Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Grass on a landscape

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Grass on a landscape by Matt Merkulov2007
2 methods: creating and pre-generating grass squares
;2 methods of grass displaying by Matt Merkulov

SeedRnd MilliSecs()

Const MethodCreate = 0
Const MethodHide = 1

Const LandscapeSize = 256
Const DitheringTextureSize = 512
Const DitheringTextureScale = 4
Const LandscapeSizeMask = LandscapeSize - 1
Const LandscapeHeight# = 32

Const GrassColor = 100
Const GrassDColor = 20
Const GrassBackground = 100
Const MaxGrassSpreadingRadius# = 0.72

Const BushesThreshold# = 0.28
Const MaxBushesThreshold# = 0.34
Const SandThreshold# = 0.3
Const HillsMinRadius = 16
Const HillsMaxRadius = 64
Const HillsMinHeight# = 0.2
Const HillsMaxHeight# = 1.0
Const HillsQuantity# = 100

Const BushTypesQuantity = 2
Const BushModelsQuantity = 2
Const BushTextureSize = 256

Const BushModelScaleMin# = 0.3
Const BushModelScaleMax# = 0.6

Const GrassSquareModelsQuantity = 40
Const BushesDensityLevelsQuantity = 4

Const PlayerHeight# = 1.5
Const PlayerSpeedPerSecond# = 10.0
Const PlayerTurnPerSecond# = 180.0

Const FadingTimeInSeconds# = 1.0
Const MaxAlpha# = 1.0

;Const GrassMethod = MethodCreate ; Generation of some grass
Const GrassMethod = MethodHide ; Pre - generating of grass squares

;Small grass quadrants - smooth, but slow grass rendering
;Const GrassGridCellSize# = 2.0
;Const BushesQuantityMultiplier = 3
;Const GrassRadius# = 8

;Largel grass quadrants - jerky, but fast grass rendering
Const GrassGridCellSize# = 8.0
Const BushesQuantityMultiplier = 48
Const GrassRadius# = 2

Const Paint = False
;Const Paint = True

Const GrassGridSize = LandscapeSize / GrassGridCellSize#
Const BushTextureXTexSize# = 1.0 / BushTypesQuantity
Const BushTextureYTexSize# = 1.0 / BushModelsQuantity

Graphics3D 800, 600
Camera = CreateCamera()
ScaleEntity camera, 0.3, 0.3, 0.3
PositionEntity Camera, LandscapeSize / 2, 100, LandscapeSize / 2
;RotateEntity Camera, 45, 0, 0
RotateEntity CreateLight(), 45, 45, 0

Type ActiveSquare
	Field X, Z, JustAdded
End Type

Type FadingBush
	Field Alpha#, FadingMode, X, Z
End Type

Dim ServiceMap(LandscapeSize, LandscapeSize)
Const VisibleActiveSquare = %11
Const InvisibleActiveSquare = %10
Const VisibleSquare = %01
Const InvisibleSquare = %00
Const Visibility = %01
Const Activity = %10

Dim BushModel(BushTypesQuantity - 1, BushModelsQuantity - 1)
Dim GrassSquareModel(GrassSquareModelsQuantity - 1, BushesDensityLevelsQuantity - 1)
Dim BushQuantityMap#(GrassGridSize - 1, GrassGridSize - 1)
Dim BushMap(GrassGridSize - 1, GrassGridSize - 1)
Dim BushFader.FadingBush(GrassGridSize - 1, GrassGridSize - 1)

Global Landscape = CreateTerrain(LandscapeSize)
Global LandscapeTexture = CreateTexture(LandscapeSize, LandscapeSize, 15)
Global LandscapeDitheringTexture = CreateTexture(DitheringTextureSize, DitheringTextureSize, 15)
Global Grass = CreateTexture(BushTextureSize * BushTypesQuantity, BushTextureSize * BushModelsQuantity, 13)
ScaleEntity Landscape, 1, LandscapeHeight#, 1




