Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/Centre Mesh

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Centre Mesh by John Blackledge2006
Centres a mesh around its centre point
Function CentreAnimMesh(mesh,mode=0)
; mode=0 : centre on 3 axes
; mode=1 : centre on x,z; align to y bottom
Local origx#,origy#,origz#
Local allx#,ally#,allz#
Local newx#,newy#,newz#
Local cc,c,childent,mult

	; get orig position
	origx# = EntityX#(mesh)
	origy# = EntityY#(mesh)
	origz# = EntityZ#(mesh)
	; get 'all' vertices positions
	allx# = MeshAllX#(mesh)
	If mode=0 Then ally# = MeshAllY#(mesh)
	If mode=1 Then ally# = MeshAllYlowest#(mesh)
	allz# = MeshAllZ#(mesh)

	; find difference
	newx# = (origx# - allx#)
	newy# = (origy# - ally#)
	newz# = (origz# - allz#)
	; move one or all meshes
	cc = CountChildren(mesh)
	If cc = 0
		PositionMesh mesh, newx#,newy#,newz#
		For c = 1 To cc
			childent = GetChild(mesh,c)
			mult = 2
			PositionMesh childent, mult * newx#,mult * newy#,mult * newz#

End Function

Function MeshAllX#(parent)
Local LeftX#,RightX#
Local cc,c,childent,vx#,x#

	cc = CountChildren(parent)
	If cc = 0
		x# = MeshX#(parent)
		For c = 1 To cc
			childent = GetChild(parent,c)
			vx# = MeshX#(childent)
			If vx#<LeftX# Then LeftX#=vx#
			If vx#>RightX# Then RightX#=vx#
		x# = LeftX# + ( (RightX# - LeftX#) / Float(2) )

Return x#
End Function

Function MeshAllY#(parent)
Local BottomY#,TopY#
Local cc,c,childent,vy#,y#

	cc = CountChildren(parent)
	If cc = 0
		y# = MeshY#(parent)
		For c = 1 To cc
			childent = GetChild(parent,c)
			vy# = MeshY#(childent)
			If vy#<BottomY# Then BottomY#=vy#
	    If vy#>TopY# Then TopY#=vy#
		y# = BottomY# + ( (TopY# - BottomY#) / Float(2) )

Return y#
End Function

Function MeshAllYlowest#(parent)
Local BottomY#,TopY#
Local cc,c,childent,vy#,y#

	cc = CountChildren(parent)
	If cc = 0
		y# = BottomMost#(parent)
		For c = 1 To cc
			childent = GetChild(parent,c)
			vy# = BottomMost#(childent)
			If vy#<BottomY# Then BottomY#=vy#
	    If vy#>TopY# Then TopY#=vy#
		y# = BottomY# + ( (TopY# - BottomY#) / Float(2) )

Return y#
End Function

Function MeshAllZ#(parent)
Local BackZ#,FrontZ#
Local cc,c,childent,vz#,z#

	cc = CountChildren(parent)
	If cc = 0
		z# = MeshZ#(parent)
		For c = 1 To cc
			childent = GetChild(parent,c)
			vz# = MeshZ#(childent)
			If vz#<BackZ# Then BackZ#=vz#
			If vz#>FrontZ# Then FrontZ#=vz#
		z# = BackZ# + (FrontZ# - BackZ#)/ 2

Return z#
End Function

Function MeshX#(mesh)
Local LeftX#,RightX#
Local s,su,v,vx#,x#

	For s = 1 To CountSurfaces(mesh)
		su = GetSurface(mesh,s)
		For v = 0  To CountVertices(su)-1
			vx# = VertexX#(su,v)
			If vx#<LeftX# Then LeftX#=vx#
			If vx#>RightX# Then RightX#=vx#
  x# = LeftX# + ( (RightX# - LeftX#) / Float(2) )

Return x#
End Function

Function MeshY#(mesh)
Local BottomY#,TopY#
Local s,su,v,vy#,y#

	For s = 1 To CountSurfaces(mesh)
		su = GetSurface(mesh,s)
		For v = 0  To CountVertices(su)-1
			vy# = VertexY#(su,v)
			If vy#<BottomY# Then BottomY#=vy#
	    If vy#>TopY# Then TopY#=vy#
	y# = BottomY# + ( (TopY# - BottomY#) / Float(2) )

Return y#
End Function

Function MeshZ#(mesh)
Local BackZ#,FrontZ#
Local s,su,v,vz#,z#

	For s = 1 To CountSurfaces(mesh)
		su = GetSurface(mesh,s)
		For v = 0  To CountVertices(su)-1
			vz# = VertexZ#(su,v)
			If vz#<BackZ# Then BackZ#=vz#
			If vz#>FrontZ# Then FrontZ#=vz#
	z# = BackZ# + (FrontZ# - BackZ#) / 2

Return z#
End Function

Function BottomMost#(mesh)
Local BottomY#,TopY#
Local s,su,v,vy#

	For s = 1 To CountSurfaces(mesh)
		su = GetSurface(mesh,s)
		For v = 0  To CountVertices(su)-1
			vy# = VertexY#(su,v)
			If vy#<BottomY# Then BottomY#=vy#
			If vy#>TopY# Then TopY#=vy#

Return BottomY#
End Function


Does FITMESH -0.5,-0.5,-0.5,1,1,1 not do this already?

Stevie G2006
Agree completely and I mentioned this in the original post. I'll stick with my own mesh center function ;)

Function MESHcenter( Mesh )

  W# = meshwidth( Mesh )
  H# = meshheight( Mesh )
  D# = meshdepth( Mesh )
  fitmesh - W*.5, -H*.5, -D*.5, W, H, D

end function


John Blackledge2006
Not if the 'point of origin' (as with many 3DS and Autocad models) is far away - no it doesn't.
I've had this situation with many client's models; and yes, I started with your code, but ended up with mine. ;)

This is Extremely useful!
Especially when combining meshes with AddMesh :D

John Blackledge2009
Thanks. Glad someone finally got some use from this.

It came about because I had a project that required the loading of the user's meshes, and a lot were created in Autocad which usually results in the model being created (in Blitz terms) miles from the origin point.
And then they would winge 'I can't see my model!' to which I would reply, 'That's because you created it 5 miles from 0,0,0.'
But of course it became my problem to solve.

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