Code archives/3D Graphics - Maths/Non-Type Based Vector Lib

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Non-Type Based Vector Lib by Jonathan Nguyen2005
Basically instead of having to deal with type declarations (ie. the myVector.Vector) you can use handles to banks instead (ie. just myVector). I've written it with some basis on "temporary" vectors which are deleted automatically when used in a non-value-returning vector function. This is primarily for when you want to add a vector with another arbitrary vector but you don't want to actually create another vector (or subtract, dot product, cross, whatever). So instead of:


It would simplify to something like this:


So that's that. I've also added functions to find the pitch and yaw of a vector, two methods of finding the angle between two vectors, and all three projections.
; /////////////////////////////////// VECTORS

; // Create Vector
;    Action: Creates a vector.
;    Return: Vector handle of the new vector.
Function CreateVector(x#=0,y#=0,z#=0)
	Local vectorBank=CreateBank(13)
		PokeFloat vectorBank,0,x#
		PokeFloat vectorBank,4,y#
		PokeFloat vectorBank,8,z#
		PokeByte vectorBank,12,0
	Return vectorBank
End Function

; // Temporary Vector
;    Action: Creates a temporary vector.
;    Return: Vector handle of the new vector.
;    Notes: Deleted automatically when used in a non-data-returning vector function.
Function TVector(x#=0,y#=0,z#=0)
	Local vectorBank=CreateBank(13)
		PokeFloat vectorBank,0,x#
		PokeFloat vectorBank,4,y#
		PokeFloat vectorBank,8,z#
		PokeByte vectorBank,12,1
	Return vectorBank
End Function

; // Free Vector
;    Action: Deletes a vector.
;    Return: True if successful, False if failed.
Function FreeVector(vectorBank)
	If vectorBank=0
		Return False
		FreeBank vectorBank
		Return True
End Function

; // Copy Vector
;    Action: Copies the components of Vector 2 onto Vector 1.
;    Return: True if successful, False if failed.
Function CopyVector(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return False
		PokeFloat vector1Bank,0,PeekFloat#(vector2Bank,0)
		PokeFloat vector1Bank,4,PeekFloat#(vector2Bank,4)
		PokeFloat vector1Bank,8,PeekFloat#(vector2Bank,8)
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return True
End Function

; // Set Vector
;    Action: Set's a vector's components.
;    Return: True if successful, False if failed.
Function SetVector(vectorBank,x#=0,y#=0,z#=0)
	If vectorBank=0
		Return False
		PokeFloat vectorBank,0,x#
		PokeFloat vectorBank,4,y#
		PokeFloat vectorBank,8,z#
		Return True
End Function

; // Set Vector X
;    Action: Sets the X component of a vector.
;    Return: Nothing.
Function SetVectorX#(vectorBank,tX#)
	PokeFloat vectorBank,0,tX#
End Function

; // Set Vector Y
;    Action: Sets the Y component of a vector.
;    Return: Nothing.
Function SetVectorY#(vectorBank,tY#)
	PokeFloat vectorBank,4,tY#
End Function

; // Set Vector Z
;    Action: Sets the Z component of a vector.
;    Return: Nothing.
Function SetVectorZ#(vectorBank,tZ#)
	PokeFloat vectorBank,8,tZ#
End Function

; // Vector X
;    Action: Returns the X component of a vector.
;    Return: The X component of a vector.
Function VectorX#(vectorBank)
	Return PeekFloat#(vectorBank,0)
End Function

; // Vector Y
;    Action: Returns the Y component of a vector.
;    Return: The Y component of a vector.
Function VectorY#(vectorBank)
	Return PeekFloat#(vectorBank,4)
End Function

; // Vector Z
;    Action: Returns the Z component of a vector.
;    Return: The Z component of a vector.
Function VectorZ#(vectorBank)
	Return PeekFloat#(vectorBank,8)
End Function

; // Vector AX
;    Action: Returns the "pitch" of a vector in Blitz3D space.
;    Return: The "pitch" of a vector in Blitz3D space.
Function VectorAX#(vectorBank)
	Return ATan2(Sqr#(PeekFloat#(vectorBank,0)^2+PeekFloat#(vectorBank,8)^2),PeekFloat#(vectorBank,4))-90
End Function

; // Vector AY
;    Action: Returns the "yaw" of a vector in Blitz3D space.
;    Return: The "yaw" of a vector in Blitz3D space.
Function VectorAY#(vectorBank)
	Return ATan2(-PeekFloat#(vectorBank,0),PeekFloat#(vectorBank,8))
End Function