TryToAddSquare EntityX(Camera) / GrassGridCellSize#, EntityZ(Camera) / GrassGridCellSize#

Const FadingIn = 1, FadingOut = 2

	MoveEntity Camera, 0, 0, PrevFrameRenderingTimeInSeconds# * PlayerSpeedPerSecond# * (KeyDown(200) - KeyDown(208))
	TurnEntity Camera, 0, PrevFrameRenderingTimeInSeconds# * PlayerTurnPerSecond# * (KeyDown(203) - KeyDown(205)), 0

	FrameBeginningTime = MilliSecs()

	PlayerX# = EntityX(Camera)
	PlayerZ# = EntityZ(Camera)
	PositionEntity Camera, PlayerX#, TerrainY#(Landscape, PlayerX#, 0, PlayerZ#) + PlayerHeight#, PlayerZ#

	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(LandscapeTexture)

	qua = 0
	For S.ActiveSquare=Each ActiveSquare
		tmp = ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z)
		If (ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) And Activity) = Activity And S\JustAdded Then
		 	Delete S
			DX# = S\X - PlayerX# / GrassGridCellSize#
			DZ# = S\Z - PlayerZ# / GrassGridCellSize#
			Distance# = Sqr(DX# * DX# + DZ# * DZ#)
			S\JustAdded = False
			If Distance# > GrassRadius# Then
				If (ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) And Visibility) = VisibleSquare Then
					ExpandSquare S
					If Paint Then WritePixel S\X * GrassGridCellSize#, S\Z * GrassGridCellSize#, $FF00FFFF
					If BushMap(S\X, S\Z) Or GrassMethod = MethodHide Then
						If BushFader(S\X, S\Z) <> Null Then
							FB.FadingBush = BushFader(S\X, S\Z)
							FB.FadingBush = New FadingBush
							FB\X = S\X
							FB\Z = S\Z
							FB\Alpha# = MaxAlpha#
							BushFader(S\X, S\Z) = FB
						End If
						FB\FadingMode = FadingOut
					End If
					ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = InvisibleActiveSquare
					If CountNeighbors(S, VisibleSquare) = 0 Then
						ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = InvisibleSquare
						If Paint Then WritePixel S\X * GrassGridCellSize#, S\Z * GrassGridCellSize#, $FF7F7F7F
						Delete S
						ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = InvisibleActiveSquare
					End If
				End If
				If (ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) And Visibility) = InvisibleSquare Then
					ExpandSquare S
					If Paint Then WritePixel S\X * GrassGridCellSize#, S\Z * GrassGridCellSize#, $FFFF0000
					ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = VisibleActiveSquare
					S\JustAdded = False
					If GrassMethod = MethodHide Then
						ShowEntity BushMap(S\X, S\Z)
						BushQuantity = Floor(BushQuantityMap#(S\X, S\Z) - Rnd(1.0, 0.0001))
						If BushQuantity >= 0 And BushFader(S\X, S\Z) = Null Then
							E = CopyEntity(GrassSquareModel(Rand(0,GrassSquareModelsQuantity - 1), BushQuantity))
							LX# = S\X * GrassGridCellSize#
							LZ# = S\Z * GrassGridCellSize#
							H# = TerrainY(Landscape, LX#, 0, LZ#)
							DY1# = TerrainY(Landscape, LX# + 1.0, 0, LZ#) - H#
							DY2# = TerrainY(Landscape, LX#, 0, LZ# + 1.0) - H#
							AlignToVector E, -DY1#, 1.0, -DY2#, 2
							PositionEntity E, LX#, H#, LZ#
							BushMap(S\X, S\Z) = E
							BushMap(S\X, S\Z) = CreateMesh()
						End If
					End If
					If BushFader(S\X, S\Z) <> Null Then
						FB.FadingBush = BushFader(S\X, S\Z)
						FB.FadingBush = New FadingBush
						FB\X = S\X
						FB\Z = S\Z
						FB\Alpha# = 0.0
						BushFader(S\X, S\Z) = FB
					End If
					FB\FadingMode = FadingIn
					If CountNeighbors(S, InvisibleSquare) = 0 Then
						ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = VisibleSquare
						If Paint Then WritePixel S\X * GrassGridCellSize#, S\Z * GrassGridCellSize#, $FF7F7F7F
						Delete S
						ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z) = VisibleActiveSquare
					End If
				End If
			End If
		End If

