Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/Connected-AABB Occlusion System

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Connected-AABB Occlusion System by N2004
This code requires these two libraries:
3D Math Functions
Stack Functions

This library is used to occlude 'blocks' of rooms. What it does is check to see if the player/camera is inside of a node, and then shows connected nodes within a certain 'range'.

Creates a scene node.

AddEntityToNode Node, Entity
Like the name suggests, it adds an entity to a node's list of meshes/entities. This updates the node's AABB so that it can be checked properly.

AddAdjacentNode NodeA, NodeB
This connects two nodes together. On update, if Camera is in NodeA, NodeB is set to visible if it's in range of NodeA (range would have to be 1 or more).

SetNodeBoudnaries Node, MinX, MinY, MinZ, MaxX, MaxY, MaxZ
Sets a node's AABB. This most likely does not need to be used, but in the case that you're having trouble you can set custom values.

EntityInsideNode Entity, Node
Returns true if Entity is inside of Node.

UpdateSceneNodes Camera
Does what it says. It updates the scene nodes accordingly.

NodeVisible Node
Returns whether or not a node is visible (after update).

GetNodeRoot Node
Returns the pivot used by a node.

	;; Scene node culling system
;#End Region

;#Region CLASSES
	Type SceneNode
		Field MinCube.Vector
		Field MaxCube.Vector
		Field Cube
		Field Adjacent
		Field Root
		Field Visible
	End Type
	Global NodeRange = 2
;#End Region

	Function CreateSceneNode()
		s.SceneNode = New SceneNode
		s\MinCube = Vector(9999,9999,9999)
		s\MaxCube = Vector(-9999,-9999,-9999)
		s\Root = CreatePivot()
		s\Adjacent = CreateStack()
		NameEntity s\Root,Handle(s)
		Return s\Root
	End Function
	Function AddEntityToNode(Node,Entity)
		s.SceneNode = Object.SceneNode(EntityName(Node))
		If Upper(EntityClass(Entity)) = "MESH" Then
			For n = 1 To CountSurfaces(Entity)
				surf = GetSurface(Entity,n)
				For i = 0 To CountVertices(surf)-1
					x# = VertexX(surf,i)
					y# = VertexY(surf,i)
					z# = VertexZ(surf,i)
					TFormPoint x,y,z,Entity,0
					If x < s\MinCube\X Then s\MinCube\X = x
					If x > s\MaxCube\X Then s\MaxCube\X = x
					If y < s\MinCube\y Then s\MinCube\y = y
					If y > s\MaxCube\y Then s\MaxCube\y = y
					If z < s\MinCube\z Then s\MinCube\z = z
					If z > s\MaxCube\z Then s\MaxCube\z = z
			x# = EntityX(Entity,1)
			y# = EntityY(Entity,1)
			z# = EntityZ(Entity,1)
			If x < s\MinCube\X Then s\MinCube\X = x
			If x > s\MaxCube\X Then s\MaxCube\X = x
			If y < s\MinCube\y Then s\MinCube\y = y
			If y > s\MaxCube\y Then s\MaxCube\y = y
			If z < s\MinCube\z Then s\MinCube\z = z
			If z > s\MaxCube\z Then s\MaxCube\z = z
		EntityBox FindChild(s\Root,"_NODEOCCLUDER"),s\MaxCube\X,s\MaxCube\Y,s\MaxCube\Z,s\MinCube\X-s\MaxCube\X,s\MinCube\Y-s\MaxCube\Y,s\MinCube\Z-s\MaxCube\Z
		EntityParent Entity,s\Root
	End Function
	Function AddAdjacentNode(NodeA,NodeB)
		a.SceneNode = Object.SceneNode(EntityName(NodeA))
		b.SceneNode = Object.SceneNode(EntityName(NodeB))
		PushObject b\Adjacent,NodeA
		PushObject a\Adjacent,NodeB
	End Function
	Function SetNodeBoundaries(Node,MinX#,MinY#,MinZ#,MaxX#,MaxY#,MaxZ#)
		s.SceneNode = Object.SceneNode(EntityName(Node))
		If s = Null Then Return 0
		Delete s\MinCube
		Delete s\MaxCube
		s\MinCube = Vector(MinX,MinY,MinZ)
		s\MaxCube = Vector(MaxX,MaxY,MaxZ)
		Return 1
	End Function
	Function EntityInsideNode(Entity,Node)
		s.SceneNode = Object.SceneNode(EntityName(Node))
		If s = Null Then Return 0
		TFormPoint 0,0,0,Entity,s\Root
		x# = TFormedX()
		y# = TFormedY()
		z# = TFormedZ()
		Return ( x > s\MinCube\X And x < s\MaxCube\X And y > s\MinCube\Y And y < s\MaxCube\Y And z > s\MinCube\Z And z < s\MaxCube\Z )
	End Function
	Function UpdateSceneNodes(Camera)
		For s.SceneNode = Each SceneNode
			HideEntity s\Root
			s\Visible = 0
		For s.SceneNode = Each SceneNode
			If EntityInsideNode(Camera,s\Root)
				Cube = FindChild(s\Root,"_NODEOCCLUDER")
				For c = 1 To CountChildren(s\Root)
					child = GetChild(s\Root,c)
					If Child <> Cube Then
						If EntityInView(Child,Camera)=0 Then HideEntity child
		For s.SceneNode = Each SceneNode
			ShowEntity s\Root
			HideEntity FindChild(s\Root,"_NODEOCCLUDER")
	End Function
	Function NodeVisible(Node)
		s.SceneNode = Object.SceneNode(EntityName(Node))
		If s = Null Then Return 0
		Return s\Visible
	End Function
	Function GetNodeRoot(Node)
		s.SceneNode = Object.SceneNode(EntityName(Node))
		If s = Null Then Return 0
		Return s\Root
	End Function
	Function SetNodesVisible(Camera,Node,Range=2)
		s.SceneNode = Object.SceneNode(EntityName(Node))
		If s = Null Then Return 0
		Cube = FindChild(Node,"_NODEOCCLUDER")
		If Cube = 0 Then
			rt$ = "ERROR: _NODEOCCLUDER was not found in child list"+Chr(10)+Chr(10)+"Children:"
			For c = 1 To CountChildren(Node)
				name$ = EntityName(GetChild(Node,c))
				If name$ = "" Then name$ = "NONAME"
				rt$ = rt$ + Chr(10) + name$ + "  :  " + GetChild(Node,c)
			If CountChildren(Node) = 0 Then rt$ = rt$ + Chr(10) + "None"
			RuntimeError rt$
		EntityParent Cube,0
		ShowEntity Cube
		If EntityInView(Cube,Camera) = 1 Or Range=NodeRange Then
			ShowEntity s\Root
			s\Visible = 1
			HideEntity Cube
			EntityParent Cube,s\Root
			For i = 0 To (Objects(s\Adjacent)*(Range-1 > 0))-1
		HideEntity Cube
		EntityParent Cube,s\Root
	End Function
;#End Region



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