Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/CreateSquare

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CreateSquare by Ziltch2002
This command creates a flat 2d square to use in a 3d world.

CreateSquare(number of segments per side[,parententity])


ground = createsquare(20)
ScaleEntity ground,1000,1,1000

This creates a large 1000x1000 square to use as ground.
Function createsquare(segs#=2,parent=0)
; by ADAmor Ziltch. Oct 2002
; v2 Feb 2003
;v3  may 2003 fixed rounding bug

    mesh=CreateMesh( parent )
    surf=CreateSurface( mesh )

    l# =-.5
    b# = -.5
    tvc= 0

    ;create all the vertices first
      u# = l + .5
      v# = b + .5
      AddVertex surf,l,0,b,u,1-v
      tvc=tvc + 1
      l = l + 1/segs
      If l > .501 Then
        l = -.5
        b = b + 1/segs
      End If
    Until b > .5

    ;create polys
    vc# =0

      AddTriangle (surf,vc,vc+segs+1,vc+segs+2)
      AddTriangle (surf,vc,vc+segs+2,vc+1)

      vc = vc + 1
      tst# =  ((vc+1) /(segs+1)) -floor ((vc+1) /(segs+1))

      If (vc > 0) And (tst=0) Then
        vc = vc + 1
      End If

    Until vc=>tvc-segs-2
    UpdateNormals mesh
    Return mesh

End Function



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