Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Make steps in JV-ODE

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Make steps in JV-ODE by Blitzplotter2009
Have been having some fun making a game board in JV-ODE, I've managed to get JV-ODE moving 1200 cubes on my humble machine.....

Sorry bout the indentation, heh heh {;-)

A lot of folk might view this as elementary coding, but this little function will generate a multicoloured set of stairs using simple static objects:
; note this function call & function requires the JV-ODE Demo
; available from here:
; typical function call:
; Add game board
make_game_board(3,3) ; pass same values for stairs without gaps

Function make_game_board(x,y)
	;make some stairs - bit of an evolution of the static objects with the demo code with ODE
	cubex = 50;  the width of a cube
	cubey = 20;  the height of a cube
	cubez = 50;  the zed of a cube
	rotate_degrees = 1; rotate the cubes by {x} degrees
	SeedRnd (MilliSecs()) 
	For madsteps=1 To 25  ;note to generate a flat gameboard of 10 by 10 set this to 1 to 1
                          ;and pass 10,10 to the function	
		For cubeswide=1 To x
			For cubeszed=1 To y
			;SeedRnd (MilliSecs()) 
				cred= Rand(1,250) 
				cgreen = Rand(1,250) 
				cblue = Rand(1,250)  
			;add a cube
				ode.ODEGeom=New ODEGeom
				ScaleMesh ode\mesh,cubex/2,cubey/2,cubez/2
				EntityColor ode\mesh,cred,cgreen,cblue
End Function


It's these kinda 'simple steps (bwahahaha) ' that lead on to a better understanding of how to use things JV-ODE, something that I've not gotten much further with than playing the car demo :D

I think this kinda stuff can be really helpful, and as a clear, concise snippet of code, is more accessible than some kind of tutorial which I am terrible and following patiently!!!

(oh, and the indentation's great.. I personally find it SO much easier to read liekt hat!)

Thanks Malice, there is a modified version of the Car Demo in JV-ODE thread 12 where the car starts of at the top of a slope using the same function with some slight adjustments.

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