Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/Sticky Shadow

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Sticky Shadow by Wiebo2002
This function will allow you to let a shadow mesh 'hug' the underlying mesh.

Make sure the landscape mesh is pickable, and that you know the surface handle (shadow_surf) and amount of vertexes (shadow_vertex_count) in the shadow mesh. shadowmesh in this example is the handle to the mesh that has to be deformed.

This function picks down from worldypos 5, but you could lower or higher that if needed... have fun!
Function StickyShadow ()

	For count = 0 To shadow_vertex_count -1

		; translate x and z pos of shadow vertex to world coordinates
		TFormPoint ( VertexX (shadow_surf, count), 5, VertexZ (shadow_surf, count), shadowmesh, 0)

		; pick down from each vertex, get new world ypos from pickedy
		LinePick ( TFormedX() , 5, TFormedZ(), 0, -6, 0)
		; translate back to shadow local coords
		TFormPoint ( PickedX(), PickedY()+ .03, PickedZ(), 0, shadowmesh)		
		; move current vertex there
		VertexCoords shadow_surf, count, VertexX (shadow_surf, count), TFormedY(), VertexZ (shadow_surf, count)
End Function



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