Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Fast 3D hud design system

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Fast 3D hud design system by Rob2002
This set of functions will help you design a set of 3D HUD overlays. It is faster than displaying sprites and will adapt to any fov or resolution.

Enquire at rob@... for any bugs or queries.
;fov is the same as your camerazoom.
Function Sprite2D(sprite,x#,y#,fov#)
	PositionEntity sprite,2*(x-320),-2*(y-240),fov#*640
End Function

;scale sprite in screen pixels relative to a 640x480 res when used with Sprite2D
Function ScaleSprite2(sprite,x,y)
	ScaleEntity sprite,x,y,1
End Function

;please pass camera to this function or 0 for a billboard type with mesh.
Function CreateSprite2(parent)
	If parent<>0
	AddVertex s,-1,+1,-1,0,0:AddVertex s,+1,+1,-1,1,0
	AddVertex s,+1,-1,-1,1,1:AddVertex s,-1,-1,-1,0,1
	AddTriangle s,0,1,2:AddTriangle s,0,2,3
	ScaleEntity m,100,100,1
	Return m
End Function


Rob, 7 years later...and I get first post!

This code rocks man. I combined it with the SetCameraFOV from sswift and it's perfect for perfect pixel sizing and placement for a 2D in 3D hud. Hat's off to you man!

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