Code archives/3D Graphics - Maths/Circle Circle Instersection Points

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Circle Circle Instersection Points by Haramanai2005
It's not my code and it's just a translation of a java code in BlitzMax
All credits go here

Circle Intersection
By William Ngan (http:/
Processing BETA code (
 	Circle Intersection
	 By William Ngan (http:/
	 Processing BETA code (
End Rem

Type Circle 

	Field x, y, r, r2

	Function create:Circle( px#, py#, pr# ) 
		Local Circle_:Circle = New Circle
		Circle_.x = px
		Circle_.y = py
		Circle_.r = pr
		Circle_.r2 = pr*pr
		Return Circle_
	End Function

End Type

Function intersect( cA:Circle , cB:Circle ) 

	Local dx# = cA.x - cB.x
	Local  dy# = cA.y - cB.y
	Local  d2# = dx*dx + dy*dy
	Local  d# = Sqr( d2 )

	If  d>cA.r+cB.r Or d<Abs(cA.r-cB.r) Return'; // no solution

	Local a# = (cA.r2 - cB.r2 + d2) / (2*d)
	Local h# = Sqr( cA.r2 - a*a )
	Local x2# = cA.x + a*(cB.x - cA.x)/d
	Local y2# = cA.y + a*(cB.y - cA.y)/d

	DrawRect( x2, y2, 5, 5 )

	Local paX% =  x2 + h*(cB.y - cA.y)/d 
	Local paY% =  y2 - h*(cB.x - cA.x)/d 
	Local pbX# = x2 - h*(cB.y - cA.y)/d
	Local pbY# = y2 + h*(cB.x - cA.x)/d
	DrawText pax , 10 , 10
	DrawRect paX , PaY , 5 , 5
	DrawRect pbX , PbY , 5 , 5

End Function

Function DrawCircle(R:Circle)
	DrawOval R.x - R.r  , R.y - R.r , R.r*2 , R.r*2
End Function

Local Cir:Circle = Circle.create(10 , 10 , 100)
Local Cir2:Circle = Circle.create(100 , 100 , 50)

Graphics 640 , 480 , 0

While Not KeyDown(Key_Escape)
	SetColor 255 , 0 , 0
	SetColor 0 , 255 , 0
	SetColor 0 , 0 , 255
	intersect(cir , cir2)
	Cir.X = MouseX()
	Cir.Y = MouseY()


And just a function

Function Circle_Circle_intersect(paX# Var , paY# Var , pbX# Var , pbY# Var , x1# , y1# , r1# , x2# , y2# , r2#) 

	Local dx# = x1 - x2
	Local  dy# = y1 - y2
	Local  d2# = dx*dx + dy*dy
	Local  d# = Sqr( d2 )

	If  d>r1+r2 Or d<Abs(r1-r2) Then Return False'; // no solution

		Local a# = (r1*r1 - r2*r2 + d2) / (2*d)
		Local h# = Sqr( r1*r1 - a*a )
		Local rx2# = x1 + a*(x2 - x1)/d
		Local ry2# = y1 + a*(y2 - y1)/d

		paX# =  rx2 + h*(y2 - y1)/d 
		paY# =  ry2 - h*(x2 - x1)/d 
		pbX# = rx2 - h*(y2 - y1)/d
		pbY# = ry2 + h*(x2 - x1)/d

		Return True
End Function

we maybe could optimise using simple previous test:
Function intersect( cA:Circle , cB:Circle ) 
	Local R0:Float=cA.r+cB.r
	Local dx:Float=cA.x - cB.x
	' no solution ------------------
		If Abs(dx)>R0 Return False
		Local dy:Float=cA.y - cB.y
		If Abs(dy)>R0 Return False
		Local  d2# = dx*dx + dy*dy
		If d2>R0*R0 Return False
		Local R_:Float=cA.r-cB.r
		If d2<R_*R_ Return False
	' ------------------------------
	Local  d# = Sqr( d2 )
End Function

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