Code archives/3D Graphics - Misc/PlaceBallOnEachVertex(mesh) Function

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PlaceBallOnEachVertex(mesh) Function by Sarakan2004
This code will place a number on each vertex in a mesh to help you when you need to know each vertex's number.
Function PlaceBallOnEachVertex(mesh)
	surface = GetSurface(mesh,1)
	For temp = 0 To CountVertices(surface) - 1

		tempball = CreateSphere(8)
			PositionEntity tempball,VertexX#(surface,temp), VertexY#(surface,temp), VertexZ#(surface,temp)
			EntityColor tempball,190,0,0
			EntityAlpha tempball,.4
			EntityParent tempball, mesh
			NameEntity tempball,"Vertex " + temp

		tempimg = CreateTexture(Len(temp) * 10,15)
			SetBuffer TextureBuffer(tempimg)
				Text 1,1,temp
			SetBuffer BackBuffer()
		vert_sprite = CreateSprite()	
			EntityTexture vert_sprite,tempimg
			PositionEntity vert_sprite,VertexX#(surface,temp), VertexY#(surface,temp), VertexZ#(surface,temp),1
			EntityParent vert_sprite, tempball
End Function

The following is the example of how to use this function 

Graphics3D 800,600,16,2 
SetBuffer BackBuffer() 
SeedRnd MilliSecs() 

Global camera = CreateCamera() 
Global light = CreateLight(camera) 
MoveEntity camera,5,4,-6 

meshy_terrain = CreateTerrainMesh(5,7)

PlaceBallOnEachVertex(meshy_terrain)  ;<======== HERE IT IS 

While Not KeyDown(1) 
Text 1,1, "Arrow keys, A key, and Z key move camera" 


Function PlaceBallOnEachVertex(mesh) 
surface = GetSurface(mesh,1) 
For temp = 0 To CountVertices(surface) - 1 

tempball = CreateSphere(8) 
PositionEntity tempball,VertexX#(surface,temp), VertexY#(surface,temp), VertexZ#(surface,temp) 
EntityColor tempball,190,0,0 
EntityAlpha tempball,.4 
EntityParent tempball, mesh 
NameEntity tempball,"Vertex " + temp 

tempimg = CreateTexture(Len(temp) * 10,15) 
SetBuffer TextureBuffer(tempimg) 
Text 1,1,temp 
SetBuffer BackBuffer() 

vert_sprite = CreateSprite() 
EntityTexture vert_sprite,tempimg 
PositionEntity vert_sprite,VertexX#(surface,temp), VertexY#(surface,temp), VertexZ#(surface,temp),1 
EntityParent vert_sprite, tempball 
End Function 

Function CreateTerrainMesh(x,y) 
;x = how many horizontal vertices 
;y = how many vertical vertices 

mesh = CreateMesh() 
surf = CreateSurface(mesh) 
If x < 2 Or y < 2 Then Return mesh ;in case user gives a bad number simply return the mesh 
For tempx = 1 To x 
For tempy = 1 To y 

For v0 = 0 To (x*y)-y-2 
For Z = 1 To x*y 
If v0 = z*y-1 Then v0 = v0 + 1 
v1 = V0 + 1 
v2 = v1 + y 
v3 = v0 + y 

Return mesh 
End Function 

Function Get_Input() 
shift = 0 
up = 0 
down = 0 
left_key = 0 
right_key = 0 
a = 0 
z = 0 
If KeyDown(shiftkey) = 1 Then shift = 1 
If KeyDown(200) = 1 Then up = 1 
If KeyDown(208) = 1 Then down = 1 
If KeyDown(203) = 1 Then Left_key = 1 
If KeyDown(205) = 1 Then Right_key = 1 
If KeyDown(30) = 1 Then a = 1 
If KeyDown(44) = 1 Then z = 1 

If right_key = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,1,0,0 
If left_key = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,-1,0,0 
If up = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,1 
If down = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,-1 
If a = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,0,1,0 
If z = 1 Then MoveEntity camera,0,-1,0 
If KeyDown(211) Then TurnEntity camera,0,2,0 
If KeyDown(209) Then TurnEntity camera,0,-2,0 
End Function


Please post example code. Can't get this to work.

I found out that I needed to scale the sprite and ball so it was visible. It was way too small for me to see.

Added Example. BTW does anyone know how to make my code public domain?

I think you just did.

Added Example. BTW does anyone know how to make my code public domain?

Please see this topic.

Thank you...It is now PD...though now that I'm running it on a mesh and resizing the mesh...I can see a slight problem of the spheres becoming larger in size. I kinda just wanted them to stay the same size once made.

Should I make a function to normalize the spheres back to original size(though I dislike giving a function out and forcing you to add more code to your program) or leave this as is since this is mostly for use in debugging a mesh's vertice?

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