	DFading# = PrevFrameRenderingTimeInSeconds# / FadingTimeInSeconds#
	For FB.FadingBush = Each FadingBush
		A# = FB\Alpha#
		If FB\FadingMode = FadingIn Then
			A# = A# + DFading#
			If A# > MaxAlpha# Then A# = MaxAlpha#
			FB\Alpha# = A#
			EntityAlpha BushMap(FB\X, FB\Z), A#
			If A# = MaxAlpha# Then Delete FB
			A# = A# - DFading#
			If A# < 0.0 Then A# = 0.0
			FB\Alpha# = A#
			EntityAlpha BushMap(FB\X, FB\Z), A#
			If A# = 0.0 Then
				If GrassMethod = MethodHide Then
					HideEntity BushMap(FB\X, FB\Z)
					FreeEntity BushMap(FB\X, FB\Z)
					BushMap(FB\X, FB\Z) = 0
				End If
				BushFader(FB\X, FB\Z) = Null
				Delete FB
			End If
		End If

	For S.ActiveSquare=Each ActiveSquare
		qua = qua + 1

	SetBuffer BackBuffer()


	If FPSCounterResetTime <= MilliSecs() Then
		FPSCounterResetTime = MilliSecs() + 1000
		FPS = FPSCounter
		FPSCounter = 0
		FPSCounter = FPSCounter + 1
	End If
	Text 0, 0, "Frames / sec:" + FPS + ", activesquares: " + qua


	PrevFrameRenderingTimeInSeconds# = 0.001 * (MilliSecs() - FrameBeginningTime)
Until KeyHit(1)

For X = 0 To GrassGridSize - 1
	For Y = 0 To GrassGridSize - 1
		If BushMap(X, Y) Then FreeEntity BushMap(X, Y)

FreeEntity Landscape
FreeTexture LandscapeTexture
FreeTexture LandscapeDitheringTexture

If GrassMethod = MethodCreate Then
	For n1 = 0 To GrassSquareModelsQuantity - 1
		For n2 = 0 To BushesDensityLevelsQuantity - 1
			FreeEntity GrassSquareModel(n1, n2)
End If

Function CreateLandscape()
	SetBuffer FrontBuffer()
	Text 0, 0, "Generating landscape..."
	For n = 1 To HillsQuantity
		HillRadius = Rnd(HillsMinRadius, HillsMaxRadius)
		HillX = Rand(0, LandscapeSize)
		HillY = Rand(0, LandscapeSize)
		HillHeight# = Rnd(HillsMinHeight#, HillsMaxHeight#)

		If -HillRadius < -HillX Then DXFrom = -HillX Else DXFrom = -HillRadius
		If HillRadius > LandscapeSize - HillX Then DXTo = LandscapeSize - HillX - 1 Else DXTo = HillRadius
		If -HillRadius < -HillY Then DYFrom = -HillY Else DYFrom = -HillRadius
		If HillRadius > LandscapeSize - HillY Then DYTo = LandscapeSize - HillY - 1 Else DYTo = HillRadius

		For DY = DYFrom To DYTo
			For DX = DXFrom To DXTo
				X = HillX + DX
				Y = HillY + DY
				K# = Sqr(DX * DX + DY * DY) / HillRadius
				If K# > 1.0 Then K# = 1.0
				Height# = 0.5 * (1.0 + Cos(180.0 * K#)) * HillHeight# * HillRadius / 64
				If Height# > TerrainHeight#(Landscape, X, Y) Then ModifyTerrain Landscape, X, Y, Height#

