Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/CSG routines

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CSG routines by Warner2009
Update: I have dropped this routine in favor of a bmax-based one. Still, I tried a quick fix for detecting shared edges. Also, I changed the BoxesOverlap function as suggested by Charrua. (Thanks)
I wrote this CSG routine, but it is not perfect. Sometimes, certain triangles are deleted while they shouldn't. I hope it can stil be meaningfull for somebody.
I think the problem is caused by the way SplitTriangles works. Hopefully in a while I have more time to look into it.
This routine was based on
;Example usage code at the bottom, search for EXAMPLE99.BB
;rev 1

;esc 				end
;x 					turn
;right-mouse 		lookaround
;arrow/a+z (+ctrl) 	move (cam)
;O 					texture
;P 					wire
;Space 				CSG
;WER 				shape


	;ext. function ret. values
	Dim npicked#(2)
	Dim tpicked#(2)

;											CSG99.BB
	Const CSG_CARVE = 0
	Const CSG_FILL = 1
	Type CSGTriangle
		;mesh ref.
		Field mesh
		Field surf
		;vertex coords
		Field x0#,y0#,z0#,u0#,v0#
		Field x1#,y1#,z1#,u1#,v1#
		Field x2#,y2#,z2#,u2#,v2#
		;plane normal/d
		Field nx#,ny#,nz#
		Field onx#,ony#,onz#
		Field d#
		Field loop
	End Type

;												MakeTriangle()
Function MakeTriangle.CSGTriangle(mesh, surf, x0#,y0#,z0#,u0#,v0#, x1#,y1#,z1#,u1#,v1#, x2#,y2#,z2#,u2#,v2#, loop, org.CSGTriangle, nx#=0,ny#=0,nz#=0,d#=0 )

	;distance between corners
	d1# = dist(x0,y0,z0, x1,y1,z1)
	d2# = dist(x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2)
	d3# = dist(x2,y2,z2, x0,y0,z0)
	;size of triangle
	opp# = PointDistanceToLine#	(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)
	;remove empty triangles
	ep# = 0.01
	If ((opp < ep) Or (d1<ep) Or (d2<ep) Or (d3<ep)) Then Return

	t.CSGTriangle = New CSGTriangle

	;store mesh/surf pointer	
	t\mesh = mesh
	t\surf = surf

	;store coords		
	t\x0 = x0
	t\y0 = y0
	t\z0 = z0
	t\x1 = x1
	t\y1 = y1
	t\z1 = z1
	t\x2 = x2
	t\y2 = y2
	t\z2 = z2
	t\u0 = u0
	t\v0 = v0
	t\u1 = u1
	t\v1 = v1
	t\u2 = u2
	t\v2 = v2
	t\loop = loop

	;calculate normal
	ax# = x1 - x0
	ay# = y1 - y0
	az# = z1 - z0
	bx# = x2 - x1
	by# = y2 - y1
	bz# = z2 - z1
	Nx# = ( ay * bz ) - ( az * by )
	Ny# = ( az * bx ) - ( ax * bz )
	Nz# = ( ax * by ) - ( ay * bx )
	Ns# = Sqr( Nx*Nx + Ny*Ny + Nz*Nz )
	If Ns > 0 Then
		Nx = Nx / Ns
		Ny = Ny / Ns
		Nz = Nz / Ns
	End If
	If org <> Null Then
		t\onx = org\onx
		t\ony = org\ony
		t\onz = org\onz
;		t\d  = org\d
		t\onx = nx
		t\ony = ny
		t\onz = nz
	End If
		t\nx = nx
		t\ny = ny
		t\nz = nz
		t\d = d
	t\d# = -((t\nx * x0) + (t\ny * y0) + (t\nz * z0))
	Return t

End Function

;												  ScanObject()
;read all triangles from object and store them into the CSGTriangle type
Function ScanObject(mesh)

	;scan each surface
	For si = 1 To CountSurfaces(mesh)

		;get surface	
		s = GetSurface(mesh, si)
		;scan each triangle
		For t = 0 To CountTriangles(s) - 1

			;get triangle vertices		
			v0 = TriangleVertex(s, t, 0)
			v1 = TriangleVertex(s, t, 1)
			v2 = TriangleVertex(s, t, 2)

			;get vertex coords			
			v0x# = VertexX(s, v0)
			v0y# = VertexY(s, v0)
			v0z# = VertexZ(s, v0)
			TFormPoint v0x, v0y, v0z, mesh, 0
			v0x# = TFormedX()
			v0y# = TFormedY()
			v0z# = TFormedZ()

			v1x# = VertexX(s, v1)
			v1y# = VertexY(s, v1)
			v1z# = VertexZ(s, v1)
			TFormPoint v1x, v1y, v1z, mesh, 0
			v1x# = TFormedX()
			v1y# = TFormedY()
			v1z# = TFormedZ()

			v2x# = VertexX(s, v2)
			v2y# = VertexY(s, v2)
			v2z# = VertexZ(s, v2)
			TFormPoint v2x, v2y, v2z, mesh, 0
			v2x# = TFormedX()
			v2y# = TFormedY()
			v2z# = TFormedZ()

			;get triangle uv coords		
			uu0# = VertexU(s, v0)
			vv0# = VertexV(s, v0)
			uu1# = VertexU(s, v1)
			vv1# = VertexV(s, v1)
			uu2# = VertexU(s, v2)
			vv2# = VertexV(s, v2)

			;create triangle
			tr.CSGTriangle = MakeTriangle(mesh, s, v0x,v0y,v0z, uu0,vv0, v1x,v1y,v1z, uu1,vv1, v2x,v2y,v2z, uu2, vv2, 0, Null)
End Function

