Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Timeline-event based entity tweening ( position, rotate, size, color, alpha )

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Timeline-event based entity tweening ( position, rotate, size, color, alpha ) by ShadowTurtle2010

  1. Init all per tweenLib_init()
  2. set into main code: tweenLib_update()
  3. Uninit all per tweenLib_uninit()
  - Tween Informationen
    Tweens                Possinilities of tweens.
                          tweenMode_void                  tweenMode_linear
                          tweenMode_backEaseIn            tweenMode_backEaseOut
                          tweenMode_elasticEaseIn         tweenMode_elasticEaseOut
                          tweenMode_bounceEaseOut         tweenMode_bounceEaseIn
                          tweenMode_regularEaseIn         tweenMode_regularEaseOut
                          tweenMode_strongEaseIn          tweenMode_strongEaseOut
    Back                  Extends the animation beyond the transition range at one
                          or both ends once to resemble an overflow effect.
    Bounce                Adds a bouncing effect within the transition range at one
                          or both ends. The number of bounces relates to the
                          duration longer durations produce more bounces.
    Elastic               Adds an elastic effect that falls outside the transition
                          range at one or both ends. The amount of elasticity is
                          unaffected by the duration.
    Regular               Adds slower movement at one or both ends. This feature
                          enables you to add a speeding-up effect, a slowing-down
                          effect, or both.
    Strong                Adds slower movement at one or both ends. This effect is
                          similar to Regular easing, but it's more pronounced.
    None                  Adds an equal movement from start to end without effects,
                          slowing, or speeding up. This transition is also referred
                          to as a linear transition.
  Available edit modes:
  How to create a tween?
    At first use..
    tweenLib_tween(entity, editMode, coordX_A#, coordY_A#, coordZ_A#, coordX_B#, coordY_B#, coordZ_B#, beginTime, runLength, tweenMode)
    .. to create a single tween. These tween (wich is used on this entity) can be extended with more:
    tweenLib_insertTween(coordX_B#, coordY_B#, coordZ_B#, runLength, tweenMode)
    Use "tweenLib_insertTweenPause(pauseTime)" to implement a little pause.
  By the way.. the code is a little snipped from a game on wich i am work since 3 years.
; ** Globals/Constants: Tween
	Type tweenLib_tween
		Field time_start
		Field time_length
		Field obj
		Field editMode
		Field tweenMode
		Field coordX_A#, coordY_A#, coordZ_A#
		Field coordX_B#, coordY_B#, coordZ_B#
		Field isRotation

		Field tweenNext.tweenLib_tween
	End Type
	Global tweenLib_lastCreatedTween.tweenLib_tween
	Global tweenLib_pauseLength

	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_void = 0
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_linear = 1
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_abrupt = 2
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_backEaseIn = 3
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_backEaseOut = 4
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_backEaseInOut = 5
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_elasticEaseIn = 6
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_elasticEaseOut = 7
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_elasticEaseInOut = 8
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_bounceEaseOut = 9
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_bounceEaseIn = 10
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_bounceEaseInOut = 11
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_regularEaseIn = 12
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_regularEaseOut = 13
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_regularEaseInOut = 14
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_strongEaseIn = 15
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_strongEaseOut = 16
	Const tweenLib_tweenMode_strongEaseInOut = 17

	Const tweenLib_editMode_void = 0
	Const tweenLib_editMode_position = 1
	Const tweenLib_editMode_size = 2, tweenLib_editMode_scale = 2
	Const tweenLib_editMode_angle = 3
	Const tweenLib_editMode_alpha = 4
	Const tweenLib_editMode_color = 5
	Const tweenLib_editMode_position2D = 6
	Const tweenLib_editMode_size2D = 7, tweenLib_editMode_scale2D = 7
	Const tweenLib_editMode_screenColor = 8
	Const tweenLib_editMode_screenAlpha = 9

	Const tweenLib_editMode_soundVolume = 10
	Const tweenLib_editMode_globalSoundVolume = 11

	Const tweenLib_editMode_alpha2d = 12
	Const tweenLib_editMode_color2d = 13
	; ** Tween management functions
	Function tweenLib_init()
		tweenLib_lastCreatedTween = Null
	End Function