; // Vector Magnitude
;    Action: Returns the magnitude of a vector.
;    Return: The magnitude of a vector, 0 if failed.
Function VectorMagnitude#(vectorBank)
	If vectorBank=0
		Return 0
		Return Sqr#(PeekFloat#(vectorBank,0)^2+PeekFloat#(vectorBank,4)^2+PeekFloat#(vectorBank,8)^2)
End Function

; // Add Vectors
;    Action: Vector 1 = Vector 1 + Vector 2
;    Return: True if successful, False if failed.
;    Notes: Directly writes the result onto Vector 1.
Function AddVectors(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return False
		PokeFloat vector1Bank,0,PeekFloat#(vector1Bank,0)+PeekFloat#(vector2Bank,0)
		PokeFloat vector1Bank,4,PeekFloat#(vector1Bank,4)+PeekFloat#(vector2Bank,4)
		PokeFloat vector1Bank,8,PeekFloat#(vector1Bank,8)+PeekFloat#(vector2Bank,8)
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return True
End Function

; // Subtract Vectors
;    Action: Vector 1 = Vector 1 - Vector 2
;    Return: True if successful, False if failed.
;    Note: Directly writes the result onto Vector 1.
Function SubtractVectors(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return False
		PokeFloat vector1Bank,0,PeekFloat#(vector1Bank,0)-PeekFloat#(vector2Bank,0)
		PokeFloat vector1Bank,4,PeekFloat#(vector1Bank,4)-PeekFloat#(vector2Bank,4)
		PokeFloat vector1Bank,8,PeekFloat#(vector1Bank,8)-PeekFloat#(vector2Bank,8)
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return True
End Function

; // Temporary Add Vectors
;    Action: Adds Vector 1 and Vector 2 and returns the handle of the new resultant vector.
;    Return: Vector handle of the resultant vector.
;    Notes: Deleted automatically when used in a non-data-returning vector function.
Function TAddVectors(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tBank
End Function

; // Temporary Subtract Vectors
;    Action: Subtracts Vector 2 from Vector 1 and returns the handle of the new resultant vector.
;    Return: Vector handle of the resultant vector.
;    Notes: Deleted automatically when used in a non-data-returning vector function.
Function TSubtractVectors(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tBank
End Function

; // Scale Vector
;    Action: Scales a vector by the second parameter.
;    Return: True if successful, False if failed.
Function ScaleVector(vectorBank,c#)
	If vectorBank=0
		Return False
		PokeFloat vectorBank,0,PeekFloat#(vectorBank,0)*c#
		PokeFloat vectorBank,4,PeekFloat#(vectorBank,4)*c#
		PokeFloat vectorBank,8,PeekFloat#(vectorBank,8)*c#
		Return True
End Function

; // Unit Vector
;    Action: Scales a vector to a unit vector (vector of length 1).
;    Return: True if successful, False if failed.
Function UnitVector(vectorBank)
	If vectorBank=0
		Return False
		ScaleVector vectorBank,1.0/VectorMagnitude#(vectorBank)
		Return True
End Function

; // Temporary Scale Vector
;    Action: Scales a vector by the second parameter.
;    Return: Vector handle of resulting scaled vector.
;    Notes: Deleted automatically when used in a non-data-returning vector function.
Function TScaleVector(vectorBank,c#,freeTemporary=True)
	If vectorBank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vectorBank,12)=1 And freeTemporary=True Then FreeBank vectorBank
		Return tBank
End Function

; // Temporary Unit Vector
;    Action: Scales a vector to a unit vector (vector of length 1).
;    Return: Vector handle of resulting unit vector.
;    Notes: Deleted automatically when used in a non-data-returning vector function.
Function TUnitVector(vectorBank,freeTemporary=True)
	If vectorBank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vectorBank,12)=1 And freeTemporary=True Then FreeBank vectorBank
		Return tBank
End Function

; // Dot Product Explanation
;    v1 = <x,y,z>
;    v2 = <a,b,c>
;    v1 * v2 = x*a+y*b+z*c
;    v1 * v2 is a scalar, NOT a vector.
;    If v1 * v2 = 0 Then v1 is orthogonal (perpendicular) to v2.
;    If v1 * v2 > 0 Then angle between v1 and v2 is less than 90 degrees.
;    If v1 * v2 < 0 Then angle between v1 and v2 is greater than 90 degrees.

