Code archives/3D Graphics - Maths/Eccentric Orbits using Quaternions

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Eccentric Orbits using Quaternions by Krischan2017
This code demonstrates how to create a star system with eccentric orbits using Quaternion rotations in miniB3D. The line coordinates for each orbit are stored in a separate Type (TOrbit). The planet pivot is then turned one step further and this goes on and on until a full 360° cycle has been finished.

It uses adaptive segment detail, so closer planet orbits use less segments while planets far away use more segments to have a constant orbit line detail over distance (otherwise, far away planets wouldn't match the orbit line and appear beside or above/below it). Use the mouse to view the scene from different angles (Quarternion rotated, too!) and the Mousewheel to zoom in/out the center.

eccentricity = 0.0

eccentricity = 45.0

Framework sidesign.minib3d

Graphics3D DesktopWidth(), DesktopHeight(), 32, 2

SeedRnd 1

Const eccentricity:Float = 45		' angle between 0 and 90
Const planets:Int = 10				' number of planets
Const speed:Float = 0.1				' simulation speed
Const maxsegments:Int = 1440		' maximum segments of outer planet orbit

Global MouseWheel:Int = 1

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Initialize Scene and Camera
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global pivot:TPivot = CreatePivot()

Global cam:TCamera = CreateCamera(pivot)
PositionEntity cam, 0, 5, -15

Global star:TMesh = CreateSphere(32)
ScaleEntity star, 0.5, 0.5, 0.5
EntityColor star, 255, 192, 0
EntityFX star, 1

PointEntity cam, star

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Stores Planet properties
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Type TPlanet

	Field id:Int
	Field rotation:Float[]
	Field ent:TEntity
	Field piv:TPivot
	Field radius:Float
	Field rgb:Int[] = [255, 255, 255]
	Field orbit:TOrbit = New TOrbit
End Type

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Stores Orbit Coordinates
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Type TOrbit

	Field steps:Float
	Field x:Float[maxsegments + 1]
	Field y:Float[maxsegments + 1]
	Field z:Float[maxsegments + 1]

End Type

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Initialize Planets
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Global planetlist:TList = CreateList()
Global p:TPlanet

For Local i:Int = 1 To planets
	p = New TPlanet = i
	p.radius = Normalize(i, 1, planets, 1, 10)
	p.rotation = [Float(Rnd(-eccentricity, eccentricity)), Float(Rnd(360)), 0.0]
	p.rgb = [Rand(255), Rand(255), Rand(255)]
	p.orbit.steps = maxsegments / (planets + 1 -
	' planet pivot
	p.piv = CreatePivot()
	' create planet
	p.ent = CreateSphere(8, p.piv)
	EntityFX p.ent, 1
	'EntityColor p.ent, p.rgb[0], p.rgb[1], p.rgb[2]
	ScaleEntity p.ent, 0.1, 0.1, 0.1
	' pivot initial rotation
	RotateEntity p.piv, 0, 0, 0
	Turn p.piv, p.rotation[0], p.rotation[1], p.rotation[2]
	' position planet
	PositionEntity p.ent, 0, 0, 0
	MoveEntity p.ent, 0, 0, p.radius
	ListAddLast planetlist, p

	' store current position in Type for later use
	For Local i:Int = 0 To p.orbit.steps
		p.orbit.x[i] = EntityX(p.ent, 1)
		p.orbit.y[i] = EntityY(p.ent, 1)
		p.orbit.z[i] = EntityZ(p.ent, 1)
		' rotate pivot
		Turn p.piv, 0, 360.0 / p.orbit.steps, 0

MoveMouse GraphicsWidth() / 2, GraphicsHeight() / 2

' Mousewheel logic
AddHook EmitEventHook, EventHook

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Main Loop
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
While Not AppTerminate()

