Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/Dynamic LOD (Level Of Detail)

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Dynamic LOD (Level Of Detail) by MusicianKool2010
well, this comes in 3 parts: A stripped down perlin tiled geodesic sphere lib, the main example, and the LOD Mesh divide/reduce codes(but all crammed together in one code). You will notice that mesh edges of unlike Levels of detail don't line up, I'm not sure how to fix this ( and help doing so would be great).

Download Improved 3d Perlin noise UserLib here :

- lod now dynamically adds higher resolution Textures.

- tiles of higher detail don't line up with tiles of lower detail
- Textures of higher lod have dark lines

W = forward
S = Backward
A = Strafe camera left
D = Strafe camera right
Q = roll camera Left
E = Roll Camera Right

J = Move Forward Fast
M = Move Backward Fast
spacebar = Wire Frame on/off
Mouse = look


Here Is a simpler LOD,

The above code seems to be missing the Perin3D function?

oops forgot to include: requires 3D_PerlinNoise.dll


I'm working on an infinite plane using lod. I will post as soon as its done.

ok Infinite plane.. I still don't know how to get the edges of different lod to match up...
also I'm sure it has something to do with normalizing the tiles, but you can see the tile outlines.

you will need this :
put the "" and "" with the below code and travel forever.

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