	SetBuffer FrontBuffer()
	Text 0, 10, "Painting landscape..."
	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(LandscapeTexture)
	For Y = 0 To LandscapeSize - 1
		For X = 0 To LandscapeSize - 1
			Height# = TerrainHeight#(Landscape, X, Y)
			If Height# > SandThreshold# Then
				WritePixel X, Y, $FF00FF00
				WritePixel X, Y, $FFFFFF00
			End If
			If Height# > BushesThreshold# Then
				Quantity# = 1.0 * (Height# - BushesThreshold#) / (MaxBushesThreshold# - BushesThreshold#)
				If Quantity# > 1.0 Then Quantity# = 1.0
				BushQuantityMap#(Floor(X / GrassGridCellSize#), Floor(Y / GrassGridCellSize#)) = Quantity# * BushesDensityLevelsQuantity
			End If
End Function

Function PaintTextures()
	ScaleTexture LandscapeTexture, LandscapeSize, -LandscapeSize
	TerrainShading Landscape, True

	ScaleTexture LandscapeDitheringTexture, DitheringTextureScale, DitheringTextureScale
	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(LandscapeDitheringTexture)
	For Y = 0 To DitheringTextureSize
		For X = 0 To DitheringTextureSize
			WritePixel X, Y, (Rand(96,160) * $010101) Or $FF000000

	EntityTexture Landscape, LandscapeDitheringTexture
	EntityTexture Landscape, LandscapeTexture, 0, 1
	TextureBlend LandscapeTexture, 2
End Function

Function CreateBushes()
	;SetBuffer BackBuffer()
	SetBuffer FrontBuffer()
	Text 0, 20, "Painting textures..."

	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(Grass)
	For Y = 0 To BushTextureSize * BushTypesQuantity - 1
		For X = 0 To BushTextureSize * BushModelsQuantity - 1
			WritePixel X, Y, 256 * GrassBackground

	For n1 = 0 To BushTypesQuantity - 1
		For n2 = 0 To BushModelsQuantity - 1
			m = CreateMesh()
			s = CreateSurface(m)
			If n1 = 0 Then
				For nn = 1 To 100 + n2 * 100
					Radius# = Rnd(BushTextureSize / 2, BushTextureSize)
					X = BushTextureSize * (Rnd(0,1) ^ 2 * (Rand(0, 1) * 2 - 1) + 1) * 0.5
						Angle# = Rnd(70, 110)
						X2 = Cos(Angle#) * Radius# + X
						Y2 = BushTextureSize - 1 - Sin(Angle#) * Radius# + n2 * BushTextureSize
					Until X2 >=0 And X2 < BushTextureSize
					For DeltaX = -3 To 3
						Color 0, GrassColor + DeltaX * GrassDColor, 0
						Line X + DeltaX, (n2 + 1) * BushTextureSize - 1, X2, Y2
				For nn= 0 To 7
					Angle# = nn * 45
					;CreateQuad s, Cos(Angle# - 45), Sin(Angle# - 45), Cos(Angle# + 45), Sin(Angle# + 45), Cos(Angle#) * 0.75, Sin(Angle#) * 0.75
					CreateQuad s, Cos(Angle#) * 0.5, Sin(Angle#) * 0.5, -Cos(Angle#) * 0.5, -Sin(Angle#) * 0.5, n1, n2, Cos(Angle# + 90), Sin(Angle# + 90)
				For nn = 1 To 150 + n2 * 150
					X = Rnd(BushTextureSize * 2 / 5, BushTextureSize * 3 / 5) + BushTextureSize
					Angle# = Rnd(10, 170)
					Radius# = Rnd(0, 1) * (1 - Abs(angle - 90) / 133) *  BushTextureSize
					X2 = Cos(Angle#) * Radius# + BushTextureSize / 2 + BushTextureSize
					Y2 = (n2 + 1) * BushTextureSize - 1 - Sin(Angle#) * Radius# 
					For DeltaX = -3 To 3
						Color 0, GrassColor + DeltaX * GrassDColor, 0
						Line X + DeltaX, (n2 + 1) * BushTextureSize - 1, X2, Y2
				For nn = 0 To 3
					Angle# = nn * 45
					xx# = Cos(Angle#)
					yy# = Sin(Angle#)
					CreateQuad s, xx#, yy#, -xx#, -yy#, n1, n2
			End If
			BushModel(n1, n2) = m
			HideEntity m

	SetBuffer FrontBuffer()
	Color 255, 255, 255
	Text 0, 30, "Generating grass squares (it might take some more time)..."

