Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/Remove overlapping triangles

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Remove overlapping triangles by sswift2002
This function removes overlapping triangles in a mesh, even across surfaces.

For example, if you build a level out of cubes in a single mesh, even if they are in diffrent surfaces, this function will remove all faces sandwidched between the cubes.

Note that this function ONLY works for triangles which share all three points.

As such it might not work right with Blitz cubes. The opposite sides of the cube have to mirror eachother so that when looking through the side of the cube the diagonals overlap, not cross.

Ie, this function will not remove faces on the bottom of a cylynder sitting on a plane. It wasn't designed for that.

What this function WAS designed for is level created out of "blocks" of level that sit flush up against one another. FOr example, you could have pipes that turn in all directions and have end caps. But if you arrange the polygons on the ends right, then when you place those pipes next to eachother so they sit flush with one another, those end caps will be deleted as neccessary.

This saves a lot of time and effort because you don't need to create nine or more versions of every block in your 3D block based game, each with diffrent polygons removed.

This function is fast enough to be called after loading and constructing your level, but not fast enough to optimize your level every time you add a new block in a level editor. It takes about a second or two to optimize a small level.

You will need to reapply any brushes you applied to the level after optimizing it, since there's no command to find out what brush has been applied to a surface in Blitz.

If you find this code useful, a small donation through paypal to sswift@... would be appreicated. :-)
Type Triangle							; This type is for the Remove_Coincident_Tris() function.
		Field Surface						; Pointer to the surface this triangle is in.
		Field Index							; The index number for this triangle in the specified surface.
	End Type 	

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function detects all front-to-front facing tris in a mesh, rebuilds the mesh without them, and returns a
; pointer to the new mesh.
; In other words, if two triangles face eachother in a mesh, and both triangles touch at 3 vertices, then both
; will be removed.  If the faces face in the same direction they will not be removed.
; Note that it is possible for some vertices to be left around orphaned with no triangle connected to them if all
; triangles that were connected to them were coincident with other triangles, but that shouldn't cause any problems,
; as they won't be visible.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Remove_Coincident_Tris(ThisMesh)

	; Find all the coincident tris.

		Surfaces = CountSurfaces(ThisMesh)

		; Loop through each surface of this mesh.
		For Surface_Index_1 = 1 To Surfaces

			Surface1 = GetSurface(ThisMesh, Surface_Index_1)
			Tris = CountTriangles(Surface1)

			; Loop through each triangle in this surface.
			For Tri_Index_1 = 0 To (Tris-1)
				; This triangle has not yet been found to be coincident with any other.
				Coincident = False
				; Loop through every triangle after this triangle in this surface.
				For Tri_Index_2 = (Tri_Index_1+1) To (Tris-1)
					; If these triangles are coincident...
					If TrisCoincident(Surface1, Tri_Index_1, Surface1, Tri_Index_2)
						; Mark this triangle as having been found to be coincident.
						Coincident = True
						; Mark both triangles for removal.
						ThisTriangle.Triangle = New Triangle
						ThisTriangle\Surface = Surface1
						ThisTriangle\Index 	 = Tri_Index_1
						ThisTriangle.Triangle = New Triangle
						ThisTriangle\Surface = Surface1
						ThisTriangle\Index 	 = Tri_Index_2
						; Exit the Tri_Index_2 loop.

				; If we found the first triangle to be coincident with another already, don't look for any more
				; triangles coincident with this one.
				If Not Coincident

					; Otherwise, we failed to find a coincident triangle in the same surface as the triangle we're
					; testing, so look in all the other surfaces.

					; Loop through every triangle in every surface after this surface.
					For Surface_Index_2 = Surface_Index_1+1 To Surfaces

						Surface2 = GetSurface(ThisMesh, Surface_Index_2)
						Tris2 = CountTriangles(Surface2)

						For Tri_Index_2 = 0 To Tris2-1
							; If these triangles are coincident...
							If TrisCoincident(Surface1, Tri_Index_1, Surface2, Tri_Index_2)
								; Mark this triangle as having been found to be coincident.
								Coincident = True
								; Mark both triangles for removal.
								ThisTriangle.Triangle = New Triangle
								ThisTriangle\Surface = Surface1
								ThisTriangle\Index 	 = Tri_Index_1
								ThisTriangle.Triangle = New Triangle
								ThisTriangle\Surface = Surface2
								ThisTriangle\Index 	 = Tri_Index_2
								; Exit the Tri_Index_2 loop.


						; If we found the first triangle to be coincident with another already, exit Surface_Index_2 loop.
						If Coincident Then Exit


	; Delete all the coincident tris by constructing a new mesh without those tris from the old mesh.

