Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Lightmesh and rotation

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Lightmesh and rotation by MadJack2002
; fakelighting on a rotating, moving object
; uses 10 fakelights but could be scaled to include as many (fake) light sources as needed
; fakelighting does not normally take an entity's rotation into account.
; must not use copyentity either as changes to first object will be reflected in all copies
- the trick is to parent a marker to your object to be lit, place the marker at the (global) position of your (fake) lightsource, reset the object's rotation to 0,0,0, lightmesh the object using the marker's local xyz, and then rotate the object back to its original attitude.

Repeat this process for as many lightsources as are in range.
Graphics3D 800, 600, 32, 2

    Dim lights(21,3)
    x# = 0
    y# = 0
    z# = 0
    ; setup the fakelight markers and place in array - obviously this could be done differently or with types
    count = 1
    For angle = 0 To 360 Step 36
            ob = CreateSphere()

            lights(count,0) = ob
            lights(count,1) = Rnd(30) ; red
            lights(count,2) = Rnd(30) ; green
            lights(count,3) = Rnd(30) ; blue                    
	; position lightmarkers
            EntityColor ob ,lights(count,1)*8,lights(count,2)*8,lights(count,3)*8
            EntityFX ob,1
            PositionEntity ob, Cos(angle)*50,30,Sin(angle)*50

            count = count + 1


    ; create mesh to be lit
    ship = CreateSphere(32)
    PositionEntity ship,0,-10,0
    ScaleEntity ship ,20,20,20
    RotateMesh ship,90,0,0
    EntityFX ship ,7 ; set flags for fullbright, vertex lighting, flatshaded
    camera = CreateCamera()
    CameraRange camera,1,5000
    PositionEntity camera , 0,100,0
    PointEntity camera,ship

    p2 = CreatePivot() ; this is used in lighting process below
    While Not KeyHit(1) 
    x# = (KeyDown(32))-(KeyDown(30)) + EntityX(ship)
    y# = (KeyDown(17))-(KeyDown(45)) + EntityZ(ship)
    ; move and turn the object to be lit
    PositionEntity ship,x,0,y    
    TurnEntity ship,1,1,1
        ;clear object's vertex color ready for the lightmapping below
        For n=1 To CountSurfaces(ship) 
            For v=0 To CountVertices(surf)-1 
                VertexColor surf,v,0,0,0 
        For count = 1 To 10 ; 10 lights   

	; get light's basic info
            light = lights(count,0)
            red = lights(count,1) 
            green = lights(count,2) 
            blue = lights(count,3) 
            xl# = EntityX(light)
            yl# = EntityY(light)
            zl# = EntityZ(light)
            yaw# = EntityYaw(ship)
            pitch# = EntityPitch(ship)
            roll# = EntityRoll(ship)    
            EntityParent p2,ship
            PositionEntity p2,xl,yl,zl,1 ; place the pivot at the light's global xyz
            RotateEntity ship,0,0,0 ; reset the meshes rotation
            x = EntityX(p2) ; get the pivot's new position
            y = EntityY(p2)
            z = EntityZ(p2)

	 ; do the business
	; a higher range value than 6 will make lights brighter.
	; for larger game worlds, can use something like entitydistance/3 
;	(along with the lights RGB values), to alter brightness
            LightMesh ship,red,green,blue,6,x,y,z   
            RotateEntity ship,pitch,yaw,roll ; reset the object's rotation
        Next ; next light

    RenderWorld :
    Text 0,0,"use a,d,w,x to move sphere about"





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