Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/Furys Alpha Terrain example.

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Furys Alpha Terrain example. by Wings2008
This is a 10 hours coding example of how to do vertex alpha terrain in blitz3d. The difirent from moste other sources is that this source has no Zbuffer fights. this makes terrain look good even at long distans. You can have as many layers as you want. just make sure that the mud layer is the highest layer. Contolls are WASD E + Rightmousebutton and mouse to rotate camera.
There is 2 examples. an not optimized version and an optimized that do not create unusfully vertex to speed up engine.

sourcefile included 2exe. 10mbit host.
i reject all my claims to this file. i take no responibility use at your own risk and responsbility. if you find anything wrong about it let me know so i can fix the wronges..
;Images and compiled examples.

;Furys Terrain Alpha Demo
;This is a alpha demo that show how to use alpha maps on a surface.

;Written by Daniel Eriksson (Tiberion Crew) in 2008-04-13

Global camera

Dim verts(65,65,8) ;8 layers of vertices
Dim surfs(8)

Dim hmap#(1024,1024)
Dim TEXTMAP(1024,1024,8) ; this is the textmap buffer

Dim Face_NX#(32768)
Dim Face_NY#(32768)
Dim Face_NZ#(32768)
Dim Vertex_ConnectedTris(32768)
Dim Vertex_TriList(32768, 32)

Global brush_grass,brush_rock,brush_rock2,brush_mud,trisr

Global player,playeravtar,camtarketroot,camchasetarget,swimmode
Global WX=1024
Global WZ=1024

Graphics3D 1280,800,32,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

PositionEntity camera,0,150,0
CameraViewport camera,0,0,1280,800
PositionEntity camera,1,50,0
CameraRange camera,0.1,64
CameraClsColor camera,140,128,255
CameraFogColor camera,138,125,253
CameraFogMode camera,1
CameraFogRange camera,1,64


;Load terrain brushes
brush_grass=LoadBrush ("img\grass3.jpg",1,4,4)
If brush_grass=0 Then RuntimeError "grass01.jpg not found."
BrushFX brush_grass,2+32

brush_rock=LoadBrush ("img\rock3.jpg",1,2,2)
If Not brush_rock Then RuntimeError "rock01.jpg not found."
BrushFX brush_rock,2+32

brush_rock2=LoadBrush ("img\cliff.jpg",1,8,8)
If Not brush_rock2 Then RuntimeError "brush_rock2.bmp not found."
BrushFX brush_rock2,2+32

brush_mud=LoadBrush ("img\mudd.jpg",1,8,8)  ; (this is base texture no alpha enabled)
;BrushFX brush_mud,2+32

PaintEntity sandplane,brush_mud
PositionEntity sandplane,0,-0.5,0


PaintEntity plane,brush_water

PositionEntity plane,0,4.5,0
EntityFX plane,32
EntityAlpha plane,0.66

;Create a smal whaterlake on the big island
ScaleTexture laketext,0.2,0.2
ScaleEntity lake,20,0.1,21
EntityTexture lake,laketext
EntityFX lake,32
EntityAlpha lake,0.66
PositionEntity lake,134.15,9.335,114.701

;LoadHeight map
If Not image Then RuntimeError "img\hmap.bmp not found."

For x=0 To ImageWidth(image)
	For z=0 To ImageHeight(image)

		h#=(ReadPixel(x,z,ImageBuffer(image))And 255)/10.0


	Next ;z
Next ;x

If Not smap Then RuntimeError "cant find img\sandmap.bmp"

;This init the alpha values in varius planes 
For x=0 To ImageWidth(image)
	For z=0 To ImageHeight(image)
		TEXTMAP(x,z,0)=0 ; Alpha value 0 
		TEXTMAP(x,z,1)=0 ; Alpha value 0
		TEXTMAP(x,z,2)=0 ; Alpha value 0
		TEXTMAP(x,z,3)=1 ; Alpha value 1

;Montain emulation texturing.. Paint montains
For x=1 To ImageWidth(image)
	For z=1 To ImageHeight(image)
	sand=ReadPixel(x,z,ImageBuffer(smap)) And $FF
	If testy#<5
		;TEXTMAP(X,Z,2)=1 ;Remed this line out to test if whater works good then normal mapping is enabled
		For testx=-1 To 1
		For testz=-1 To 1
			If hmap#(testx+x,testz+z)>testy#+0.5
			End If
			;Verry steep hill
			If hmap#(testx+x,testz+z)>testy#+1

			End If
	End If
	If sand=255 ; ops this is sand so all else is invalid.
				TEXTMAP(x,z,0)=0 ; Alpha value 0 
		TEXTMAP(x,z,1)=0 ; Alpha value 0
		TEXTMAP(x,z,2)=0 ; Alpha value 0
		TEXTMAP(x,z,3)=1 ; Alpha value 1
	End If
	Print "Building up montain emulation..."+x

;Creates the world meshs
For x=0 To ImageWidth(image) Step 63
	For z=0 To ImageHeight(image) Step 63

While Not KeyHit(1)