;												SplitTriangle()
;split triangle t1 by the plane of triangle t2, optional 'dosplit'=actually do split, loop=marker flag
Function SplitTriangle(t1.CSGTriangle, t2.CSGTriangle, dosplit = 0, loop = -1)

	;temp arrays
	Local stest[3]
	Local ssx#[3]
	Local ssy#[3]
	Local ssz#[3]
	Local ssu#[3]
	Local ssv#[3]

	nx# = t2\nx#
	ny# = t2\ny#
	nz# = t2\nz#
	d# = t2\d#

	;get world space coords t1
	v0x# = t1\x0: v0y# = t1\y0: v0z# = t1\z0
	v1x# = t1\x1: v1y# = t1\y1: v1z# = t1\z1
	v2x# = t1\x2: v2y# = t1\y2: v2z# = t1\z2

	;calculate plane intersection		
	stest[0] = ray_plane(v0x,v0y,v0z, v1x,v1y,v1z, nx,ny,nz,d)
	ssx[0] = npicked(0)
	ssy[0] = npicked(1)
	ssz[0] = npicked(2)
	stest[1] = ray_plane(v1x,v1y,v1z, v2x,v2y,v2z, nx,ny,nz,d)
	ssx[1] = npicked(0)
	ssy[1] = npicked(1)
	ssz[1] = npicked(2)
	stest[2] = ray_plane(v2x,v2y,v2z, v0x,v0y,v0z, nx,ny,nz,d)
	ssx[2] = npicked(0)
	ssy[2] = npicked(1)
	ssz[2] = npicked(2)
	;get triangle uv coords
	u0# = t1\u0
	v0# = t1\v0
	u1# = t1\u1
	v1# = t1\v1
	u2# = t1\u2
	v2# = t1\v2

	;get picked uv coords
	d1# = dist(v0x,v0y,v0z, ssx[0],ssy[0],ssz[0]) ;distance from side 1
	d2# = dist(ssx[0],ssy[0],ssz[0],v1x,v1y,v1z)  ;distance from side 2
	dd# = d1 + d2								  ;total distance
	If dd = 0 Then
		ssu[0] = u0
		ssv[0] = v0
		ssu[0] = u0 + (u1-u0) * d1 / dd			  ;interpolate u
		ssv[0] = v0 + (v1-v0) * d1 / dd		      ;interpolate v
	End If

	d1# = dist(v1x,v1y,v1z, ssx[1],ssy[1],ssz[1]) ;distance from side 1
	d2# = dist(ssx[1],ssy[1],ssz[1],v2x,v2y,v2z)  ;distance from side 2
	dd# = d1 + d2								  ;total distance
	If dd = 0 Then
		ssu[1] = u1
		ssv[1] = v1
		ssu[1] = u1 + (u2-u1) * d1 / dd			  ;interpolate u
		ssv[1] = v1 + (v2-v1) * d1 / dd	          ;interpolate v
	End If

	d1# = dist(v2x,v2y,v2z, ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2]) ;distance from side 1
	d2# = dist(ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2],v0x,v0y,v0z)  ;distance from side 2
	dd# = d1 + d2								  ;total distance
	If dd = 0 Then
		ssu[2] = u2
		ssv[2] = v2
		ssu[2] = u2 + (u0-u2) * d1 / dd			  ;interpolate u
		ssv[2] = v2 + (v0-v2) * d1 / dd			  ;interpolate v
	End If
	;all edges (which is a strange situation..)
	If stest[0] And stest[1] And stest[2] Then 
		split = False
		If dosplit Then
		    ;determine which corner should be dropped
			;based on the distance  corner<->intersection point
			d01# = dist(ssx[0],ssy[0],ssz[0], v0x,v0y,v0z)
			d02# = dist(ssx[1],ssy[1],ssz[1], v0x,v0y,v0z)
			d11# = dist(ssx[1],ssy[1],ssz[1], v1x,v1y,v1z)
			d12# = dist(ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2], v1x,v1y,v1z)
			d21# = dist(ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2], v2x,v2y,v2z)
			d22# = dist(ssx[0],ssy[0],ssz[0], v2x,v2y,v2z)
			If d02<d01 Then d01=d02
			If d12<d11 Then d11=d12
			If d22<d21 Then d21=d22
			If (d01 > d11) And (d01 > d21) Then stest[0] = False
			If (d11 > d01) And (d11 > d21) Then stest[1] = False
			If (d21 > d01) And (d21 > d11) Then stest[2] = False
		End If
	End If
	;edge 0
	If stest[0] And stest[1] Then
		split = True
		If dosplit Then
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf, v0x,v0y,v0z,u0,v0, ssx[0],ssy[0],ssz[0],ssu[0],ssv[0], ssx[1],ssy[1],ssz[1],ssu[1],ssv[1], loop, t1)
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf, v0x,v0y,v0z,u0,v0, ssx[1],ssy[1],ssz[1],ssu[1],ssv[1], v2x, v2y, v2z,u2,v2, loop, t1)
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf, ssx[0],ssy[0],ssz[0],ssu[0],ssv[0], v1x,v1y,v1z,u1,v1, ssx[1],ssy[1], ssz[1],ssu[1], ssv[1], loop, t1)
		End If
	End If
	;edge 1
	If stest[1] And stest[2] Then
		split = True
		If dosplit Then
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  v0x,v0y,v0z,u0,v0, v1x,v1y,v1z,u1,v1, ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2],ssu[2],ssv[2], loop, t1)
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2],ssu[2],ssv[2], v1x,v1y,v1z,u1,v1, ssx[1],ssy[1], ssz[1],ssu[1],ssv[1], loop, t1)
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2],ssu[2],ssv[2], ssx[1],ssy[1],ssz[1],ssu[1],ssv[1], v2x,v2y,v2z,u2,v2, loop, t1)
		End If
	End If
	;edge 2
	If stest[2] And stest[0] Then
		split = True
		If dosplit Then
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  v0x,v0y,v0z,u0,v0, ssx[0],ssy[0],ssz[0],ssu[0],ssv[0], ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2],ssu[2],ssv[2], loop, t1)
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  ssx[0],ssy[0],ssz[0],ssu[0],ssv[0], v1x,v1y,v1z,u1,v1, ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2],ssu[2],ssv[2], loop, t1)
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2],ssu[2],ssv[2], v1x,v1y,v1z,u1,v1, v2x,v2y,v2z,u2,v2, loop, t1)
		End If
	End If
	;only corner 0 (which is also very weird)
	If stest[0] And (Not stest[1]) And (Not stest[2]) Then
		split = True
		If dosplit Then
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  v0x,v0y,v0z,u0,v0, ssx[0],ssy[0],ssz[0],ssu[0],ssv[0], v2x,v2y,v2z,u2,v2, loop, t1)
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  ssx[0],ssy[0],ssz[0],ssu[0],ssv[0], v1x,v1y,v1z,u1,v1, v2x,v2y,v2z,u2,v2, loop, t1)
		End If
	End If
	;only corner 1 (idem)
	If stest[1] And (Not stest[2]) And (Not stest[0]) Then
		split = True
		If dosplit Then
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  v1x,v1y,v1z,u1,v1, ssx[1],ssy[1],ssz[1],ssu[1],ssv[1], v0x,v0y,v0z,u0,v0, loop, t1)
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  ssx[1],ssy[1],ssz[1],ssu[1],ssv[1], v2x,v2y,v2z,u2,v2, v0x,v0y,v0z,u0,v0, loop, t1)
		End If
	End If
	;only corner 2 (idem)
	If stest[2] And (Not stest[0]) And (Not stest[1]) Then
		split = True
		If dosplit Then
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  v2x,v2y,v2z,u2,v2, ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2],ssu[2],ssv[2], v1x,v1y,v1z,u1,v1, loop, t1)
			MakeTriangle(t1\mesh, t1\surf,  ssx[2],ssy[2],ssz[2],ssu[2],ssv[2], v0x,v0y,v0z,u0,v0, v1x,v1y,v1z,u1,v1, loop, t1)
		End If	
	End If
	If Not(stest[0] Or stest[1] Or stest[2]) Then
		split = False
	End If
	Return split
End Function

