Code archives/3D Graphics - Maths/True 3D Visibility / Line of Sight code (pseudo LOS)

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True 3D Visibility / Line of Sight code (pseudo LOS) by OpticEvIl2004
This is an example of how to check if any part of an entity is visible to the camera. It even returns how much of an entity is visible. Visibility can even be masked through 3 channels. Super fast, does 80 fps at 640x480 and supports a unlimited number of entities with very little slowdown. Useful for games like Splinter cell and SOCOM ect.
;True 3D Visibility V1.0
;Visibility in native B3D
;by OpticEvIl

;if you use this in your code, give me a little credit

AppTitle "True 3D Visibility v1.0- OpticEvIl"
;Example in 640x480
Graphics3D 640,480   ;change this only after an understanding of the code
					 ;screen w&h are hard coded in the version
SetBuffer BackBuffer() 

				 ;xstep & ystep can be increased to increase speed
				 ;at the cost of resolution
Const xstep = 5	 ;check every 5th pixel on the x-axis (2D)
Const ystep = 4	 ;check every 4th pixel on the y-axis (2D)
Const nos = 2    ;number of objects
Const now = 10   ;number of obstructions

Type Visstruct
	Field ent
	Field child
	Field rc,gc,bc
	Field vis_type1,vis_type2,vis_type3
	Field ret_type1,ret_type2,ret_type3
End Type

Dim s(nos)
Dim w(now)

Global tex = LoadTexture ("./tex.jpg") ;replace with your own tex!
Global cap,v1,v2 ;cap will contain screen step val

Global camera=CreateCamera()
PositionEntity camera,-0,0,-8

;creates obstructions, and assign them to blue channel for visibility check
;the green and blue channels are not use in the example
For q = 1 To now
	w(q) = CreateCube()
	EntityColor w(q),128,128,128
	ScaleEntity w(q),1,.2,.2
	PositionEntity w(q),q-(now/2)-1,0,-4
	RotateEntity w(q),0,0,90
	RotateEntity w(q),0,0,Rand(0,359)
	targetvis.VisStruct = New VisStruct
	targetvis\ent = w(q)	
	targetvis\rc  = 128
	targetvis\gc  = 128
	targetvis\bc  = 128
	targetvis\vis_type1 = 0
	targetvis\vis_type2	= 0
	targetvis\vis_type3 = 1

EntityColor s(1),120,50,50
PositionEntity s(1),2,0,0
EntityTexture s(1),tex 

EntityColor s(2),120,50,50
PositionEntity s(2),2,-1.8,-6

For q = 1 To nos
	targetvis.VisStruct = New VisStruct
	targetvis\ent = s(q)	
	targetvis\rc  = 120
	targetvis\gc  = 50
	targetvis\bc  = 50
	targetvis\vis_type1 = q
	targetvis\vis_type2	= 0
	targetvis\vis_type3 = 0

AmbientLight 128,128,128
light = CreateLight()

While Not KeyDown(1) 

	TurnEntity camera,0,(KeyDown(203)-KeyDown(205)),0 		
	MoveEntity camera,0,0,(KeyDown(200)-KeyDown(208))*0.1
	cap = cap + 96
	If cap > 480-(96) Then 			; -(96) is for TS only!
		cap = 0
	End If
	Color 255,255,255
	If Not (frames Mod 5) Then
		ov1 = v1
		ov2 = v2
		v1 = 0
		v2 = 0
	End If
	fps = frames/(MilliSecs()-Hmills)*1000		
	Text 10,20,"Object 1 optical strength:"+ov1
	Text 10,40,"Object 2 optical strength:"+ov2
	Text 10,60,"FPS:"+fps
	frames = frames + 1


Function UpdateVis()
	AmbientLight 0,0,0

	LockBuffer BackBuffer()
	For x = 0 To 639 Step xstep 	;change step number to change resolution

		y = cap
		While y < 96+cap
			Select xRed(ReadPixelFast (x,y))
				Case 0
				Case 1
					v1 = v1 + 1
				Case 2
					v2 = v2 + 1
			End Select
			y = y + ystep			;change step number to change resolution
	UnlockBuffer BackBuffer()

	AmbientLight 128,128,128


End Function

Function PrepVis()

	;prepare all entities for visibility checking
	For targetvis.VisStruct = Each VisStruct
		EntityFX targetvis\ent,5
		EntityColor targetvis\ent,targetvis\vis_type1,targetvis\vis_type2,targetvis\vis_type3

End Function

Function RetVis()

	;reassign original values
	For targetvis.VisStruct = Each VisStruct
		EntityFX targetvis\ent,0        
		EntityColor targetvis\ent,targetvis\rc,targetvis\bc,targetvis\gc

End Function

Function xRed(rgb) 	
	Return rgb Shr 16 And $ff 
End Function 

Function xGreen(rgb) 
	Return rgb Shr 8 And $ff 
End Function 

Function xBlue(rgb) 
	Return rgb And $ff 
End Function


I get a 'Memory Access Violation' when I try to run this..

You didn't put in your own texture.

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