; // Dot Product
;    Action: Returns the dot product of two vectors.
;    Return: The dot product of the two vectors, 0 if failed.
;    Notes: Last parameter is only for internal library usage (projections).
Function DotProduct#(vector1Bank,vector2Bank,freeTemporary=True)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 And freeTemporary=True Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 And freeTemporary=True Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tDot#
End Function

; // Cross Product Explanation
;    v1 = <x,y,z>
;    v2 = <a,b,c>
;    v1 X v2 = <y*c-z*b,z*a-x*c,x*b-y*a>
;    v1 X v2 is a new vector.
;    v1 X v2 is orthogonal (perpendicular) to v1 AND v2.
;    If v1 X v2 = <0,0,0> Then v1 is parallel to v2.

; // Cross Product
;    Action: Crosses Vector 1 to Vector 2 and returns the handle of the new resultant vector.
;    Return: Vector handle of the resultant vector.
Function CrossProduct(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tBank
End Function

; // Temporary Cross Product
;    Action: Crosses Vector 1 to Vector 2 and returns the handle of the new resultant vector.
;    Return: Vector handle of the resultant vector.
;    Notes: Deleted automatically when used in a non-data-returning vector function.
Function TCrossProduct(vector1Bank,vector2Bank,freeTemporary=True)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 And freeTemporary=True Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 And freeTemporary=True Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tBank
End Function

; // Dot Angle Between
;    Action: Returns the absolute angle between Vector 1 and Vector 2 [0,180].
;    Return: Absolute angle between Vector 1 and Vector 2.
;    Notes: The angle returned is between 0 and 180 degrees meaning that it gives no indication of direction.
Function DotAngleBetween#(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tAngle#
End Function

; // Cross Angle Between
;    Action: Returns the absolute angle between the lines drawn by Vector 1 and Vector 2 [0,90].
;    Return: Absolute angle between lines drawn by Vector 1 and Vector 2.
;    Notes: The angle returned is between 0 and 90 degrees meaning that it gives no indication of direction.
Function CrossAngleBetween#(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tAngle#
End Function

; // Scalar Projection
;    Action: Returns the length of Vector 2 projected onto Vector 1.
;    Return: Length of projection of Vector 2 onto Vector 1.
;    Notes: The return is a scalar, not a vector. Use vector projection for that.
Function ScalarProjection#(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tScalar#
End Function

; // Vector Projection
;    Action: Returns the handle for the vector result of Vector 2 projected onto Vector 1.
;    Return: Vector handle of the resultant vector.
;    Notes: The return is a vector in the direction of Vector 1.
Function VectorProjection(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tBank
End Function

; // Temporary Vector Projection
;    Action: Returns the handle for the vector result of Vector 2 projected onto Vector 1.
;    Return: Vector handle of the resultant vector.
;    Notes: Deleted automatically when used in a non-data-returning vector function.
Function TVectorProjection(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tBank
End Function

; // Orthogonal Projection
;    Action: Returns the handle for the orthogonal vector result of Vector 2 projected onto Vector 1.
;    Return: Vector handle of the resultant orthogonal vector.
;    Notes: The return is a vector orthogonal (perpendicular) to Vector 1.
Function OrthogonalProjection(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tBank
End Function

; // Temporary Orthogonal Projection
;    Action: Returns the handle for the vector result of Vector 2 projected onto Vector 1.
;    Return: Vector handle of the resultant vector.
;    Notes: Deleted automatically when used in a non-data-returning vector function.
Function TOrthogonalProjection(vector1Bank,vector2Bank)
	If vector1Bank=0 Or vector2Bank=0
		Return 0
		If PeekByte(vector1Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector1Bank
		If PeekByte(vector2Bank,12)=1 Then FreeBank vector2Bank
		Return tBank
End Function


OMG that looks like it costs alot in computing power. I'm pretty sure that types are much faster than banks. Pretty wicked looking stuff tho. =)

Jonathan Nguyen2005
isnt accessing a bank just like accessing a type's variable? otherwise itd be the same computing power in regards to math.

nice to see ya again btw chroma.

Nice to see you too man. Nah, I thot someone did a speed test and came up banks being slower than types.

Banks could be faster than types if you got good chunck of static-sized data, but types are way faster when you need to insert or delete them (e.g. when needing to sort a list).

While working on my Pathfinding routine -that can create 10.000's of types (inserting and deleting) I rewrote the whole thing from types to Banks - thinking banks would be quicker and optimise it, but they weren't. Banks were actually only a like a fraction of 1ms slower or something like that, defenitly not worth the headache - in my case..

I don't think (but haven't tested it) that creating tiny memory banks like that, which are created & free'd at high frequency will outperform Blitz's types..

my 2 cents...

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