Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Angling Models

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Angling Models by GIB3D2009
Ever wanted to run up a hill (angled model) and actually face the direction you're walking in? Well now you can! I needed this code and it took me less than a day to figure it out.

The one piece of code that does the angling is
AlignToVector Model,NX,NY,NZ,2,.1

But I added some limiting stuff so you can't ride up walls (take out the "If NY => 0.5" if you want to try it). And theres a simpleton gravity and jump just for fun. I also added some code to reset your pitch because if you don't and you never come in contact with anything, you will always stay angled. So here ya'll go!

Const PC = 1, WC = 2

Collisions PC,WC,2,2

Global Light = CreateLight()
	RotateEntity Light,10,20,0
Global Camera = CreateCamera()
	RotateEntity Camera,40,90,0
	CameraClsColor Camera,60,60,60
Global Model = CreateCone()
	ScaleEntity Model,1,1,2
	PositionEntity Model,0,4,0
	EntityType Model,PC

Global Y_Acceleration# = -.15

Local Width=64,Height=64
Local Texture = CreateTexture(Width,Height)
	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(Texture)
		Color 255,255,255
		Rect 0,0,Width,Height
		Color 0,0,0
		Rect 0,0,Width,Height,0
		Rect 1,1,Width-2,Height-2,0
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()
	ScaleTexture Texture,.2,.2

EntityTexture Model,Texture

Global wall[6]
For c = 0 To 6
	wall[c] = CreateCube()
	EntityColor wall[c],100,60,0
	EntityType wall[c],WC
	EntityTexture wall[c],Texture

PositionEntity wall[0],-16,8,16
ScaleEntity wall[0],1,12,32

PositionEntity wall[1],16,8,16
ScaleEntity wall[1],1,12,32

PositionEntity wall[2],0,8,-17
ScaleEntity wall[2],16,12,1

PositionEntity wall[3],0,8,49
ScaleEntity wall[3],16,12,1

PositionEntity wall[4],-10,16,16
ScaleEntity wall[4],16,1,32
RotateEntity wall[4],0,0,40

PositionEntity wall[5],0,-5,16
ScaleEntity wall[5],16,1,32

PositionEntity wall[6],0,-6.5,16
ScaleEntity wall[6],7,7,16
RotateEntity wall[6],0,90,30

Color 255,255,255
While Not KeyDown(1)
	Local YPoint# = Sqr(EntityY(Model,1)^2)
	Local YPoint2# = YPoint
	Local Pitch#=EntityPitch(Model,1)
	Local Roll#=EntityRoll(Model,1)
	Local CountCol = CountCollisions(Model)
	If CountCol > 0
		Local NX# = CollisionNX(Model,1)
		Local NY# = CollisionNY(Model,1)
		Local NZ# = CollisionNZ(Model,1)
		If NY => 0.5 ; 1 Means it's flat, 0 means it's a wall, everything inbetween is slanted
			AlignToVector Model,NX,NY,NZ,2,.1
			Y_Acceleration = -.15
					Y_Acceleration = Y_Acceleration - .01
				Y_Acceleration = Y_Acceleration - .01
	TurnEntity Model,0,-(MouseXSpeed()*.5),0
	MoveEntity Model,(KeyDown(32)-KeyDown(30))*.2,0,(KeyDown(17)-KeyDown(31))*.2
	If KeyDown(57) TranslateEntity Model,0,.4,0
	TranslateEntity Model,0,Y_Acceleration,0
	If CountCol = 0
		YPoint2 = Sqr(EntityY(Model,1)^2)
		TurnEntity Model,-(Pitch+(((YPoint2-YPoint)*Sgn(KeyDown(17)-KeyDown(31)))*180))*.05,0,-Roll*.05 ; Slowly brings the pitch back to flat, but angles you down depending on your Y speed and which key your pressing
			ElseIf NY < 0.5
				TurnEntity Model,-Pitch*.05,0,-Roll*.05
	MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()*.5,GraphicsHeight()*.5
	PositionEntity Camera,15,15+EntityY(Model,1),EntityZ(Model,1),1
	PointEntity Camera,Model
	Text 0,0,"NX= "+NX+" : NY= "+NY+" : NZ= "+NZ
	Text 0,20,"Point1 = " + YPoint
	Text 0,40,"Point2 = " + YPoint2
	Text 0,60,"Speed = " + (YPoint2-YPoint)

Function InitGraphics(w = 1024, h = 768,title$="Blitz3D Program",exit_message$="")
	Graphics3D w, h, 32, 2
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()
	SeedRnd MilliSecs()
	If exit_message <> ""
		AppTitle title,exit_message
				AppTitle title
End Function



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