Code archives/3D Graphics - Maths/capsule collider using one pivot + several linepicks + pickables

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capsule collider using one pivot + several linepicks + pickables by RemiD2016
for characters, for vehicles, using Blitz3d linepick system (or see the posts below to copy the 3 parts of the code)


Hi, RemiD, did you mean to just link to the code for some reason? That wouldn't really be the point of the Code Archives and it would be better placed in a forum post if you don't want to post the actual code here.

It is too long, when i try to submit it i get an internal error... Should i split it in several parts ?

I'd suggest adding the link as a post in the other Capsule Collider entry you've made, as a related example. The archives should really be full of 'direct' code, without worry that an external web site might disappear at some point.

Hope this makes sense.

No these 2 codes don't use the same approach for collisions (this one uses linepicks and pickables meshes, the other uses ellipsoids and collidables meshes).
But i will try to post the code in several parts so that it does not rely on my server.

The archives should really be full of 'direct' code, without worry that an external web site might disappear at some point.

make sure to comment on the others code archive entries which do not respect this...

Part1 :


Part3 :

The controls are :
mouse xaxis to turn left right
mouse yaxis to look up down
zqsd to move front back left right
mouse wheel to increase or decrease movement speed
hold space to charge jump
release space to jump
left ctrl to crouch
left shift to stand

Rick Nasher2016
You could also have tried posting them as separate includes(gives less hasle binding it all together), but this works fine too.

the function "AddSurfaceToOtherSurface()" in Part2 of the code is buggy (so don't use it!), but i don't manage to edit the code because there is an error with the server... The correct function is here :

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