Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/Procedural Grass Pattern for texture

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Procedural Grass Pattern for texture by Bobysait2017
This code produices a large floor of grass using meshes.

The original idea comes from this youtube tutorial (this is just a way to get a similar result in code)
Const LEAF_MAX_RES% = 24
Function RandomLeaf(NIter%=-1, LeafW#=0.2, LeafVarX#=0.10, LeafVarY#=0.25, Parent=0)
	Local mesh = CreateMesh(Parent)
	EntityFX mesh, 1+2+8+32
	Local surf = CreateSurface(mesh)
	If (NIter<4) Then NIter = Rand(4,LEAF_MAX_RES-1)
	If (NIter>=LEAF_MAX_RES) Then NIter = LEAF_MAX_RES-1
	Local lx#[LEAF_MAX_RES]
	Local ly#[LEAF_MAX_RES]
	Local lw#[LEAF_MAX_RES]
	Local x# = 0
	Local y# = 0
	Local w# = 1
	Local i% = 0
	Local xSens# = -1+2*Rand(0,1)
	Local RndXAng# = Rand(170,320)
	For i = 0 To NIter
		lx[i] = x*xSens
		ly[i] = y
		Local ang0 = Rand(-90,-80)
		lw[i] = LeafW * Cos(ang0+(90-ang0)*i/NIter)+LeafW*Rnd(-0.1,0.1)
		Local y0# = Float(1+i)/NIter
		Local y1# = Float(2+i)/NIter
		y = y + LeafVarY*Rnd(y0,y1)
		x = x + LeafVarX*Cos(i*RndXAng / NIter)
	Local v0%
	Local NV% = 9
	Local AO# = LeafW*1.2
	Local AOy# = -AO
	For i = 0 To NIter
		Local DI# = lw[i]*0.001
		v0	=	AddVertex ( surf, lx[i]-lw[i]-AO,-0.001,ly[i]+AOy ) : VertexColor surf, v0+0, 0,0,0, 0.0
				AddVertex ( surf, lx[i]-lw[i]+DI,-0.001,ly[i]+AOy ) : VertexColor surf, v0+1, 0,0,0, 0.3
				AddVertex ( surf, lx[i]+lw[i]-DI,-0.001,ly[i]+AOy ) : VertexColor surf, v0+2, 0,0,0, 0.3
				AddVertex ( surf, lx[i]+lw[i]+AO,-0.001,ly[i]+AOy ) : VertexColor surf, v0+3, 0,0,0, 0.0
		If i>0
				AddTriangle surf, v0-4, v0+1, v0-3
				AddTriangle surf, v0-4, v0  , v0+1
				AddTriangle surf, v0-3, v0+2, v0-2
				AddTriangle surf, v0-3, v0+1, v0+2
				AddTriangle surf, v0-2, v0+3, v0-1
				AddTriangle surf, v0-2, v0+2, v0+3
		If i=0
			AOy = 0
		ElseIf i=NIter-1
			AOy = AO
	Local vS% = CountVertices(surf)
	Local v_%
	AOy# = -AO
	For i = 0 To NIter
		v_ =	AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]-lw[i]*1.2,0,ly[i]+AOy )
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]-lw[i]    ,0,ly[i] )
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]-lw[i]*.6 ,0,ly[i] )
		If i>NIter/6 And i <NIter*7/8
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]-lw[i]*Rnd(.2,0.4) ,0,ly[i] )
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]          ,0,ly[i] )
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]+lw[i]*Rnd(.2,0.4) ,0,ly[i] )
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]          ,0,ly[i] )
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]          ,0,ly[i] )
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]          ,0,ly[i] )
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]+lw[i]*.6 ,0,ly[i] )
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]+lw[i]    ,0,ly[i] )
				AddVertex	( surf, lx[i]+lw[i]*1.2,0,ly[i]+AOy )
		If i=0
			AOy = 0
		ElseIf i=NIter-1
			AOy = AO
		If i>0
			For j = 0 To NV-2
				v0 = v_+j
				AddTriangle surf, v0-NV,v0+1,v0-NV+1
				AddTriangle surf, v0-NV,v0,v0+1
	Local r0 = 255, g0=225, b0=060
	Local r1 = 055, g1=160, b1=010
	Local r2 = 040, g2=110, b2=005
	Local c0# = 0.2
	Local c1# = 1 - c0
	For i = 0 To NIter
		Local c# = c0+c1*ly[i]/ly[NIter]
		Local rl = c*(r1+(r0-r1)*c)
		Local gl = c*(g1+(g0-g1)*c)
		Local bl = c*(b1+(b0-b1)*c)
		Local rm = c*(r1+(r0-r1)*c*0.7)
		Local gm = c*(g1+(g0-g1)*c*0.7)
		Local bm = c*(b1+(b0-b1)*c*0.7)
		Local rn = c*(r1+(r0-r1)*c*0.95)
		Local gn = c*(g1+(g0-g1)*c*0.95)
		Local bn = c*(b1+(b0-b1)*c*0.95)
		VertexColor surf, vS+i*NV+0, rl,gl,bl, 0.0
		VertexColor surf, vS+i*NV+1, rl,gl,bl
		VertexColor surf, vS+i*NV+2, rm,gm,bm
		VertexColor surf, vS+i*NV+3, rn,gn,bn
		VertexColor surf, vS+i*NV+4, c*r2,c*g2,c*b2
		VertexColor surf, vS+i*NV+5, rn,gn,bn
		VertexColor surf, vS+i*NV+6, rm,gm,bm
		VertexColor surf, vS+i*NV+7, rl,gl,bl
		VertexColor surf, vS+i*NV+8, rl,gl,bl, 0.0
	Return mesh
End Function