	If KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE) Then End
	Turn pivot, Normalize(MouseY(), 0, GraphicsHeight() - 1, -1, 1), Normalize(MouseX(), 0, GraphicsWidth() - 1, -1, 1), 0
	CameraZoom cam, MouseWheel
	' enable OpenGL Lines
	' it is IMPORTANT to use this between Renderworld and BeginMax2D or it won't work
	Local x1:Float, y1:Float, z1:Float
	Local x2:Float, y2:Float, z2:Float
	' cycle all planets
	For Local p:TPlanet = EachIn planetlist
		' a full rotation
		For Local i:Int = 0 To p.orbit.steps
			' look ahead for next XYZ position
			Local j:Int = (i + 1) Mod p.orbit.steps
			' get current coordinates
			x1 = p.orbit.x[i]
			y1 = p.orbit.y[i]
			z1 = p.orbit.z[i]
			' get next coordinates
			x2 = p.orbit.x[j]
			y2 = p.orbit.y[j]
			z2 = p.orbit.z[j]
			' draw 3D line 
			Line3D(x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, p.rgb[0], p.rgb[1], p.rgb[2], 1)


		' turn pivot = move planet around star
		Turn p.piv, 0, (planets + 1 - p.radius) * speed, 0
		' patch to fix the "running out of sync" bug due Quaternion imprecision
		RotateEntity p.piv, EntityPitch(p.piv), EntityYaw(p.piv), EntityRoll(p.piv)
		DrawText "Maximum Eccentricity: " + eccentricity, 0, 0
	Flip True



' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Normalizes a value to given range
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Normalize:Float(Value:Float, vmin:Float, vmax:Float, nmin:Float, nmax:Float, limit:Int = False)

	' normalize	
	Local result:Float = ((Value - vmin) / (vmax - vmin)) * (nmax - nmin) + nmin

	' limit
	If limit Then
		If Value >= nmax Then result = nmax
		If Value <= nmin Then result = nmin


	Return result
End Function

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Draw a 3D line using OpenGL functions:
' glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL) / glBegin(GL_LINES) [...] glEnd() / glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL)
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Line3D:TMesh(x0:Float, y0:Float, z0:Float, x1:Float, y1:Float, z1:Float, r:Int = 255, g:Int = 255, b:Int = 255, a:Float = 1.0)
	SetColor r, g, b
	glVertex3f(x0, y0, -z0)
	glVertex3f(x1, y1, -z1)
End Function

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Turn Entity using Quaternions
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function Turn(Ent:TEntity, X:Float, Y:Float, Z:Float, Glob:Int = False)

	Local Pitch:Float = 0.0
	Local Yaw:Float = 0.0
	Local Roll:Float = 0.0
	Local Quat:TQuaternion = EulerToQuat(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	Local Turn_Quat:TQuaternion = EulerToQuat(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
	If Glob = False
		Quat = EulerToQuat(EntityPitch(Ent, True), EntityYaw(Ent, True), EntityRoll(Ent, True))
		Turn_Quat = EulerToQuat(X, Y, Z)
		Quat = MultiplyQuats(Quat, Turn_Quat)
		Quat = NormalizeQuat(Quat)
		QuatToEuler2(Quat.x, Quat.y, Quat.z, Quat.w, Pitch, Yaw, Roll)
		RotateEntity Ent, Pitch, Yaw, Roll
		RotateEntity Ent, EntityPitch(Ent) + X, EntityYaw(Ent) + Y, EntityRoll(Ent) + Z
End Function

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Euler to Quaternion
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function EulerToQuat:TQuaternion(pitch:Float, yaw:Float, roll:Float)

