Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/DeleteEntity vs. ClearSurface speed test

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DeleteEntity vs. ClearSurface speed test by sswift2002
In my shadow system, I needed to make a copy of several meshes every frame so I could manipulate them safely. When I was done manipulating them, I deleted them.

I made the copies using addmesh. But was there a faster way? It would seem like deleting the shadow entity and then rebuilding the mesh again would be fastest.

But in fact, I discovered using this code that it's 3x faster on my system if I simply clear the surface rather than deleting the mesh and starting over.

Anyhow, here's the code, test it for yourself!
Graphics3D 640,480,16,0

Mesh = CreateSphere()


For c =1 To 10000

	NewMesh1 = CreateMesh()
	AddMesh Mesh, NewMesh1
	FreeEntity NewMesh1



NewMesh1 = CreateMesh()
AddMesh Mesh, NewMesh1
Surface = GetSurface(NewMesh1, 1)

For c =1 To 10000

	ClearSurface Surface
	AddMesh Mesh, NewMesh1

Print "The second method takes " + (time2# / time1#) + " times as long."



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