Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/TerrainY equivalent for mesh terrains

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TerrainY equivalent for mesh terrains by PsychicParrot2003
Simple function to act as a 'terrainy()' for a mesh terrain (or any kind of mesh floor, I guess...) Make your mesh terrain pickable using entitypickmode - in the case of a terrain mesh, you'll use mode 3 for polygon.

use: terrainy=getmeshterrainy(entity)

So, whereas you pass in the x,y,z to terrainy() - here, you just pass in the name of the entity you want to check under. This function returns the first 'pickable' entity under the entity you pass in...

The main line:
has two numbers 20 and 30. This says "start looking for entities at entityy(entity)+20 and stop at -30. This 'projects' a line from above the entity to below it. Change these values to 'tune' to your own world sizes if you have any problems.
Function getmeshterrainy#(ent)

Return (PickedY())

End Function



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