Code archives/3D Graphics - Effects/DreamFilter

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DreamFilter by Afrohorse2004
Here's a full-screen filter that can be used as a static screen filter, dreamy FMV sequences, or just an overall filter to change the look of your game.

However, I must warn you its quite expensive fill-rate wise - its based on the feedback method and includes a copy rect back from the frames backbuffer (as blitz3d cannot yet render to a texture).

Thanks to the guys on the blitz forums, tests have found that on the high end graphics cards (Radeon 9700+ & GeForce3 upwards) you can get rates around 150-230 fps. Where as the low end of the scale (TNT2 Model/64 pro & Matrox G400max) you get rates of 20-30 fps.

Enjoy :)
; Dream Filter - Ian Lindsey (Afrohorse)
; ------------
; 03 Feb 2004
; The scene is rendered to a smaller sized viewport and copied into a texture.
; The texture is placed onto a sprite that overlays the entire screen, using 
; an additive blend - this sprite also is scaled slightly larger than the screen.
; (The filtering will blur the scene - like depth of field)
; The sprite is then fed back into the next frame (motion blur), so that the 
; additive blend burns the brighter parts of the scene into the texture. The 
; slight scale up of the sprite will add a bloom effect around these bright parts
; (High dynamic range).
; Example Usage:
; --------------
; <Program Start>
; Create the camera (use Global g_Camera)
; NBDreamFilter_Create()
; <Main Loop>
; Program Update code..
; NBDreamFilter_Update()
; RenderWorld
; Flip
; <End Of Main Loop>
; <Program End>
; NBDreamFilter_Destroy()
; =====================================================================
; NOTE: The scenes camera should be placed in a global variable called
;       g_Camera
; =====================================================================

; Includes /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; Constants ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; Tweakable Values 
Const k_HDRTextureSize 	= 256		; Blur texture size, must be power of 2
Const k_HDRMotionZoom#	= 1.022		; The amount the blur sprite scales
Const k_HDRBlurFeedBack = 220		; 0 - 255 The amount of previous frame to feedback
Const k_HDRBlurFilter	= 100		; 0 - 255 The amount of the filter to overlay (additive) to the scene

Const k_HDRZSpritePos#	= 1.1
Const k_HDRSpriteOffs#	= 0.001

; Globals //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Global g_BlurTex
Global g_BlurSprite

; Functions ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

; Creates the Dream filter
Function NBDreamFilter_Create()
	; Create a fullscreen sprite
	spr 		= CreateMesh(g_Camera)
	sf 		= CreateSurface(spr)
	; Make a quad
	AddVertex   sf, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0
	AddVertex   sf,  1, 1, 0, 1, 0
	AddVertex   sf, -1,-1, 0, 0, 1
	AddVertex   sf,  1,-1, 0, 1, 1
	AddTriangle sf, 0, 1, 2
	AddTriangle sf, 3, 2, 1
	; Set up the sprites position, scale etc...
	zpos#		= k_HDRZSpritePos#
	range#		= k_HDRMotionZoom*zpos#
	PositionEntity  spr,  -k_HDRSpriteOffs#, k_HDRSpriteOffs#, zpos#
	ScaleEntity   	spr,  range#, range#, 1.0
	EntityOrder	spr,  -10000
	; Set full colour & additive blend
	EntityFX 		spr, 1
	EntityBlend     	spr, 3
	g_BlurSprite  = 	spr
	; Create blur texture
	g_BlurTex = CreateTexture(k_HDRTextureSize, k_HDRTextureSize)
	EntityTexture spr, g_BlurTex
End Function

; Destroys the Dream filter
Function NBDreamFilter_Destroy()

	FreeTexture g_BlurTex
	FreeEntity  g_BlurSprite
End Function

; Updates the Dream filter
Function NBDreamFilter_Update()

	; Set the viewport to the same size as the blur texture 
	CameraViewport g_Camera, 0, 0, k_HDRTextureSize, k_HDRTextureSize
	; Set the blur feedback value (Additive)
	col = k_HDRBlurFeedBack
	EntityColor g_BlurSprite, col,col,col

	; Render the scene (including the blur sprite and copy it into the texture)
	CopyRect  0,0,k_HDRTextureSize,k_HDRTextureSize, 0, 0, BackBuffer(), TextureBuffer(g_BlurTex)
	; Reset the viewport to fullscreen
	CameraViewport g_Camera,0,0,GraphicsWidth(),GraphicsHeight()
	; Set the blur filter value (Additive)
	col = k_HDRBlurFilter
	EntityColor g_BlurSprite, col,col,col
End Function


Awesome mate :)

To use this with the castle demo:

I made the Create() and Update() functions take g_Camera as an argument

Used F2 to turn it off and on, right after the code to toggle wireframe off and on:
	If KeyHit(60)				; 'F2' key for dreamworld toggle
		If (dreamworld) Then
			dreamworld = Not dreamworld
			dreamworld = Not dreamworld

and just called the Update() function before RenderWorld():

	; if in dreamworld, show that
	If (dreamworld) Then
	RenderWorld tween

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