Text 0,0,"Tris total "+trisr
Text 0,10,"Tris rendered "+TrisRendered()
Text 0,20,"FPS: "+fps
Text 0,30,"Camera X: "+EntityX(camera)
Text 0,40,"Camera Y: "+EntityY(camera)
Text 0,50,"Camera Z: "+EntityZ(camera)


If MilliSecs()-oldms>1000


End If


Function create_cell(xoffs,zoffs)

	;empty verts
	For layer=0 To 3
	For x=0 To 63
	For z=0 To 63

	;Create the grass mesh

	For layer=0 To 3

		If layer=0 Then surf=CreateSurface(mesh,brush_rock2)
		If layer=1 Then surf=CreateSurface(mesh,brush_rock)
		If layer=2 Then surf=CreateSurface(mesh,brush_grass)
		If layer=3 Then surf=CreateSurface(mesh,brush_mud)

		For z=0 To 63
			For x=0 To 63
				;Check if to skipp creation of this vertex
				If textmap(x+xoffs,z+zoffs,layer)=1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				If textmap(x+xoffs+1,z+zoffs,layer)=1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				If textmap(x+xoffs,z+zoffs+1,layer)=1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				If textmap(x+xoffs+1,z+zoffs+1,layer)=1 Then hitt=hitt+1

				If z>0 And x>0 Then
					If textmap(x+xoffs-1,z+zoffs-1,layer)=1 Then hitt=hitt+1
					If textmap(x+xoffs-1,z+zoffs,layer)=1 Then hitt=hitt+1
					If textmap(x+xoffs,z+zoffs-1,layer)=1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				End If

				If layer=3 Then hitt=1 ;Always create if its layer mud
				If hitt Then verts(X,Z,layer) =AddVertex (surf,X,hmap#(x+xoffs,z+zoffs),Z,X,Z)
			Next ;X
		Next ;z

		;Add triangles to mesh
		For z=0 To 62
			For x=0 To 62
				;Create this quad if there is vertices available.
				If verts(x,z,layer)<>-1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				;If verts(x+1,z,layer)<>-1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				If verts(x,z+1,layer)<>-1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				If verts(x+1,z+1,layer)<>-1 Then hitt=hitt+1

				If hitt=3

					AddTriangle surf,verts(x,z,layer),verts(x,z+1,layer),verts(x+1,z+1,layer)
				End If
				If verts(x,z,layer)<>-1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				If verts(x+1,z,layer)<>-1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				;If verts(x,z+1,layer)<>-1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				If verts(x+1,z+1,layer)<>-1 Then hitt=hitt+1
				If hitt=3
					AddTriangle surf,verts(x,z,layer),verts(x+1,z+1,layer),verts(x+1,z,layer)
				End If	
			Next ; X
		Next ;Z

		;Montain emulation
		For x=0 To 63
			For z=0 To 63
	If verts(x,z,layer)<>-1
				VertexColor surf,verts(x,z,layer),255,255,255,0
				If TEXTMAP(x+xoffs,z+zoffs,layer)=1 Then VertexColor surf,verts(x,z,layer),255,255,255,255   
	End If
			Next ;Z
		Next ;X

	Next ; Layer

	PositionEntity mesh,xoffs,0,zoffs

	;UpdateNormals mesh so it have shade. and dont look flat.

	Return mesh

End Function

Function camera_handling()

	If KeyDown(17) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,0.02  ;W	
	If KeyDown(18) Then MoveEntity camera,0,0,1 ; E
	If KeyDown(31) Then	MoveEntity camera,0,0,-1 ;S
	If KeyDown(30) Then	MoveEntity camera,-0.02,0,0 ;A
	If KeyDown(32) Then MoveEntity camera,0.02,0,0  ;D
If MouseDown(2)

	TurnEntity camera,smy#,-smx#,0
	RotateEntity camera,EntityPitch#(camera),EntityYaw#(camera),0
	;TranslateEntity camera,0,-0.1,0
	MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2
End If

;	y#=BilinearInterpValue# ( Float(EntityX(camera))/2 ,Float(EntityZ(camera))/2 )

;	If y#+0.5>EntityY#(camera)

;		PositionEntity camera,EntityX(camera),y#+0.5,EntityZ(camera)

;	End If

End Function

Function Calculate_Normals(ThisMesh)
	; Loop through all surfaces of the mesh.
	Surfaces = CountSurfaces(ThisMesh)
	For LOOP_Surface = 1 To Surfaces

		Surface_Handle = GetSurface(ThisMesh, LOOP_Surface)

		; Reset the number of connected polygons for each vertex.
		For LoopV = 0 To 32767	
			Vertex_ConnectedTris(LoopV) = 0
		; Loop through all triangles in this surface of the mesh.
		Tris = CountTriangles(Surface_Handle)
		For LOOP_Tris = 0 To Tris-1