;												SplitTriangles()
Function SplitTriangles(obj1)

	;reset 'loop' flag for all triangles
	For t1.CSGTriangle = Each CSGTriangle
		t1\loop = 0

	loop = 0
	;loop through each triangle
	For t2.CSGTriangle = Each CSGTriangle
		;if triangle doesn't belong to mesh, start testing	
		If (t2\mesh <> obj1) Then
			loop = loop + 1
			;loop through each triangles
			For t1.CSGTriangle = Each CSGTriangle
				;test if triangle belongs to mesh, and isn't bisected yet
				If (t1\mesh = obj1) And (t1\loop < loop) Then
					;if tr1 and tr2 intersect
					If CSGTrisIntersect(t1, t2) Then
						;test if triangles intersect each other
						test1 = SplitTriangle(t1, t2, False, loop)
						test2 = SplitTriangle(t2, t1, False, loop)
						;if so, bisect t1 by t2
						If test1 And test2 Then
							SplitTriangle(t1, t2, True, loop)
							;remove original triangle
							Delete t1
						End If
					End If
				End If
		End If

End Function

;												CSGTrisIntersect()
;quickly checks if two triangles intersect/overlap
Function CSGTrisIntersect(t1.CSGTriangle,t2.CSGTriangle)

 ;get coords t1
 x0# = t1\x0: y0# = t1\y0: z0# = t1\z0
 x1# = t1\x1: y1# = t1\y1: z1# = t1\z1
 x2# = t1\x2: y2# = t1\y2: z2# = t1\z2

 ;get coords t2
 tx0# = t2\x0: ty0# = t2\y0: tz0# = t2\z0
 tx1# = t2\x1: ty1# = t2\y1: tz1# = t2\z1
 tx2# = t2\x2: ty2# = t2\y2: tz2# = t2\z2

 ;determine min/max x/y/z values
 nx1# = findmin(x0,x1,x2)
 nx2# = findmax(x0,x1,x2)
 ny1# = findmin(y0,y1,y2)
 ny2# = findmax(y0,y1,y2)
 nz1# = findmin(z0,z1,z2)
 nz2# = findmax(z0,z1,z2)

 nx2# = nx2 - nx1: If nx2 < 0.01 Then nx2 = 0.01
 ny2# = ny2 - ny1: If ny2 < 0.01 Then ny2 = 0.01
 nz2# = nz2 - nz1: If nz2 < 0.01 Then nz2 = 0.01

 ;determine min/max x/y/z values
 tnx1# = findmin(tx0,tx1,tx2)
 tnx2# = findmax(tx0,tx1,tx2)
 tny1# = findmin(ty0,ty1,ty2)
 tny2# = findmax(ty0,ty1,ty2)
 tnz1# = findmin(tz0,tz1,tz2)
 tnz2# = findmax(tz0,tz1,tz2)

 tnx2# = tnx2 - tnx1: If tnx2 < 0.01 Then tnx2 = 0.01
 tny2# = tny2 - tny1: If tny2 < 0.01 Then tny2 = 0.01
 tnz2# = tnz2 - tnz1: If tnz2 < 0.01 Then tnz2 = 0.01