	If GrassMethod = MethodHide Then
		For Z = 0 To GrassGridSize - 1
			For X = 0 To GrassGridSize - 1
				m = CreateMesh()
				For n3 = 1 To BushesDensityLevelsQuantity * BushesQuantityMultiplier
						DX# = Rnd(-MaxGrassSpreadingRadius#, MaxGrassSpreadingRadius#)
						DZ# = Rnd(-MaxGrassSpreadingRadius#, MaxGrassSpreadingRadius#)
						If  Sqr(DX# * DX# + DZ# * DZ#) <= MaxGrassSpreadingRadius# Then

							LX# = (DX# + X) * GrassGridCellSize#
							LZ# = (DZ# + Z) * GrassGridCellSize# 

							H# = TerrainY(Landscape, LX#, 0, LZ#)
							Height# = H# / LandscapeHeight#
							If Height# > BushesThreshold# Then
								Quantity# = 1.0 * (Height# - BushesThreshold#) / (MaxBushesThreshold# - BushesThreshold#)
								If Rnd(1) < Quantity# Then
									m2 = CopyMesh(BushModel(Rand(0, BushTypesQuantity - 1), Rand(0, BushModelsQuantity - 1)))
									SXZ# = Rnd(BushModelScaleMin#, BushModelScaleMax#)
									SY# = Rnd(BushModelScaleMin#, BushModelScaleMax#)
									DY1# = TerrainY(Landscape, LX# + 1.0, 0, LZ#) - H#
									DY2# = TerrainY(Landscape, LX#, 0, LZ# + 1.0) - H#
									AlignToVector m2, -DY1#, 1.0, -DY2#, 2
									RotateMesh m2, 0, Rnd(0,359), 0
									ScaleMesh m2, SXZ#, SY#, SXZ#
									s = GetSurface(m2, 1)
									For n = 0 To CountVertices(s) - 1
										VertexNormal s, n, 0, 1, 0
									RotateMesh m2, EntityPitch(m2), EntityYaw(m2) , EntityRoll(m2)
									PositionMesh m2, LX#, H#, LZ#
									AddMesh m2, m
									FreeEntity m2
								End If
							End If
						End If
				BushMap(X, Z) = m
				EntityFX m, 16
				EntityTexture m, Grass
				HideEntity m
				EntityAlpha m, 0.0
		For n1 = 0 To GrassSquareModelsQuantity - 1
			For n2 = 0 To BushesDensityLevelsQuantity - 1
				m = CreateMesh()
				For n3 = 1 To (n2 + 1) * BushesQuantityMultiplier
					m2 = CopyMesh(BushModel(Rand(0, BushTypesQuantity - 1), Rand(0, BushModelsQuantity - 1)))
					DX# = Rnd(-0.5, 0.5): DZ# =Rnd(-0.5, 0.5)
					SXZ# = Rnd(BushModelScaleMin#, BushModelScaleMax#) / GrassGridCellSize#
					SY# = Rnd(BushModelScaleMin#, BushModelScaleMax#) / GrassGridCellSize#
					RotateMesh m2, 0, Rnd(0,359), 0
					ScaleMesh m2, SXZ#, SY#, SXZ#
					PositionMesh m2, DX#, 0, DZ#
					s = GetSurface(m2, 1)
					For n = 0 To CountVertices(s) - 1
						VertexNormal s, n, 0, 1, 0
					AddMesh m2, m
					FreeEntity m2
				ScaleMesh m, GrassGridCellSize#, GrassGridCellSize#, GrassGridCellSize#
				EntityFX m, 16
				EntityTexture m, Grass
				HideEntity m
				GrassSquareModel(n1, n2) = m
	End If

