Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/Mesh Plane

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Mesh Plane by Neo Genesis102002
Use this function to produce an editable plane mesh. You might use this as a base for an seperate mesh or for non-LOD terrain style objects.
Dim vertex(99,99)

Function CreateMeshPlane(width, height, parent=0)
	width = width - 1
	height = height - 1

	mesh = CreateMesh()
	surface = CreateSurface(mesh)

	For x = 0 To width
		For z = 0 To height
			vertex(x,z) = AddVertex(surface,x,0,z)
	For x = 0 To width
		For z = 0 To height
			VertexTexCoords surface, vertex(x,z), 0, 1, 0
			VertexTexCoords surface, vertex(x,z+1), 0, 0, 0
			VertexTexCoords surface, vertex(x+1,z), 1, 1, 0
			VertexTexCoords surface, vertex(x+1,z+1), 1, 0, 0
			AddTriangle(surface, vertex(x,z), vertex(x,z+1), vertex(x+1,z+1) )
			AddTriangle(surface, vertex(x+1,z+1), vertex(x+1,z), vertex(x,z) )
	EntityParent mesh, parent
	Return mesh
End Function



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