 Return BoxesOverlap(nx1#,ny1#,nz1#,nx2#,ny2#,nz2#,tnx1#,tny1#,tnz1#,tnx2#,tny2#,tnz2#)

End Function

;												RebuildMesh()
Function RebuildMesh(mesh, invert = False, keepshared = False, mesh2)
	;setup dummy mesh, used for picking
	dummy = CopyMeshAt(mesh2)
	;enable picking on dummy object	
	dummy2 = CopyMesh(dummy)
	FlipMesh dummy2
	EntityPickMode dummy, 2
	EntityPickMode dummy2, 2
	;loop through each surface
	For si = 1 To CountSurfaces(mesh)
		;get and clear surface
		surf = GetSurface(mesh, si)
		ClearSurface surf, True, True
		;rebuild triangles that belong to this surface
		For c.CSGTriangle = Each CSGTriangle

			If c\surf = surf Then

				;convert vertex world coords into mesh coords
				TFormPoint c\x0,c\y0,c\z0, 0, mesh
				x0# = TFormedX()
				y0# = TFormedY()
				z0# = TFormedZ()

				TFormPoint c\x1,c\y1,c\z1, 0, mesh
				x1# = TFormedX()
				y1# = TFormedY()
				z1# = TFormedZ()

				TFormPoint c\x2,c\y2,c\z2, 0, mesh
				x2# = TFormedX()
				y2# = TFormedY()
				z2# = TFormedZ()
				;distance between corners
				d1# = dist(x0,y0,z0, x1,y1,z1)
				d2# = dist(x1,y1,z1, x2,y2,z2)
				d3# = dist(x2,y2,z2, x0,y0,z0)
				;size of triangle
				opp# = PointDistanceToLine#	(x0,y0,z0,x1,y1,z1,x2,y2,z2)
				;remove empty triangles
				ep# = 0.0001
				If Not((opp < ep) Or (d1<ep) Or (d2<ep) Or (d3<ep)) Then 

					;get middle point				
					mx# = (c\x0+c\x1+c\x2) / 3.0
					my# = (c\y0+c\y1+c\y2) / 3.0
					mz# = (c\z0+c\z1+c\z2) / 3.0
					;offset middle point slightly (don't ask why - tweak)
					;METHOD 1
					;linepick from middle in direction normal
					LinePick mx, my, mz, -c\nx * 1000, -c\ny * 1000, -c\nz * 1000
					finside = (PickedEntity() <> dummy2)
					time# = dist(mx,my,mz,PickedX(),PickedY(),PickedZ())
					;;METHOD 2
					;d1# = Ray_Intersect_Mesh_Max(dummy, mx, my, mz, -c\nx, -c\ny, -c\nz, True, True, False)
					;d2# = Ray_Intersect_Mesh_Max(dummy, mx, my, mz, -c\nx, -c\ny, -c\nz, True, True, True)
					;finside = (d1 <= d2)
					;If finside Then time# = d1 Else time# = d2
					;test for shared edges (they are not detected as being inside the dummy mesh)					
					fshared = (time < 0.001) And finside
					;invert if requested
					If invert Then finside = Not(finside)

					If fshared Then
						finside = keepshared
					End If
					;if picked the inside of the other shape
					If finside Then

						;actual add triangle to surface
						v0 = AddVertex(surf, x0, y0, z0, c\u0, c\v0)
						v1 = AddVertex(surf, x1, y1, z1, c\u1, c\v1)
						v2 = AddVertex(surf, x2, y2, z2, c\u2, c\v2)
						VertexNormal surf, v0, c\nx, c\ny, c\nz
						VertexNormal surf, v1, c\nx, c\ny, c\nz
						VertexNormal surf, v2, c\nx, c\ny, c\nz						
						AddTriangle surf, v0, v1, v2
					End If

					face = face + 1
				End If
			End If
	FreeEntity dummy
	FreeEntity dummy2
End Function

;													CSG()
;perform all actions in order to achieve csg
Function CSG(m1, m2, method = CSG_FILL)

	;part A
	mesh1 = CopyMeshAt(m1)
	mesh2 = CopyMeshAt(m2)

	;scan triangles mesh1/mesh2	

	;split triangles mesh 1 vs other scanned triangles	

	;rebuild 1st mesh, and leave out triangles inside/outside 2nd mesh (dep. on method)
	RebuildMesh(mesh1, False, False, m2) ;mesh, invert, keepshared, other mesh
	;setup second mesh
	FreeEntity mesh2
	Delete Each CSGTriangle

	;setup partA	
	partA = mesh1
	;part B
	mesh1 = CopyMeshAt(m1)
	mesh2 = CopyMeshAt(m2)

	;scan triangles

	;split mesh2	
	;rebuild mesh2
	RebuildMesh(mesh2, method = 0, method = CSG_FILL, m1) ;mesh, invert, keepshared, other mesh
	FreeEntity mesh1
	Delete Each CSGTriangle

	;setup partB
	partB = mesh2
	If method = 0 Then FlipMesh partB

	;add partB to partA	
	AddMesh partB, partA
	FreeEntity partB
	mesh1 = partA
	Return mesh1

End Function

;												BoxesOverlap()
Function BoxesOverlap%(x0#, y0#, z0#, w0#, h0#, d0#, x2#, y2#, z2#, w2#, h2#, d2#)
	If (x0 > (x2 + w2)) Or ((x0 + w0) < x2) Then Return False
	If (y0 > (y2 + h2)) Or ((y0 + h0) < y2) Then Return False
	If (z0 > (z2 + d2)) Or ((z0 + d0) < z2) Then Return False
	Return True
End Function

;											MATH99.BB

;												dist#()
;returns distance between xyz and xyz2
Function dist#(x#,y#,z#,x2#,y2#,z2#)

	Return Sqr(x2*x2+y2*y2+z2*z2)

End Function

;												PointDistToLine()
; ID: 1870
; Author: Danny
; Date: 2006-11-24 19:01:55
; Title: Point distance to a Line
; Description: Calculates the shortest distance between a point P and a line

Function PointDistanceToLine#( ax#,ay#,az#, bx#,by#,bz#, px#,py#,pz# )
;| Calculates the shortest distance between a point P(xyz) and a line segment defined by A(xyz) and B(xyz) - danny.

