Code archives/3D Graphics - Mesh/3D Line Lib

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3D Line Lib by TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)2004
This was written to help someone with a Asteroids remake. Not sure what else it's good for but I thought I'd share it.
; #########################################################################
; #  3D Accelerated Line Library (c)2004 Tim Fisher                       #
; #  This code is public domain, do wih it what you like. 				  #
; #########################################################################

Global screenwidth# 
Global screenheight# 

Global LineSurf
Global LineTex
Global LineCam
Global LineMesh
Global Pivot0 = CreatePivot()
Global Pivot1 = CreatePivot()

Function ClsLines()
End Function

Function InitLine3d()
	LineTex = CreateTexture(16,16,4+256)
	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(LineTex)
	Line 7,0,7,16
	Line 8,0,8,16
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()
	LineCam = CreateCamera()
	PositionEntity LineCam,0,0,-40
	CameraProjMode LineCam,2
	CameraZoom LineCam,0.1
	LineMesh = CreateMesh()
	LineSurf = CreateSurface(LineMesh)
	EntityBlend LineMesh,3
	EntityTexture LineMesh,LineTex
	EntityFX LineMesh,3
	ScreenWidth# = GraphicsWidth()
	ScreenHeight# = GraphicsHeight()
End Function

Function Line3d(x0#,y0#,x1#,y1# , r=255, g=255, b=255, w# = .12 )
	x0# = (x0# / 40.0) - 10.0
	y0# = 7.5 - (y0# / 40.0)
	x1# = (x1# / 40) - 10.0
	y1# = 7.5 - (y1# / 40.0)
	PositionEntity Pivot0, x0#,0,y0#
	PositionEntity Pivot1, x1#,0,y1#
	PointEntity Pivot0,Pivot1
	TFormNormal 0,0,1,Pivot0,0
	dx# = TFormedX#()*w#
	dy# = TFormedZ#()*w#
	v0# = AddVertex( LineSurf 	, x0# - dy#	, y0# + dx# , 0		,0,0 )
	v1# = AddVertex( LineSurf	, x1# - dy#	, y1# + dx#	, 0 	,0,1 )
	v2# = AddVertex( LineSurf	, x1# + dy#	, y1# - dx#	, 0 	,1,0 )
	v3# = AddVertex( LineSurf	, x0# + dy#	, y0# - dx#	, 0 	,1,1 )
	For v = v0 To v3
		VertexColor LineSurf, v, r,g, b
	AddTriangle LineSurf,v0,v1,v2 
	AddTriangle LineSurf,v2,v3,v0
End Function


TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)2004

Graphics3D 640,480,32,2
Global FPS1,LastCheck,Frames1

Include ""


SeedRnd MilliSecs()

While Not KeyHit(1)

    For x = 0 To 1000
 		LineMesh = line3d(LineMesh,Rand(0,ScreenWidth),Rand(0,ScreenHeight),Rand(0,ScreenWidth),Rand(0,ScreenHeight),Rand(255),Rand(255),Rand(255))


	Text 400,2,"FPS : "+FPS1

	Flip False


Function GetFPS()
	Frames1 = Frames1 + 1
	If MilliSecs() > LastCheck+1000 Then
		LastCheck = MilliSecs()
		FPS1 = Frames1
		Frames1 = 0
	Return FPS1
End Function

I get 180,000 Lines per second on my machine in Window mode and 200,000+ in FullScreen

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)2004
And here is how it looks in game

Very nice.

Is there a way to make the line thinkness not relative to the screensize?

1024x768 looks thicker, nicer and more antialiased than 640x480.

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)2004
Yeah, adjust the number in this formula

d# = (Sqr( dx*dx + dz*dz ) * 8.0)

The smaller the thicker. 8 is good for 1024x768


Stevie G2004

Incase your interested, this version is almost twice as fast - using tforms instead of that SQR function.

; #########################################################################
; #  3D Accelerated Line Library (c)2004 Tim Fisher                       #
; #  This code is public domain, do wih it what you like. 				  #
; #########################################################################

Global screenwidth# 
Global screenheight# 

Global LineSurf
Global LineTex
Global LineCam
Global LineMesh
Global Pivot0 = CreatePivot()
Global Pivot1 = CreatePivot()

Function InitLine3d()

	LineTex = CreateTexture(16,16,2)

	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(LineTex)
	Line 7,0,7,15
	Line 8,0,8,15
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()

	LineCam = CreateCamera()
	PositionEntity LineCam,0,0,-40
	CameraProjMode LineCam,2
	CameraZoom LineCam,0.1

	LineMesh = CreateMesh()
	LineSurf = CreateSurface(LineMesh)
	EntityBlend LineMesh,3
	EntityTexture LineMesh,LineTex
	EntityFX LineMesh,3
	ScreenWidth = GraphicsWidth()
	ScreenHeight = GraphicsHeight()

End Function

Function ClsLines()

End Function

Function Line3d( Mesh,x0#,y0#,x1#,y1# , r=255, g=255, b=255, w# = .25 )

	sx# = x0/ScreenWidth
	x0# = (sx * 20.0) - 10
	sy# = y0/ScreenHeight
	y0# = 7.5 - (sy * 15)
	sx# = x1/ScreenWidth
	x1# = (sx * 20.0) - 10
	sy# = y1/ScreenHeight
	y1# = 7.5 - (sy * 15)

	If Mesh = 0 
		Mesh = CreateMesh() 
		LineSurf = CreateSurface(Mesh) 
		LineSurf = GetSurface(Mesh,1)
		If CountVertices(LineSurf)>30000
			LineSurf = CreateSurface(Mesh)
	End If 

	PositionEntity Pivot0, x0,0,y0
	PositionEntity Pivot1,x1,0,y1
	PointEntity Pivot0,Pivot1
	TFormNormal 0,0,1,Pivot0,0
	dx# = TFormedX()*w
	dy# = TFormedZ()*w
	v0 = AddVertex( LineSurf 	, x0 - dy	, y0 + dx 	, 0	,0,0 )
	v1 = AddVertex( LineSurf	, x1 - dy	, y1 + dx	, 0 	,0,1 )
	v2 = AddVertex( LineSurf	, x1 + dy	, y1 - dx	, 0 	,1,0 )
	v3 = AddVertex( LineSurf	, x0 + dy	, y0 - dx 	, 0 	,1,1 )
	For v = v0 To v3
		VertexColor LineSurf, v, r,g, b
	AddTriangle LineSurf,v0,v1,v2 
	AddTriangle LineSurf,v2,v3,v0

	Return Mesh 

End Function

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)2004
StevieG, You d'man AGAIN :)

But it don't seem to work properly. When using in-game it only shows the left hand side of the objects ????

Stevie G2004
NP - I've decided to remake Lunar Lander - I like the old look :)

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)2004

Stevie G2004
Oops - Give me a minute - never even tested the f**ing thing - doh!!

TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)2004
Stevie - I would spend some time on this - BUT i'm cooking dinner :) I'll be back later.

Stevie G2004
Fixed - forgot that pointentity uses the z-axis so need to put the pivots on a different plane before tform. Should work now. :)


TartanTangerine (was Indiepath)2004
Cool, and faster as your promised.

Thanks again. And good luck with Lunar Lander, perhaps somebody will try tempest or Battlezone or Starwars :)

EDIT: Nevermind. It was my own fault. I had screwed around with the code before including it and then promptly forgotten that I had done it. It works fine on my computer now. Thanks. Good job.

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