Code archives/3D Graphics - Maths/Blitz3D Maths Library

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Blitz3D Maths Library by Bobysait2016
(full code probably too long, so it's split in 4 parts)

All the maths involved to rebuild a blitz3d like entity system
Originally done for a blitzmax 3d engine, all behaviors reproduice perfectly the Turn/Rotate/Move etc ... of the blitz3d entity

Here is a Blitz3d version of the library.

It also include some color templates to be used as vector.

Note : The Vector type use a 4 th component "W"
originally used for alignement, It's also usefull to store an extra value, like a radius, so a vector can define a sphere.

All class are designed for OOP usage, so they all returns the object passed in the argument of the function.
It allows to imbricate function calls in a single line.
Also, the functions with "Self" in the name happens the transformation on the first object passed in the argument -> it does not create a new object.

Local a.Vector = NewVector()
Local b.Vector = NewVector()
Local c.Vector = VecSub(a,b) -> create a new vector
Local d.Vector = VecSelfSub(a,b) -> this will store the result of a-b in a and will return a, so "d" is "a"

As it's Blitz3D (and not blitzmax), take care of memory leak !
If you create an instance of a maths object, don't forget to release it
-> Vector quand Quaternion can be freed using "Delete" as they don't store internal objects
-> Matrix3 and Matrix4 MUST be freed using Mat3Free(m3) and Mat4Free(m4)
(because they store vectors as axis [and position for the matrix4 object])

; Worklog :

- Fix an error in VecSub (y was added instead of substract)
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; - Maths Library -
; --------------------------------------------------------------------
; - Author  : Bobysait 2016
; - About   : Full compatible with the Blitz3D Entity stuff.
;             the library is a portage of the Bigbang Maths module.
;             whatever, see license aggreement below.
; - license : no restrictions.
;             Feel free to use for any purpose
;             After all, it's just a maths lib.
; --------------------------------------------------------------------


The Vector part :

The Quaternion part :

The Matrix3 part :

The Matrix4 part :

nice work Bobysait! perhaps some sample demos to compare with b3d builtin equivalent?

I'll see if I can make this tomorrow, it's 0h47 here, I'm going to sleep ;)

ps : I didn't mention it, but the vector part also contains some kind of GLSL portability with conversion
-> v.xy() v.zx() etc ...
There is no documention, but it's a maths library, everything is self-explained

I might actually have a use for some of this in my ongoing Newton/OpenB3D fumbling, thanks for posting it!

So, here is a small demo of transformation
it shows how to reproduice the blitz-entities transformations using this maths library.

Also a bench test in the end for creating 10000 pivots and rotate them compared to creating 10000 transforms and rotate them

/!\ just one note, math stuff in blitz code is slower than anything writen in c/c++ as the internal blitz maths are, so keep in mind a pivot rotation, for example, will still be faster than a rotation of a transform like I did, but, the creation time is a lot faster, so what we loose somewhere is gained somewhere else.
Then, this stuff is just for purpose, maths transformation does not require a full "transform" object, most of the time, we just need a vector or a rotation, not a full stuff to rebuild a 4*4 matrix.

ps : (a ps before the code ... whatever)
the sample below also provides working PointEntity and AlignToVector replicants.
Hope it helps.

TForm functions added to the sample.

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