	;get the length of each side of the triangle ABP
	ab# = Sqr( (bx-ax)*(bx-ax) + (by-ay)*(by-ay) + (bz-az)*(bz-az) )
	bp# = Sqr( (px-bx)*(px-bx) + (py-by)*(py-by) + (pz-bz)*(pz-bz) )
	pa# = Sqr( (ax-px)*(ax-px) + (ay-py)*(ay-py) + (az-pz)*(az-pz) )

	;get the triangle's semiperimeter
	semi# = (ab+bp+pa) / 2.0
	;get the triangle's area
	area# = Sqr( semi * (semi-ab) * (semi-bp) * (semi-pa) )
	;return closest distance P to AB
	Return (2.0 * (area/ab))
End Function

; Author: sswift
;calculate ray-triangle intersection
Function Ray_Intersect_Triangle(Px#, Py#, Pz#, Dx#, Dy#, Dz#, V0x#, V0y#, V0z#, V1x#, V1y#, V1z#, V2x#, V2y#, V2z#, Extend_To_Infinity=True, Cull_Backfaces=False, Flip_Faces=False)
	; crossproduct(b,c) =
	; ax = (by * cz) - (cy * bz) 
	; ay = (bz * cx) - (cz * bx) 	
	; az = (bx * cy) - (cx * by)

	; dotproduct(v,q) =
	; (vx * qx) + (vy * qy) + (vz * qz)	
	; DP =  1 = Vectors point in same direction.          (  0 degrees of seperation)
	; DP =  0 = Vectors are perpendicular to one another. ( 90 degrees of seperation)
	; DP = -1 = Vectors point in opposite directions.     (180 degrees of seperation) 
	; The dot product is also reffered to as "the determinant" or "the inner product"

	If (Flip_Faces) Then 
		tx# = v0x#
		ty# = v0y#
		tz# = v0z#
		v0x# = v2x#
		v0y# = v2y#
		v0z# = v2z#
		v2x# = tx#
		v2y# = ty#
		v2z# = tz#
	End If

	; Calculate the vector that represents the first side of the triangle.
	E1x# = V2x# - V0x#
	E1y# = V2y# - V0y#
	E1z# = V2z# - V0z#

	; Calculate the vector that represents the second side of the triangle.
	E2x# = V1x# - V0x#
	E2y# = V1y# - V0y#
	E2z# = V1z# - V0z#

	; Calculate a vector which is perpendicular to the vector between point 0 and point 1,
	; and the direction vector for the ray.
	; Hxyz = Crossproduct(Dxyz, E2xyz)
	Hx# = (Dy# * E2z#) - (E2y# * Dz#)
	Hy# = (Dz# * E2x#) - (E2z# * Dx#)
	Hz# = (Dx# * E2y#) - (E2x# * Dy#)

	; Calculate the dot product of the above vector and the vector between point 0 and point 2.
	A# = (E1x# * Hx#) + (E1y# * Hy#) + (E1z# * Hz#)

	; If we should ignore triangles the ray passes through the back side of,
	; and the ray points in the same direction as the normal of the plane,
	; then the ray passed through the back side of the plane,  
	; and the ray does not intersect the plane the triangle lies in.
	If (Cull_Backfaces = True) And (A# >= 0) Then Return False
	; If the ray is almost parralel to the plane,
	; then the ray does not intersect the plane the triangle lies in.
	If (A# > -0.00001) And (A# < 0.00001) Then Return False
	; Inverse Determinant. (Dot Product) 
	; (Scaling factor for UV's?)
	F# = 1.0 / A#

	; Calculate a vector between the starting point of our ray, and the first point of the triangle,
	; which is at UV(0,0)
	Sx# = Px# - V0x#
	Sy# = Py# - V0y#
	Sz# = Pz# - V0z#
	; Calculate the U coordinate of the intersection point.
	;	Sxyz is the vector between the start of our ray and the first point of the triangle.
	;	Hxyz is the normal of our triangle.
	; U# = F# * (DotProduct(Sxyz, Hxyz))
	U# = F# * ((Sx# * Hx#) + (Sy# * Hy#) + (Sz# * Hz#))
	; Is the U coordinate outside the range of values inside the triangle?
	If (U# < 0.0) Or (U# > 1.0)

		; The ray has intersected the plane outside the triangle.
		Return False

	; Not sure what this is, but it's definitely NOT the intersection point.
	;	Sxyz is the vector from the starting point of the ray to the first corner of the triangle.
	;	E1xyz is the vector which represents the first side of the triangle.
	;	The crossproduct of these two would be a vector which is perpendicular to both.
	; Qxyz = CrossProduct(Sxyz, E1xyz)
	Qx# = (Sy# * E1z#) - (E1y# * Sz#)
	Qy# = (Sz# * E1x#) - (E1z# * Sx#)
	Qz# = (Sx# * E1y#) - (E1x# * Sy#)
	; Calculate the V coordinate of the intersection point.
	;	Dxyz is the vector which represents the direction the ray is pointing in.
	;	Qxyz is the intersection point I think?
	; V# = F# * DotProduct(Dxyz, Qxyz)
	V# = F# * ((Dx# * Qx#) + (Dy# * Qy#) + (Dz# * Qz#))
	; Is the V coordinate outside the range of values inside the triangle?	
	; Does U+V exceed 1.0?  
	If (V# < 0.0) Or ((U# + V#) > 1.0)

		; The ray has intersected the plane outside the triangle.		
		Return False

		; The reason we check U+V is because if you imagine the triangle as half a square, U=1 V=1 would
		; be in the lower left hand corner which would be in the lower left triangle making up the square.
		; We are looking for the upper right triangle, and if you think about it, U+V will always be less
		; than or equal to 1.0 if the point is in the upper right of the triangle.