	Function tweenLib_update()
		Local tw.tweenLib_tween
		Local interpolationsPoint#

		Local coordX#, coordY#, coordZ#
		For tw = Each tweenLib_tween
			;DebugLog app_frameTime_ms + ">" + tw\time_start + "   " + app_frameTime_ms + "<" + (tw\time_start + tw\time_length)
			If app_frameTime_ms > tw\time_start Then
				If app_frameTime_ms > tw\time_start + tw\time_length - 1 And 1 = 0 Then
					interpolationsPoint# = 1.0
					interpolationsPoint# = (100.0 / Float(tw\time_length) * (app_frameTime_ms - tw\time_start)) / 100.0
					interpolationsPoint# = tweenLib_interpolationTween#(tweenLib_tweenMode_strongEaseInOut, interpolationsPoint#)
					interpolationsPoint# = tweenLib_interpolationTween#(tw\tweenMode, interpolationsPoint#)
					interpolationsPoint# = interpolationsPoint# - (interpolationsPoint# / 100) ;- 0.01
				End If
				If tw\editMode = tweenLib_editMode_angle Then
					coordX# = tweenLib_interpolateAngle(tw\coordX_A#, tw\coordX_B#, interpolationsPoint#)
					coordY# = tweenLib_interpolateAngle(tw\coordY_A#, tw\coordY_B#, interpolationsPoint#)
					coordZ# = tweenLib_interpolateAngle(tw\coordZ_A#, tw\coordZ_B#, interpolationsPoint#)
					coordX# = tw\coordX_A# + ((tw\coordX_B# - tw\coordX_A#) * interpolationsPoint#)
					coordY# = tw\coordY_A# + ((tw\coordY_B# - tw\coordY_A#) * interpolationsPoint#)
					coordZ# = tw\coordZ_A# + ((tw\coordZ_B# - tw\coordZ_A#) * interpolationsPoint#)
				End If

				If app_frameTime_ms > tw\time_start + tw\time_length Then
					If coordX# > tw\coordX_B# Then tw\coordX_B# = tw\coordX_B#
					If coordY# > tw\coordY_B# Then tw\coordY_B# = tw\coordY_B#
					If coordZ# > tw\coordZ_B# Then tw\coordZ_B# = tw\coordZ_B#

					If coordX# < tw\coordX_A# Then tw\coordX_A# = tw\coordX_A#
					If coordY# < tw\coordY_A# Then tw\coordY_A# = tw\coordY_A#
					If coordZ# < tw\coordZ_A# Then tw\coordZ_A# = tw\coordZ_A#
				End If
				If tw\editMode = tweenLib_editMode_position Then
					PositionEntity tw\obj, coordX#, coordY#, coordZ#
				ElseIf tw\editMode = tweenLib_editMode_size Then
					ScaleEntity tw\obj, coordX#, coordY#, coordZ#
				ElseIf tw\editMode = tweenLib_editMode_angle Then
					RotateEntity tw\obj, coordX#, coordY#, coordZ#
				ElseIf tw\editMode = tweenLib_editMode_alpha Then
					EntityAlpha tw\obj, coordX#
				ElseIf tw\editMode = tweenLib_editMode_color Then
					EntityColor tw\obj, coordX#, coordY#, coordZ#
				End If
				If app_frameTime_ms > tw\time_start + tw\time_length Then Delete tw
			End If
	End Function
	Function tweenLib_uninit()
	End Function

	; ** Tween definition functions (like move, rotate etc.)
	Function tweenLib_position.tweenLib_tween(obj, editMode, coordX_A#, coordY_A#, coordZ_A#, coordX_B#, coordY_B#, coordZ_B#, beginTime, runLength, tweenMode)
		Local tw.tweenLib_tween

		tweenLib_pauseLength = 0
		tw = New tweenLib_tween

		tw\time_start = app_frameTime_ms + beginTime + tweenLib_pauseLength
		tw\time_length = runLength

		tw\obj = obj
		tw\editMode = editMode
		tw\tweenMode = tweenMode

		tw\coordX_A# = coordX_A#
		tw\coordY_A# = coordY_A#
		tw\coordZ_A# = coordZ_A#
		tw\coordX_B# = coordX_B#
		tw\coordY_B# = coordY_B#
		tw\coordZ_B# = coordZ_B#

