3d world space units)
	Dim scenegraph(1023, 1023) ;should cover entire terrain


	Graphics3D 800, 600, 0, 2
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()

	;set up scenegraph with cubes
	cube = CreateCube() ;some example cube
	For i = 1 To 10000 ;add 10000 cubes to scenegraph	
		AddToSceneGraph(cube, Rnd(1023), 0, Rnd(1023))	
	FreeEntity cube ;remove original cube
	cam = CreateCamera() ;camera


	;camera controls
	If KeyDown(203) TurnEntity cam, 0,  1, 0
	If KeyDown(205) TurnEntity cam, 0, -1, 0
	If KeyDown(200) MoveEntity cam, 0, 0,  1
	If KeyDown(208) MoveEntity cam, 0, 0, -1

	;update scenegraph around camera

Until KeyHit(1)


;copymesh a mesh onto scenegraph
Function AddToSceneGraph(original, x#, y#, z#) 

	rx = Int(x / scale) ;mesh position relative to "scenegraph" (array)
	rz = Int(z / scale)
	If (rx < 0) 	DebugLog "out of range": Return ;check bounds
	If (rx > 1023) 	DebugLog "out of range": Return
	If (rz < 0) 	DebugLog "out of range": Return
	If (rz > 1023) 	DebugLog "out of range": Return	
	If scenegraph(rx, rz) = 0 Then ;if no mesh exists yet at this location
		scenegraph(rx, rz) = CreateMesh() ;create new, empty mesh
		PositionEntity scenegraph(rx, rz), rx * scale, 0, rz * scale ;position it in the center of this area of the scenegraph
		HideEntity scenegraph(rx, rz) ;hide the new mesh
	End If
	mesh = CopyMesh(original) ;create a mesh copy of the mesh that was passed to this function
	PositionMesh mesh, (x - EntityX(scenegraph(rx, rz))), y, (z - EntityZ(scenegraph(rx, rz))) ;position it relative to center of area
	AddMesh mesh, scenegraph(rx, rz) ;addmesh it to everything else that is located on this position
	FreeEntity mesh ;free the new mesh copy
End Function

;Update Scenegraph
Function UpdateSceneGraph(cam)

	;determine camera position relative to "scenegraph" array/grid	
	rx = Int(EntityX(cam) / scale)
	rz = Int(EntityZ(cam) / scale)

	;search area around camera	
	For i = -area To area
		rxi = rx + i ;x-location on grid/array
		If (rxi >= 0) And (rxi <= 1023)	Then ;check bounds
			For j = -area To area
				rzj = rz + j ;z-location on grid/array
				If (rzj >= 0) And (rzj <= 1023) ;check bounds
					If scenegraph(rxi, rzj) Then ;if a mesh is located on this position
						If (Abs(i) = area) Or (Abs(j) = area) Then ;if it is on the border of the search "area", then ..
							HideEntity scenegraph(rxi, rzj) 	   ;hide it
							ShowEntity scenegraph(rxi, rzj) ;if it is in the middle of the search "area", then
						End If								;show it
					End If
				End If
		End If

End Function



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