	; Calculate the distance of the intersection point from the starting point of the ray, Pxyz.
	; This distance is scaled so that at Pxyz, the start of the ray, T=0, and at Dxyz, the end of the ray, T=1.
	; If the intersection point is behind Pxyz, then T will be negative, and if the intersection point is
	; beyond Dxyz then T will be greater than 1. 
	T# = F# * ((E2x# * Qx#) + (E2y# * Qy#) + (E2z# * Qz#))

	; If the triangle is behind Pxyz, ignore this intersection.
	; We want a directional ray, which only intersects triangles in the direction it points.
	If (T# < 0) Then Return False

	; If the plane is beyond Dxyz, amd we do not want the ray to extend to infinity, then ignore this intersection.
	If (Extend_To_Infinity = False) And (T# > 1) Return False

	;Calculate intersection point
	d# = -  nx*V0x - ny*V0y - nz*V0z 
	denom# = nx*Dx + ny*Dy + nz*Dz
	mu# = - (d + nx*Px + ny*Py + nz*Pz) / denom
	tpicked(0) = Px + mu * DX
	tpicked(1) = Py + mu * Dy
	tpicked(2) = Pz + mu * Dz

	; The ray intersects the triangle!		
	Return True

End Function

;calculate ray-plane intersection
Function ray_plane(p1x#,p1y#,p1z#, p2x#,p2y#,p2z#, nx#, ny#, nz#, d#)

	Local total#,denom#,mu#
	;Calculate the position on the Line that intersects the plane
	denom = nx * (p2x - p1x) + ny * (p2y - p1y) + nz * (p2z - p1z);
	If (Abs(denom) < 0.0001) Return 0;Line And plane don't intersect
	mu = - (d + nx * p1x + ny * p1y + nz * p1z) / denom
	npicked(0) = (p1x + mu * (p2x - p1x))
	npicked(1) = (p1y + mu * (p2y - p1y))
	npicked(2) = (p1z + mu * (p2z - p1z))

	;comment this out if you want an infinite ray
	If (mu < 0) Or (mu > 1) Return 0;Intersection Not along Line segment
	Return 1

End Function
;												CopyMeshAt()
;copy mesh and put new entity on original entities position/rotation
;could use GlobalEntityPitch and EntityScale from archive
Function CopyMeshAt(mesh)

	mesh2 = CopyMesh(mesh)
	ScaleMesh mesh2, EntityWidth(mesh), EntityHeight(mesh), EntityDepth(mesh)
	RotateMesh mesh2, GlobalEntityPitch(mesh), GlobalEntityYaw(mesh), GlobalEntityRoll(mesh)
	PositionMesh mesh2, EntityX(mesh), EntityY(mesh), EntityZ(mesh)
	Return mesh2
End Function

;											EntityWidth()
;returns width of an entity
Function EntityWidth#( mesh )
	If EntityClass$(mesh) <> "Mesh" Then Return 1
	If MeshWidth(mesh) = 0 Then Return 1

	TFormPoint MeshWidth(mesh), 0, 0, mesh, 0	
	xx# = TFormedX()
	yy# = TFormedY()
	zz# = TFormedZ()
	TFormPoint 0, 0, 0, mesh, 0	
	xx# = TFormedX()-xx
	yy# = TFormedY()-yy
	zz# = TFormedZ()-zz	
	ll# = Sqr(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz) / MeshWidth(mesh)
	If ll = 0 Then ll = 1
	Return ll
End Function

;											EntityHeight()
;returns height of an entity
Function EntityHeight#( mesh )

	If EntityClass$(mesh) <> "Mesh" Then Return 1
	If MeshHeight(mesh) = 0 Then Return 1
	TFormPoint 0, MeshHeight(mesh), 0, mesh, 0
	xx# = TFormedX()
	yy# = TFormedY()
	zz# = TFormedZ()
	TFormPoint 0, 0, 0, mesh, 0
	xx# = TFormedX()-xx
	yy# = TFormedY()-yy
	zz# = TFormedZ()-zz
	ll# = Sqr(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz) / MeshHeight(mesh)
	If ll = 0 Then ll = 1
	Return ll
End Function

;											EntityDepth()
;returns depth of an entity
Function EntityDepth#( mesh )

	If EntityClass$(mesh) <> "Mesh" Then Return 1
	If MeshDepth(mesh) = 0 Then Return 1
	TFormPoint 0, 0, MeshDepth(mesh), mesh, 0	
	xx# = TFormedX()
	yy# = TFormedY()
	zz# = TFormedZ()
	TFormPoint 0, 0, 0, mesh, 0
	xx# = TFormedX()-xx
	yy# = TFormedY()-yy
	zz# = TFormedZ()-zz
	ll# = Sqr(xx * xx + yy * yy + zz * zz) / MeshDepth(mesh)
	If ll = 0 Then ll = 1
	Return ll
End Function

