Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/3D OpenGL Include 04.06.2006

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3D OpenGL Include 04.06.2006 by Markus Rauch2005
Can do
Load3DS (without Anim)
Entitys (with Parent:)
Entiy Position Rotate Move Turn Translate add Meshes
Meshes like Plane , Cube , Heightmap , TerrainBorder , Torus , Disc , Cylinder , Planar UV Map XZ .
Sphere/Sphere Collision System
Mesh Copy
Meshes compile !
Meshes move und rotate
Mesh Create Bounding Box
Surfaces for Meshes with colors like Ambient,Shininess
Surface Copy
Texturen for Surfaces , Position , Rotate , Scale
Texture Clamp U,V
Maskcolor for Textures (you can use MaskColor RGB Values)
Vertices for Surfaces
Vertex Copy
Scaleable and Turning Bitmap Font in 3D
Change a Char with an Image
Show Font with Alpha
--- 03.09.2005 ---
TEntityList.LoadStatic3DS as Single Mesh :)
--- 04.06.2006 ---
BlitzMax 1.20 some changes :Int() to :Byte Prt()

Example show you a little Flightsim :
1(3) Camera(s)
1 Light
Created highmap from file with tiled texture .
Terrain border
Moving Sky
Bell Helicopter you can move with cursor keys,PageUp,PageDown,Del,End
(now with rotor sound)
For joystick Press J once , again for Keyboard
RETURN goto start
C= Camera Fix or in Heli
Space , Cam Below Helicopter
E = Engine On/Off
You can collect the Crates on Terrain .
The Object are now Limit to Scene and can't fly away .

Rotation about axes (no gimbal lock)

Hosted by BlitzSupport (James L Boyd)
Run Heli.bmx first !
1.2 MByte

See the Link ;-)


Looks like a great base for an OpenGL engine. Very neat code too. I tried something like this myself as a learning experience, but I couldn't keep it neat ( as anyone who saw it will confirm ) so it's great to see how I should have done it.

Wow, very nice! This would be really cool with some high level procedural functions to wrap the OO stuff so it's really Blitz3D-like -- I might fiddle with this myself at some point. Thanks for sharing your hard work!

Markus Rauch2005
@All 20.7
I have add a Mesh Disc and Cylinder and Planar UV Mapping for XZ .
Little Func. to Limit the XYZ Pos.
Masking Textures only if you will .
Split Joy/Keyboard handling , so you must enable joystick
with J Key .
And the Camera on the fly are turning a little bit with
the 'ship'


I like BlitzMax with the easy Blitz3D handling !
So ,feel free to use anything from it :-)
But the most wanted are loading/saving functions
for the objects with texture info and animation .
Next time i add a Key or Func. List that store or set pos. rot. and so on .

Awesome job on this so far

Just wondering but is the 3ds loading function still being worked on? When I try to load a 3ds model the program just hangs.

great markus !

thanks to share

I get an Identifier 'FlushMem' not found Error

Delete this line !
And that runs !

Flushmem has been removed from version 1.12+ so there is no need for that command in any source now.

One way around it is at the start of the program, create...

function flushmem() ; End Function

Or better still, search for all "flushmem()" and remove them!

Thanks Shagwana, Progi1984

there are several things now that dont work with this I cant seem to fix them all :(

Markus Rauch2005
i see that someone it uses .
a new update comes in a few days ;-)

please check the 3ds file version and look at the 3ds loader .

Dubious Drewski2005
ckob and others. I have converted the code to 1.12 for you.
(I hope you don't mind, Markus)

Here you go:

This is the new MR_Heli.bmx

And here is the new MR_OpenGL.bmx

Just save these files over the old ones. It works perfectly for me.

Could I get a mirror?

I've uploaded it to the same address again -- I forgot I was hosting this, sorry...

Let me know if there are any problems.

Nice work! and definitely thanks for sharing!

Thanks, BlitzSupport, I remember looking at this a few years ago and finding it interesting, I truly appreciate it.

I keep getting thanked for work that's not mine lately! This was Markus Rauch's code. I was meant to be hosting it but I changed web host recently...

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