			; Get the vertices that make up this triangle.
				Vertex_0 = TriangleVertex(Surface_Handle, LOOP_Tris, 0)
				Vertex_1 = TriangleVertex(Surface_Handle, LOOP_Tris, 1)
				Vertex_2 = TriangleVertex(Surface_Handle, LOOP_Tris, 2)
			; Adjust the number of triangles each vertex is connected to and
			; store this triangle in each vertex's list of triangles it is connected to.
				ConnectedTris = Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_0)
				Vertex_TriList(Vertex_0, ConnectedTris) = LOOP_Tris
				Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_0) = ConnectedTris + 1

				ConnectedTris = Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_1)
				Vertex_TriList(Vertex_1, ConnectedTris) = LOOP_Tris
				Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_1) = ConnectedTris + 1

				ConnectedTris = Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_2)
				Vertex_TriList(Vertex_2, ConnectedTris) = LOOP_Tris
				Vertex_ConnectedTris(Vertex_2) = ConnectedTris + 1

			; Calculate the normal for this face.

				; Get the corners of this face:
				Ax# = VertexX#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_0)
				Ay# = VertexY#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_0)
				Az# = VertexZ#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_0)

				Bx# = VertexX#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_1)
				By# = VertexY#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_1)
				Bz# = VertexZ#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_1)

				Cx# = VertexX#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_2)
				Cy# = VertexY#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_2)
				Cz# = VertexZ#(Surface_Handle, Vertex_2)

				; Triangle 1
				; Get the vectors for two edges of the triangle.
				Px# = Ax#-Bx#
				Py# = Ay#-By#
				Pz# = Az#-Bz#

				Qx# = Bx#-Cx#
				Qy# = By#-Cy#
				Qz# = Bz#-Cz#

				; Compute their cross product.
				Nx# = Py#*Qz# - Pz#*Qy#
				Ny# = Pz#*Qx# - Px#*Qz#
				Nz# = Px#*Qy# - Py#*Qx#

				; Store the face normal.
				Face_NX#(LOOP_Tris) = Nx#
				Face_NY#(LOOP_Tris) = Ny#
				Face_NZ#(LOOP_Tris) = Nz#


		; Now that all the face normals for this surface have been calculated, calculate the vertex normals.
		Vertices = CountVertices(Surface_Handle)
		For LOOP_Vertices = 0 To Vertices-1

			; Reset this normal.
			Nx# = 0
			Ny# = 0
			Nz# = 0

			; Add the normals of all polygons which are connected to this vertex.
			Polys = Vertex_ConnectedTris(LOOP_Vertices)
			For LOOP_Polys = 0 To Polys-1

				ThisPoly = Vertex_TriList(LOOP_Vertices, LOOP_Polys)

				Nx# = Nx# + Face_NX#(ThisPoly)
				Ny# = Ny# + Face_NY#(ThisPoly)
				Nz# = Nz# + Face_NZ#(ThisPoly)			
			; Normalize the new vertex normal.
			; (Normalizing is scaling the vertex normal down so that it's length = 1)

				Nl# = Sqr(Nx#^2 + Ny#^2 + Nz#^2)

				; Avoid a divide by zero error if by some freak accident, the vectors add up to 0.
				; If Nl# = 0 Then Nl# = 0.1

				Nx# = Nx# / Nl#
				Ny# = Ny# / Nl#
				Nz# = Nz# / Nl#

			; Set the vertex normal.
				VertexNormal Surface_Handle, LOOP_Vertices, Nx#, Ny#, Nz#
				;VertexColor Surface_Handle, LOOP_Vertices, polys*127, polys*127, polys*127


End Function


Here is the Optimized version. it is good for game play.
as it dose not creat unused vertexs. so its less GPU intensive. Another way to optimize speed is to limit camera range this way GPU will not render cells that is not on screen.

Where can we get the media?

[Where can we get the media?

;Images and compiled examples.

For you information

Function Calculate_Normals(ThisMesh)

It is the best function of all.. thanks for the one who created it.

(i discovered that build in vertex normal has serius bugg..)

just a warning note ..
readpixelfast is 10 times slower in version 1.99 than in v1.98

Heres a link to a compiled example. and newest version

5000x5000 heightmap
QueBased render. makes it stable at 60 fps.
it means i made render a little complicated. but to explain it easy it renders a little now and then based on a render que i made up.. using types.

The file aboove is publicdomain and you may sell it and profit for it. you dont have to mention me in creddits and you may copy and spread it on internet and its ok to use this file in public television and sattelites and radio bradcast it is also ok. its ok to have this file in the car but i dont recomend it as i take no responsibillity if you or anyone gets hurts. i take no responibility for anything this file can do to you computer, or if your fuse went out or house burnsout. in facr i have no responybility att all to this file. You may not however place this file under copyright by the way it its you must change somthing first on order to do that.

its ok to use this file in public television and sattelites and radio bradcast
How do you use a terrain renderer in a radio broadcast?

P.S. That's one of the funniest "CopyFreeNotice"'s I've ever read.

You beam it to your satellite first. I thought that was obvious.

Now to the most funny part..

all these terrain coding and looking nice.. but sens dx7 is as it is.. i have no use for the above code ?

Sens i want water fire and magic all uses alpha meshes so makes the above useless.

I made fast decicion this summer to use vertex color.. for terrain.

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