;											GlobalEntityPitch()
Function GlobalEntityPitch#(entity)

	pit# = Int(EntityPitch(entity)*1000)/1000.0
	Return pit

End Function

;											GlobalEntityYaw()
Function GlobalEntityYaw#(entity)
	pit# = Int(EntityPitch(entity)*1000)/1000.0
	yaw# = Int(EntityYaw(entity)*1000)/1000.0
		temp = CreatePivot(entity)
		EntityParent temp, GetParent(entity)
		TurnEntity temp,Sgn(pit)*-90.0,0,0
		yaw# = Int(EntityYaw(temp)*1000)/1000.0
		FreeEntity temp

	Return yaw
End Function

;											GlobalEntityRoll()
Function GlobalEntityRoll#(entity)

	pit# = Int(EntityPitch(entity)*1000)/1000.0
	rol# = Int(EntityRoll(entity)*1000)/1000.0

		temp = CreatePivot(entity)
		EntityParent temp, GetParent(entity)
		TurnEntity temp,Sgn(pit)*-90.0,0,0
		rol# = Int(EntityRoll(temp)*1000)/1000.0
		FreeEntity temp

	Return rol

End Function

; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; This function returns true if a ray intersects a mesh.
; This function differs from LinePick in that the specified mesh does not need to have a pickmode set,
; and this function can optionally ignore backfacing polygons in the mesh.  So if you do a pick from 
; inside a mesh, it will not register a hit.
; -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Ray_Intersect_Mesh_Max#(Mesh, Px#, Py#, Pz#, Dx#, Dy#, Dz#, Extend_To_Infinity=True, Cull_Backfaces=False, Flip_Mesh=False, Method=1)

	max# = 65536
	count = 0
	Surfaces = CountSurfaces(Mesh)

	; Make sure there's a surface, because the mesh might be empty.
	If Surfaces > 0

		For SurfaceLoop = 1 To Surfaces

			Surface = GetSurface(Mesh, SurfaceLoop)
			; Examine all triangles in this surface.	
			Tris  = CountTriangles(Surface)
			For TriLoop = 0 To Tris-1
				V0 = TriangleVertex(Surface, TriLoop, 0)
				V1 = TriangleVertex(Surface, TriLoop, 1)
				V2 = TriangleVertex(Surface, TriLoop, 2)
				V0x# = VertexX#(Surface, V0)
				V0y# = VertexY#(Surface, V0)
				V0z# = VertexZ#(Surface, V0)

				V1x# = VertexX#(Surface, V1)
				V1y# = VertexY#(Surface, V1)
				V1z# = VertexZ#(Surface, V1)

				V2x# = VertexX#(Surface, V2)
				V2y# = VertexY#(Surface, V2)
				V2z# = VertexZ#(Surface, V2)

				TFormPoint V0x#, V0y#, V0z#, Mesh, 0
				V0x# = TFormedX#()
				V0y# = TFormedY#()
				V0z# = TFormedZ#()

				TFormPoint V1x#, V1y#, V1z#, Mesh, 0
				V1x# = TFormedX#()
				V1y# = TFormedY#()
				V1z# = TFormedZ#()
				TFormPoint V2x#, V2y#, V2z#, Mesh, 0
				V2x# = TFormedX#()
				V2y# = TFormedY#()
				V2z# = TFormedZ#()
				Intersected = Ray_Intersect_Triangle(Px#, Py#, Pz#, Px+Dx#, Py+Dy#, Pz+Dz#, V0x#, V0y#, V0z#, V1x#, V1y#, V1z#, V2x#, V2y#, V2z#, Extend_To_Infinity, Cull_Backfaces, Flip_Mesh)
				If Intersected Then
					d# = dist#(Px, Py, Pz, tpicked(0), tpicked(1), tpicked(2))
					If d < max Then max# = d
					count = count + 1
				End If
	If method = 1 Then Return max Else Return count

End Function

;find min. val of abc
Function findmin#(a#,b#,c#)

	If b < a Then a = b
	If c < a Then a = c
	Return a
End Function

;find max. val of abc
Function findmax#(a#,b#,c#)

	If b > a Then a = b
	If c > a Then a = c
	Return a
End Function

;											EXAMPLE99.BB

Type light
	Field x#,y#,z#
	Field r,g,b
End Type

Local wire=0

Graphics3D 640,480,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

cube = CreateCube()
ScaleMesh cube,10,2,10
cube2 = CreateCube()
ScaleMesh cube2,5,5,5
PositionEntity cube2, 5, 0, 0

tex = CreateCheckerTexture()
brush = CreateBrush()
BrushTexture brush, tex

tex2 = CreateNoiseTexture()
brush2 = CreateBrush()
BrushTexture brush2, tex2

tex3 = CreateGreenTexture()
brush3 = CreateBrush()
BrushTexture brush3, tex3

tex4 = CreateWhiteTexture()
brush4 = CreateBrush()
BrushTexture brush4, tex4

pcam = CreatePivot()
Global cam = CreateCamera(pcam)
MoveEntity pcam,0,10,-20
CameraClsColor cam, 24,128,255

TurnEntity CreateLight(),45,45,0

EntityFX cube,1+16+2
EntityAlpha cube2,.5
PaintMesh cube, brush
PaintMesh cube2, brush2

ttx = True
While Not KeyHit(1)

	If KeyDown(45) Then TurnEntity cube2,0,1,0
	If MouseDown(2) Then
		TurnEntity cam, MouseYSpeed() * 0.1, -MouseXSpeed() * 0.1, 0
		MoveMouse 400, 300
		RotateEntity cam, 0, 0, 0
	End If

	If KeyDown(29) Then
		If KeyDown(203) TurnEntity pcam, 0, 1, 0
		If KeyDown(205) TurnEntity pcam, 0, -1, 0
		If KeyDown(30) MoveEntity pcam, 0,  0.1, 0
		If KeyDown(44) MoveEntity pcam, 0, -0.1, 0
		If KeyDown(200) MoveEntity pcam, 0, 0, 0.1
		If KeyDown(208) MoveEntity pcam, 0, 0, -0.1