Graphics3D 1024,768,0,2

Local cam = CreateCamera()
CameraProjMode cam, 2
CameraZoom cam, 0.075
CameraClsColor cam, 255,000,255

Local Leaf_Model_Pivot = CreatePivot()
HideEntity Leaf_Model_Pivot
Local Leaf_Brush_Pivot = CreatePivot()
HideEntity Leaf_Brush_Pivot

Local Leaf_Copies_Pivot = CreatePivot()

Const NLeaves% = 8
Local Leaves[NLeaves+1]
For i = 0 To NLeaves
	Leaves[i] = RandomLeaf(6+i*2, 0.3, 0.1, 0.3, Leaf_Model_Pivot)

Local LeavesBrush[10]
For i = 0 To 6
	LeavesBrush[i] = CreatePivot(Leaf_Brush_Pivot)
	Local l_NLeaves% = Rand(8,12)
	For j = 0 To l_NLeaves
		Local f = CopyEntity(Leaves[Rand(0, NLeaves)], LeavesBrush[i])
		ScaleEntity f, Rnd(.9,1.1), Rnd(.9,1.1), Rnd(.9,1.1)
		PositionEntity f, Rnd(-0.1,0.1)*Float(j)/l_NLeaves, -0.01*Float(j+1)/l_NLeaves,Rnd(-0.1,0.1) + j*0.15
		RotateEntity f, 0,Rand(-60,60),0

For a = - 16 To 16 Step 4
For b = - 16 To 16 Step 4
	Local l_BrushPiv	=	CreatePivot(Leaf_Copies_Pivot)
							PositionEntity l_BrushPiv, a+Rnd(-1,1), -.1+Float(0.3)*Sqr(a*a+b*b)/(16*16+16*16), b+Rnd(-1,1)
							RotateEntity l_BrushPiv, 0,Rand(360),0
	For i = 0 To 12
		Local l_FBrush = CopyEntity(LeavesBrush[Rand(0,6)], l_BrushPiv)
						RotateEntity l_FBrush, 0,(i*360)/13,0
						MoveEntity l_FBrush, 0,0,Rnd(0.0,1.5)
		ScaleEntity l_FBrush, Rnd(.9,1.1), Rnd(.9,1.1), Rnd(.9,1.1)

PositionEntity cam, 0,16,0
RotateEntity cam, 90,0,0

Flip True
FreeEntity Leaf_Model_Pivot
FreeEntity Leaf_Copies_Pivot
FreeEntity Leaf_Brush_Pivot



It would look really better with hilights on the leaves, but ... you know ... I'm lazzy :)

I think a simple texture on the leaves could do the trick without too much effort.

Looks great!

That's pretty neat. ;)

Really nice.

Rick Nasher2017
Mighty purdy. Amazing what some people can do with procedural gfx.

Glad you like it.

Procedural is my god, I beleive in procedural ;)

Mighty purdy.

I had to google it to know it means :) (never heard this expression before)

nice !

Rick Nasher2017

Mighty purdy

It's hillbilly/red neck talk.


@Bobysait>>can you explain why you need vertex alpha to make this kind of leaf ? (i see how to create the same result without any alpha...)

(I'll answer with the Paul Taylor' style)

My name is Bobysait, I used to be a graphist but now I build everything with procedural stuff.

One of the thing I've never understood is the generation of procedural stuff using only mesh and surfaces when it's easier to create models with a dedicated software.

WTF Procedural ?!

There are many ways to get the job done with 3dsmax or blender or [...] and a texture, so ...
"Why is it better to use the procedural way using vertex alpha Jean-Pierre ?"

I use vertex alpha for 3 reasons.

Number One :
It's used to blend the edges so it makes a kind of low-cost anti-aliasing

Number 2 !
At the same time it generates some ambient occlusion on the leaves behind.

And Number 3 ?
I just didn't want to use a texture to do it, so i use Vertex color+alpha.

That's it :)

there was a shorter answer :
"because i want to" or "i like to use vertexalpha, that's my thing." ;)

to blend the edges so it makes a kind of low-cost anti-aliasing
it generates some ambient occlusion on the leaves behind


It's really nice and technically very interestung, but... the Triscount is 3.644.476. So you can only use it as a texture and not in 3D with the original meshes, unfortunately.

Well, the demo is only for example, but it's absolutely not made to be used as a mesh
It's just a starting point for something else. (see the video of the tutorial posted above, it shows how the guy do it with photoshop, I only rebuilt the shapes so we can do the same with procedural stuff)

The theory behind :
- Create random patterns and copyrect each of them to a separate texture
- Apply each texture to a quad (with equal width and height)
offset each texture (PositionTexture) to fit the viewport (it will wrap the borders)
- Finally copyrect the viewport to a texture

So you end with a seamless texture.

That's how it's supposed to be used :)

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