	Local cr:Float = Cos(-roll / 2.0)
	Local cp:Float = Cos(pitch / 2.0)
	Local cy:Float = Cos(yaw / 2.0)
	Local sr:Float = Sin(-roll / 2.0)
	Local sp:Float = Sin(pitch / 2.0)
	Local sy:Float = Sin(yaw / 2.0)
	Local cpcy:Float = cp * cy
	Local spsy:Float = sp * sy
	Local spcy:Float = sp * cy
	Local cpsy:Float = cp * sy
	Local q:TQuaternion = New TQuaternion
	q.w:Float = cr * cpcy + sr * spsy
	q.x:Float = sr * cpcy - cr * spsy
	q.y:Float = cr * spcy + sr * cpsy
	q.z:Float = cr * cpsy - sr * spcy
	Return q
End Function

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Quaternion to Euler
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function QuatToEuler2(x:Float, y:Float, z:Float, w:Float, pitch:Float Var, yaw:Float Var, roll:Float Var)

	Local QuatToEulerAccuracy:Double = 1.0 / 2 ^ 31

	Local sint:Float = (2.0 * w * y) - (2.0 * x * z)
	Local cost_temp:Float = 1.0 - (sint * sint)
	Local cost:Float

	If Abs(cost_temp) > QuatToEulerAccuracy

		cost = Sqr(cost_temp)


		cost = 0.0


	Local sinv:Float, cosv:Float, sinf:Float, cosf:Float
	If Abs(cost) > QuatToEulerAccuracy
		sinv = ((2.0 * y * z) + (2.0 * w * x)) / cost
		cosv = (1.0 - (2.0 * x * x) - (2.0 * y * y)) / cost
		sinf = ((2.0 * x * y) + (2.0 * w * z)) / cost
		cosf = (1.0 - (2.0 * y * y) - (2.0 * z * z)) / cost
		sinv = (2.0 * w * x) - (2.0 * y * z)
		cosv = 1.0 - (2.0 * x * x) - (2.0 * z * z)
		sinf = 0.0
		cosf = 1.0
	pitch = ATan2(sint, cost)
	yaw = ATan2(sinf, cosf)
	roll = -ATan2(sinv, cosv)
End Function

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Multiply Quaternion
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function MultiplyQuats:TQuaternion(q1:TQuaternion, q2:TQuaternion)

	Local q:TQuaternion = New TQuaternion
	q.w = q1.w * q2.w - q1.x * q2.x - q1.y * q2.y - q1.z * q2.z
	q.x = q1.w * q2.x + q1.x * q2.w + q1.y * q2.z - q1.z * q2.y
	q.y = q1.w * q2.y + q1.y * q2.w + q1.z * q2.x - q1.x * q2.z
	q.z = q1.w * q2.z + q1.z * q2.w + q1.x * q2.y - q1.y * q2.x

	Return q

End Function

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Normalize Quaternion
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function NormalizeQuat:TQuaternion(q:TQuaternion)

	Local uv:Float = Sqr(q.w * q.w + q.x * q.x + q.y * q.y + q.z * q.z)

	q.w = q.w / uv
	q.x = q.x / uv
	q.y = q.y / uv
	q.z = q.z / uv

	Return q

End Function

' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
' Events
' ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Function EventHook:Object(id:Int, Data:Object, Context:Object)

	Local Event:TEvent = TEvent(data)
	If Event = Null Then Return Event

			If Event.Data > 0 Then

				If MouseWheel > 5 Then MouseWheel = 5


				If MouseWheel < 1 Then MouseWheel = 1


	End Select
End Function


Patched the code above as I noticed some barely noticeable imprecisions after long runs - the planets slightly ran out of the orbit sometimes. The patch was simple: after the Quaternion Pivot rotation using the "Turn" command just read the pivot angles again, rerotate the pivot using these angles and it was gone. At least I didn't notice any visible imprecisions anymore though there could be some.

' turn pivot = move planet around star
Turn p.piv, 0, (planets + 1 - p.radius) * speed, 0

' patch to fix the "running out of sync" bug due Quaternion imprecision
RotateEntity p.piv, EntityPitch(p.piv), EntityYaw(p.piv), EntityRoll(p.piv)

This looks really quite something else, trying it out laters.

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