Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/CreateExplosion()

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CreateExplosion() by Neo Genesis102001
Although the seasoned coder will likely use models or other such items for their explosions, these routines will create an explosion which steadily grows larger and fades out. A simple, but effective technique.

All feedback appreciated.
Type explosion
	Field max#
	Field mesh
	Field opa#
End Type

Global boom.explosion
Global exptex = LoadTexture("boom.jpg", 8)

Function CreateExplosion( x#, y#, z#, size, polys )
	If polys =< 0 RuntimeError "Negative poly count in CreateExplosion"
	If polys > 100 RuntimeError "Poly count too high for CreateExplosion"
	boom.explosion = New explosion
	boom\mesh = CreateSphere( polys )

	Select size
		Case 1
			ScaleMesh boom\mesh,.3,.3,.3
			boom\max = 1.9
			w = MeshWidth(boom\mesh)
		Case 2
			ScaleMesh boom\mesh,.7,.7,.7
			boom\max = 4.0
			w = MeshWidth(boom\mesh)
			ScaleMesh boom\mesh,.9,.9,.9
			boom\max = 5.5
			w = MeshWidth(boom\mesh)
	End Select
	EntityAlpha boom\mesh, .7
	EntityTexture boom\mesh, exptex
	boom\opa# = 0.9
	PositionEntity boom\mesh, x#, y#, z#
End Function

Function UpdateExplosions()

	For boom.explosion = Each explosion
		ScaleMesh boom\mesh, 1.01, 1.01, 1.01
		boom\opa# = boom\opa# - 0.01
		EntityAlpha boom\mesh, boom\opa#
		TurnEntity boom\mesh, 0,1,0
		If MeshWidth(boom\mesh) > boom\max
			FreeEntity boom\mesh
			Delete boom.explosion

End Function



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