	For n1 = 0 To BushTypesQuantity - 1
		For n2 = 0 To BushModelsQuantity - 1
			FreeEntity BushModel(n1, n2)
End Function

Function CreateQuad(Surface, X1#, Y1#, X2#, Y2#, XTex#, YTex#, DX# = 0, DY# = 0)
	XTex# = XTex# * BushTextureXTexSize#
	YTex# = YTex# * BushTextureYTexSize#
	v1 = AddVertex(Surface, X1#, 0, Y1#, XTex#, YTex# + BushTextureYTexSize#)
	v2 = AddVertex(Surface, X1# + DX#, 1, Y1# + DY#, XTex#, YTex#)
	v3 = AddVertex(Surface, X2# + DX#, 1, Y2# + DY#, XTex# + BushTextureYTexSize#, YTex#)
	v4 = AddVertex(Surface, X2#, 0, Y2#, XTex# + BushTextureYTexSize#, YTex# + BushTextureYTexSize#)
	AddTriangle Surface, v1, v2, v3
	AddTriangle Surface, v3, v4, v1
End Function

Function TryToAddSquare(X, Z)
	S.ActiveSquare = New ActiveSquare
	S\X = X
	S\Z = Z
	S\JustAdded = True
End Function

Function ExpandSquare(S.ActiveSquare)
	If S\X > 0 Then TryToAddSquare S\X - 1, S\Z
	If S\X < GrassGridSize - 1 Then TryToAddSquare S\X + 1, S\Z
	If S\Z > 0 Then TryToAddSquare S\X, S\Z - 1
	If S\Z < GrassGridSize - 1 Then TryToAddSquare S\X, S\Z + 1
End Function

Function CountNeighbors(S.ActiveSquare, NeighborType)
	If S\X > 0 Then If (ServiceMap(S\X - 1, S\Z) And Visibility) = NeighborType Then SquaresQuantity = SquaresQuantity + 1
	If S\X < GrassGridSize - 1 Then If (ServiceMap(S\X + 1, S\Z) And Visibility) = NeighborType Then SquaresQuantity = SquaresQuantity + 1
	If S\Z > 0 Then If (ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z - 1) And Visibility) = NeighborType Then SquaresQuantity = SquaresQuantity + 1
	If S\Z < GrassGridSize - 1 Then If (ServiceMap(S\X, S\Z + 1) And Visibility) = NeighborType Then SquaresQuantity = SquaresQuantity + 1
	Return SquaresQuantity
End Function


jfk EO-111102007
You maybe know I used to write my own grass engine, woven deeply into my game engine. Noless I'm always interested in grass ... - seriously. Your contribution seems rather "beefy", not so easy to read it in a few minutes. So I'd like to know what's the idea behind it - sorted single surface? Copyentity? What trick are you using?

I see you create a lot of Quads without to store their handles, I don't understand that (assuming the function "CreateQuad" is creating a 2 tris mesh)

Matt Merkulov2007
fixed: active squares' leak

In this code I tested 2 different methods:
1) Creating of some grass square meshes with different quantity of randomly set bushes (different bushes' density) and then creating copies of them and putting around the player
2) Generating grass surface quadrants that cover whole map and showing only surfaces near player (hiding others).

Test resulted that 2nd method is better in quality and faster.

The algorhytm of showing quadrants is based on the "active suares" on the edge of round grass zone. When player moves around the landscape, some squares enter visible grass zone and activating "faders" that change alpha of the grass square in realtime. Some active squares will leave visible zone and another faders will decrease alpha to zero. Though, probably it's all too complicated and not worth slight speed increase, I might use arrays...

Quad command is used to create 4 vertexes and 2 triangles in certain surface, as grass bushes are
generated (textures too) inside the prog. Grass bushes' handles, surface grass landscape squares' handles are stored in appropriate arrays.

And probably it'll be more convenient for you if you'll try to dig the code of lite version with just plain 2nd method ( :)

jfk EO-111102007

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