		tw\isRotation = False

		tw\tweenNext = Null
		tweenLib_lastCreatedTween = tw

		tweenLib_pauseLength = 0
		Return tw
	End Function

	Function tweenLib_insertTween(coordX_B#, coordY_B#, coordZ_B#, runLength, tweenMode)
		Local tw.tweenLib_tween

		tw = New tweenLib_tween

		tw\time_start = tweenLib_lastCreatedTween\time_start + tweenLib_lastCreatedTween\time_length + tweenLib_pauseLength
		tw\time_length = runLength

		tw\obj = tweenLib_lastCreatedTween\obj
		tw\editMode = tweenLib_lastCreatedTween\editMode
		tw\tweenMode = tweenMode

		tw\coordX_A# = tweenLib_lastCreatedTween\coordX_B#
		tw\coordY_A# = tweenLib_lastCreatedTween\coordY_B#
		tw\coordZ_A# = tweenLib_lastCreatedTween\coordZ_B#

		tw\coordX_B# = coordX_B#
		tw\coordY_B# = coordY_B#
		tw\coordZ_B# = coordZ_B#

		tw\isRotation = tweenLib_lastCreatedTween\isRotation

		tw\tweenNext = Null

		tweenLib_lastCreatedTween\tweenNext = tw
		tweenLib_lastCreatedTween = tw

		tweenLib_pauseLength = 0
	End Function
	Function tweenLib_insertTweenPause(runLength)
		tweenLib_pauseLength = runLength
	End Function
	Function tweenLib_stopTweens()
		Local foundTween
		Local tw.tweenLib_tween
		foundTween = True
		While foundTween = True
			foundTween = False
			For tw.tweenLib_tween = Each tweenLib_tween
				Delete tw
				foundTween = True
	End Function

	; ** Tween functions
	Function tweenLib_interpolationTween#(tweenMode, interpolationsPoint#)
		Local t#, b#, c#, d#, s#, a#, p#, pi_#
		Local tmp#, v#
		pi_# = 3.141592653589793 
		t# = interpolationsPoint# * 100
		d# = 100
		b# = 1
		c# = 100