		; Create a new mesh.
		NewMesh = CreateMesh()	

		; Loop through each surface of the mesh.
		For Surface_Index = 1 To Surfaces

			; Get the pointer to the this surface and the number of vertices in it.
			SrcSurface = GetSurface(ThisMesh, Surface_Index)
			Tris = CountTriangles(SrcSurface)
			; Create a new surface in the destination mesh to hold the copy of this surface's data.
			DestSurface = CreateSurface(NewMesh)
			; Copy all the vertices from the source surface to the destination surface.
			SrcVerts = CountVertices(SrcSurface)
			For VertLoop = 0 To SrcVerts-1
				Vx#  = VertexX#(SrcSurface, VertLoop)
				Vy#  = VertexY#(SrcSurface, VertLoop)
				Vz#  = VertexZ#(SrcSurface, VertLoop)
				Vu#  = VertexU#(SrcSurface, VertLoop)
				Vv#  = VertexV#(SrcSurface, VertLoop)		
				Vw#  = VertexW#(SrcSurface, VertLoop)
				Vnx# = VertexNX#(SrcSurface, VertLoop)
				Vny# = VertexNY#(SrcSurface, VertLoop)
				Vnz# = VertexNZ#(SrcSurface, VertLoop)						
				Vr   = VertexRed(SrcSurface, VertLoop)
				Vg   = VertexGreen(SrcSurface, VertLoop)
				Vb   = VertexBlue(SrcSurface, VertLoop)
				AddVertex(DestSurface, Vx#, Vy#, Vz#, Vu#, Vv#, Vw#)
				VertexNormal(DestSurface, VertLoop, Vnx#, Vny#, Vnz#)
				VertexColor(DestSurface, VertLoop, Vr, Vg, Vb) 

			; Copy all triangles from the source surface to the destination surface.	
			SrcTris  = CountTriangles(SrcSurface)
			For TriLoop = 0 To SrcTris-1
				Copy_Tri = True
				For ThisTri.Triangle = Each Triangle
					; If this triangle is a coincident triangle that should be removed...
					If (ThisTri\Surface = SrcSurface) And (ThisTri\Index = TriLoop) 
						; Do not copy the triangle.
						Copy_Tri = False
						; Exit ThisTri loop early.
				; If it's okay to copy this triangle...
				If Copy_Tri			
					V0 = TriangleVertex(SrcSurface, TriLoop, 0)
					V1 = TriangleVertex(SrcSurface, TriLoop, 1)
					V2 = TriangleVertex(SrcSurface, TriLoop, 2)
					AddTriangle(DestSurface, V0, V1, V2)

	; Delete the old mesh.
	FreeEntity ThisMesh
	; Delete all the temporary coincident triangle data.		
	Delete Each Triangle

	; Return the pointer to the new mesh.
	Return NewMesh
End Function 

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function returns the squared distance between two vertices.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function VertexDist#(Surface1, Vert1, Surface2, Vert2)

	V1x# = VertexX#(Surface1, Vert1)
	V1y# = VertexY#(Surface1, Vert1)
	V1z# = VertexZ#(Surface1, Vert1)
	V2x# = VertexX#(Surface2, Vert2)
	V2y# = VertexY#(Surface2, Vert2)
	V2z# = VertexZ#(Surface2, Vert2)
	Return (V1x#-V2x#)*(V1x#-V2x#) + (V1y#-V2y#)*(V1y#-V2y#) + (V1z#-V2z#)*(V1z#-V2z#)	
End Function	

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function returns true if two triangles are coincident.  (Occupy the same space.)
; Epsilon is the distance by which the vertices of the triangles can be seperated and still be considered coincident.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function TrisCoincident(Surface1, Tri_Index_1, Surface2, Tri_Index_2, Epsilon#=0.001)

	; Square the epsilon so that we can use squared distances for speed in comparisons.	
	Epsilon# = Epsilon#*Epsilon# 	
	; Store the indices of the vertices which make up the triangles.
	T1_Vert0 = TriangleVertex(Surface1, Tri_Index_1, 0)		
	T1_Vert1 = TriangleVertex(Surface1, Tri_Index_1, 1)
	T1_Vert2 = TriangleVertex(Surface1, Tri_Index_1, 2)
	T2_Vert0 = TriangleVertex(Surface2, Tri_Index_2, 0)		
	T2_Vert1 = TriangleVertex(Surface2, Tri_Index_2, 1)
	T2_Vert2 = TriangleVertex(Surface2, Tri_Index_2, 2)

	; Check to see if all three vertices of these triangles are coincident.

		Coincident = True
		; Check to see if vertex 0 of triangle 1 is coincident with any of the vertices in triangle 2.
		If VertexDist#(Surface1, T1_Vert0, Surface2, T2_Vert0) > Epsilon#
			If VertexDist#(Surface1, T1_Vert0, Surface2, T2_Vert1) > Epsilon#
				If VertexDist#(Surface1, T1_Vert0, Surface2, T2_Vert2) > Epsilon#
					Coincident = False
		; If the first test passed...
		If Coincident
			; Check to see if vertex 1 of triangle 1 is coincident with any of the vertices in triangle 2.
			If VertexDist#(Surface1, T1_Vert1, Surface2, T2_Vert0) > Epsilon#
				If VertexDist#(Surface1, T1_Vert1, Surface2, T2_Vert1) > Epsilon#
					If VertexDist#(Surface1, T1_Vert1, Surface2, T2_Vert2) > Epsilon#
						Coincident = False

			; If the second test passed...						
			If Coincident
				; Check to see if vertex 2 of triangle 1 is coincident with any of the vertices in triangle 2.
				If VertexDist#(Surface1, T1_Vert2, Surface2, T2_Vert0) > Epsilon#
					If VertexDist#(Surface1, T1_Vert2, Surface2, T2_Vert1) > Epsilon#
						If VertexDist#(Surface1, T1_Vert2, Surface2, T2_Vert2) > Epsilon#
							Coincident = False

	; Return whether the triangles were coincident or not.
	Return Coincident

End Function


hmmm useful for a minecraft sort of game? :D next project.

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