		If KeyDown(205) Then MoveEntity cube2,.1,0,0
		If KeyDown(203) Then MoveEntity cube2,-.1,0,0
		If KeyDown(200) Then MoveEntity cube2,0,0,.1
		If KeyDown(208) Then MoveEntity cube2,0,0,-.1
		If KeyHit(30) Then MoveEntity cube2,0,4.3,0
		If KeyHit(44) Then MoveEntity cube2,0,-4.3,0

	End If	
	If KeyHit(24)
		ttx = (ttx + 1) Mod 4
		Select ttx
		Case 0
			PaintMesh cube2, brush2
		Case 1
			PaintMesh cube2, brush
		Case 2
			PaintMesh cube2, brush3
		Case 3
			PaintMesh cube2, brush4
		End Select
	End If
	If KeyHit(25)
		wire = 1 - wire
		WireFrame wire
	If KeyHit(57)
		e = MilliSecs()		
		man = csg(cube,cube2,CSG_FILL)
		e = MilliSecs() -e
		FreeEntity cube
		cube = man

		EntityFX cube, 1+16+2
	If KeyHit(17) Then
		FreeEntity cube2
		cube2 = CreateCube()
		ScaleEntity cube2, 5, 5, 5
		PositionEntity cube2, 5, 0, 0
		PaintMesh cube2, brush2
	End If

	If KeyHit(18) Then
		FreeEntity cube2
		cube2 = CreateSphere()
		ScaleEntity cube2, 5, 5, 5
		PositionEntity cube2, 5, 0, 0
		PaintMesh cube2, brush2
	End If
	If KeyHit(19) Then
		FreeEntity cube2
		cube2 = CreateCylinder()
		ScaleEntity cube2, 5, 5, 5
		PositionEntity cube2, 5, 0, 0
		PaintMesh cube2, brush2
	End If

	If KeyHit(16)
		e2 = MilliSecs()		
		FlipMesh cube		
		FlipMesh cube
		e2 = MilliSecs() -e2
		EntityFX cube, 1+16+2
	End If	
	Color 255,255,255	
	Text 0,0,"CSG Time: "+e+" m"
	Text 0,15,"Lightmap Time: "+e2+" m"
	Text 0,30,"Use cursor keys/AZ to move block"
	Text 0,45,"CTRL+cursor keys/AZ to move camera"
	Text 0,60,"P=Wireframe O=toggle texture"
	Text 0,75,"Tris: "+TrisRendered()/2


Function CreateWhiteTexture()

	Color 255,255,255
	Rect 0, 0, 256, 256
	tex = CreateTexture(256, 256, 1+8)
	CopyRect 0, 0, 256, 256, 0, 0, BackBuffer(), TextureBuffer(tex)
	Color 255,255,255
;	SaveBuffer TextureBuffer(tex), "white.bmp"
	Return tex

End Function		

Function CreateCheckerTexture()

	For i = 0 To 256/32+1
	For j = 0 To 256/32+1
		c = (i + j) Mod 2 * 255
		Color c, c, c
		Rect i * 32, j * 32, 32, 32
	tex = CreateTexture(256, 256, 1+8)
	CopyRect 0, 0, 256, 256, 0, 0, BackBuffer(), TextureBuffer(tex)

;	SaveBuffer TextureBuffer(tex), "checker.bmp"
	Color 255,255,255
	Return tex
End Function

Function CreateNoiseTexture()

	For i = 0 To 256
	For j = 0 To 256
		c = Rand(0, 255)
		Color c, c, c
		Plot i, j

	tex = CreateTexture(256, 256, 1+8)
	CopyRect 0, 0, 256, 256, 0, 0, BackBuffer(), TextureBuffer(tex)

;	SaveBuffer TextureBuffer(tex), "noise.bmp"
	Color 255,255,255
	Return tex
End Function
Function CreateGreenTexture()

	For i = 0 To 1000
		x = Rand(0, 256)
		y = Rand(0, 256)
		For c = 5 To 1 Step -1
			cc = c * 51
			Color 0,cc,0
			r = c * 5
			Oval x - r, y - r, r * 2, r * 2
	tex = CreateTexture(256, 256, 1+8)
	CopyRect 0, 0, 256, 256, 0, 0, BackBuffer(), TextureBuffer(tex)

;	SaveBuffer TextureBuffer(tex), "green.bmp"
	Color 255,255,255
	Return tex

End Function


Nice work. There is another Blitz3D CSG library in here somewhere (which is also quite buggy).

Yeah, that was the reason I wrote this. This routine is not 'buggy' though, otherwise I wouldn't have posted it. As long you avoid using shared edges, it works okay.

hi, nice work!

i been playing with it and, to solve somewhat "shared edges" i scale a bit one or both meshes to be used by your csg routine.

is there a better way of avoid this?

by the way, shouldn't the BoxesOverlap functions has float numbers instead of integer as parameters?

Function BoxesOverlap%(x0#, y0#, z0#, w0#, h0#, d0#, x2#, y2#, z2#, w2#, h2#, d2#)


Thanks for noticing .. I updated the code.
Not sure if you can work around the shared edges problem. I've tweaked this one quite allready, without much improvement. In the meanwhile, I have written new routines in BMax. Haven't tested them properly enough, but hopefully with more success.

i'm reading:

and trying to implement/translate in blitz3d. I'm currently in the first steps. There are some coincidences with your implementation and there are some diferences. Have you read it?

if not, probably it will help you more than me , because i'm on the beggining and you have some miles of distance in this area.



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