		If tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_linear Then
			v# = c#*t#/d#+b#
		ElseIf tweenMode = timeLine_action__tweenMode_abrupt Then
			v# = c#*t#/d#+b#
			If v# > 50 Then
				v# = 100
				v# = 0
			End If
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_backEaseIn Then
			s# = 1.70158
			v# = c#*t#*t#*((s#+1)*t#-s#)+b#
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_backEaseOut Then
			s# = 1.70158
			tmp# = t#/d#-1
			t# = tmp#
			v# = c#*(tmp#*t#*((s#+1)*t#+s#)+1)+b#
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_backEaseInOut Then
			s# = 1.70158
			If t#/(d#/2) < 1 Then
				t# = t#/(d#/2)
				v# = c#/2*(t#*t#*(((s#)+1)*t# - s#)) + b#
				t# = t#/(d#/2)
				v# = c#/2*(t#*t#*(((s#)+1)*t# + s#) + 2) + b#
			End If
		ElseIf tweenMode = timeLine_action__tweenMode_elasticEaseIn Then ; DOES NOT WORK CORRECT
			a# = 0
			If t# = 0 Then
				v# = b#
				If t#/d# <> 1 Then
					p# = d# * 0.3
					If a# < Abs(c#) Then
						a# = c#
						s# = p# / 4
						s# = p# / (2 * pi_#) * ASin(c# / a#)
					End If
					t# = t# - 1
					tmp# = 2^(10*t#)
					;t# = t# - 1
					v# = -(a#*tmp# * Sin( (t#*d#-s#)*(2*pi_#)/p# )) + b#
					v# = b# + c#
				End If
			End If
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_elasticEaseOut Then ; DOES NOT WORK CORRECT
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_elasticEaseInOut Then ; DOES NOT WORK CORRECT
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_bounceEaseOut Then
			If t# < 1 / 2.75 Then
				v# = c# * (7.5625*t#*t#) + b#
			ElseIf t# < 2 / 2.75 Then
				t# = t# - ( 1.5 / 2.75 )
				v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.75) + b#
			ElseIf t# < 2.5 / 2.75 Then
				t# = t# - ( 2.25 / 2.75 )
				v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.9375) + b#
				t# = t# - ( 2.625 / 2.75 )
				v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.984375) + b#
			End If
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_bounceEaseIn Then
			t# = d# - t#
			b# = 0
			c# = c#
			d# = d#
			If t# < 1 / 2.75 Then
				v# = c# * (7.5625*t#*t#) + b#
			ElseIf t# < 2 / 2.75 Then
				t# = t# - ( 1.5 / 2.75 )
				v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.75) + b#
			ElseIf t# < 2.5 / 2.75 Then
				t# = t# - ( 2.25 / 2.75 )
				v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.9375) + b#
				t# = t# - ( 2.625 / 2.75 )
				v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.984375) + b#
			End If
			v# = c# - v# + b#
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_bounceEaseInOut Then
			If t# < d# / 2 Then
				t# = t# * 2
				b# = 0
				c# = c#
				d# = d#
				t# = d# - t#
				b# = 0
				c# = c#
				d# = d#
				If t# < 1 / 2.75 Then
					v# = c# * (7.5625*t#*t#) + b#
				ElseIf t# < 2 / 2.75 Then
					t# = t# - ( 1.5 / 2.75 )
					v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.75) + b#
				ElseIf t# < 2.5 / 2.75 Then
					t# = t# - ( 2.25 / 2.75 )
					v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.9375) + b#
					t# = t# - ( 2.625 / 2.75 )
					v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.984375) + b#
				End If
				v# = c# - v# + b#
				v# = v# * 0.5 + b#
				t# = t# * 2 - d#
				b# = 0
				c# = c#
				d# = d#
				If t# < 1 / 2.75 Then
					v# = c# * (7.5625*t#*t#) + b#
				ElseIf t# < 2 / 2.75 Then
					t# = t# - ( 1.5 / 2.75 )
					v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.75) + b#
				ElseIf t# < 2.5 / 2.75 Then
					t# = t# - ( 2.25 / 2.75 )
					v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.9375) + b#
					t# = t# - ( 2.625 / 2.75 )
					v# = c# * (7.5625*(t#*t#) + 0.984375) + b#
				End If
				v# = v# * 0.5 + c# * 0.5 + b#
			End If
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_regularEaseIn Then
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_regularEaseOut Then
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_regularEaseInOut Then
			If t# < 1 Then
				v# = c#/2*t#*t#+b#
				v# = -c#/2*(tmp#*(tmp#-2)-1)+b#
			End If
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_strongEaseIn Then
			t# = t# / d#
			v# = c#*t#*t#*t#*t#*t#+b#
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_strongEaseOut Then
			t# = (t# / d#)-1
			v# = c#*(t#*t#*t#*t#*t#+1)+b#
		ElseIf tweenMode = tweenLib_tweenMode_strongEaseInOut Then
			If t# < 1 Then
				v# = c#/2*t#*t#*t#*t#*t#+b#
				v# = c#/2*(t#*t#*t#*t#*t#+2)+b#
			End If
		End If
		Return v# / 100
	End Function

	Function tweenLib_interpolateAngle#(a#,b#,blend#=0.5)
		ix# = Sin(a)
		iy# = Cos(a)
		jx# = Sin(b)
		jy# = Cos(b)
		Return ATan2(ix-(ix-jx)*blend,iy-(iy-jy)*blend)
	End Function
	Function tweenLib_makeCorrectAngle#(ang#)
		ang# = ang# - 180
		If ang# > 180 Then
			While ang# > 180
				ang# = ang# - 360
		ElseIf ang# < (0-180) Then
			While ang# < (0-180)
				ang# = ang# + 360
		End If
		ang# = ang# + 180
		Return ang#
	End Function


gna.. was not helpful for anyone yet..

Guy Fawkes2015
I didn't know this existed til' now. O_O I'll test it tomorrow then! :)

Soooooo what you do think about it!? :-)

I am use it right here into a gamelib for blitz3d. You create Maps with scream3d and you can use advanced tweening/animatings directly in blitz3d .. :-)

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