Code archives/3D Graphics - Effects/Jellyfish Animation

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Jellyfish Animation by Mr Snidesmin2005
My first ever 3d animation. . . (just about sort of)

I would like to be able to display at least 20 of these at a time in a game with loads of other stuff going on, but I've no idea how to store the animation, replay etc quickly.

Someone help me please! :O)
Global JellyParam#
Global WaveParam1#
Global WaveParam2#
Global WaveParam3#

Local fps%
Local fpscount%
Local millistop%
Local millis%

Graphics3D 800, 600

;create world:
Global GlobalLight% = CreateLight()
RotateEntity GlobalLight, 70, 45, 45
Global GlobalCamera% = CreateCamera()
LightColor GlobalLight, 255,255,255
AmbientLight 100,120,255
PositionEntity GlobalCamera, 4, 0, 0
CameraClsColor GlobalCamera, 0,50,90

;create jellyfish (mshJellyBase is just used to store original vert positions)
Global mshJellyBase% = CreateMesh() ;LoadMesh("jelly.3ds")
For n# = 0 To 1 Step 0.2
	mshtmp = CreateSphere(8)
	ScaleMesh mshtmp, 1/(1+10*n), 0.35, 1/(1+10*n)
	PositionMesh mshtmp, 0, -n, 0
	AddMesh mshtmp, mshJellyBase
	FreeEntity mshtmp
For a# = 0 To 350 Step 10
	off# = -Rnd(0.3)
	For n# = 0 To 0.5 Step 0.05
		mshtmp = CreateCylinder(2, False)
		ScaleMesh mshtmp, 0.003, 0.05, 0.003
		PositionMesh mshtmp, 0.8 * Cos(a), off-n, 0.8 * Sin(a)
		AddMesh mshtmp, mshJellyBase
		FreeEntity mshtmp
Global mshJelly% = CopyMesh(mshJellyBase)
HideEntity mshJellyBase
EntityAlpha mshJelly, 0.3

;Begin main loop
PointEntity GlobalCamera, mshJelly
While Not KeyHit(1)
	Navigate_World_With_MouseAndKeys(0.5, .1)
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()
	Color 255, 0, 0
	Text 1, 1, "FPS=" + fps	
	Text 1, 12, "TrisRendered=" + TrisRendered()
	fpscount = fpscount + 1
	millis% = MilliSecs()
	If millistop < millis - 1000 Then
		millistop = millis
		fps = fpscount
		fpscount = 0
	End If

;deforms mesh:
Function UpdateJelly()
	spd# = 1.5 + 0.5 * Sin(JellyParam)
	JellyParam = JellyParam + spd Mod 360
	WaveParam1= WaveParam1+ 1.4 Mod 360
	WaveParam2= WaveParam2+ 2.16 Mod 360
	WaveParam3= WaveParam3+ 0.79 Mod 360
	s0% = GetSurface(mshJellyBase, 1)
	s1% = GetSurface(mshJelly, 1)
	For iv% = 0 To CountVertices(s0)-1
		h1# = 590*(VertexY(s0, iv)+VertexX(s0, iv))
		h2# = 190*(VertexY(s0, iv)+VertexZ(s0, iv))
		wz# = 0.08 * Cos(WaveParam1+h1) * Cos(WaveParam2+h1) * Cos(WaveParam3+h1) *VertexY(s0, iv)
		wx# = 0.08 * Sin(WaveParam1+h2) * Cos(WaveParam2+h2) * Cos(WaveParam3+h2) *VertexY(s0, iv)

		s# = Sqr(VertexX(s0, iv)^2 + VertexY(s0, iv)^2)
		n# = 0.5 * Cos(JellyParam) / (Abs(VertexY(s0, iv))+0.3) + s
		If VertexY(s0, iv) < 0 Then
			c# = 0.1 * Abs(VertexY(s0, iv)) ^ 2
			c = 0
		End If
		n2# = 0.3 * (2.5+Sin(-JellyParam+140*VertexY(s0, iv))) / (Abs(VertexY(s0, iv))+1.3)
		VertexCoords s1, iv, VertexX(s0, iv) * (n2+c) + wx, VertexY(s0, iv) * (n+1.4)*0.4, VertexZ(s0, iv)* (n2+c) + wz
	UpdateNormals mshJelly
End Function

Function Navigate_World_With_MouseAndKeys(turnSpeed#=1, moveSpeed#=1)
	Local dY# = EntityPitch(GlobalCamera)+MouseYSpeed()/2*turnSpeed
	If dY > 89 Then dY = 89
	If dY < -89 Then dY = -89
	Local dz# = (KeyDown(200)-KeyDown(208)) * moveSpeed
	Local dx# = (KeyDown(205)-KeyDown(203)) * moveSpeed
	If dz <> 0 And dx <> 0 Then 
		dx=dx * 0.707
		dz=dz * 0.707
	End If
	RotateEntity GlobalCamera, dY, EntityYaw(GlobalCamera)-(MouseXSpeed()/2)*turnSpeed, 0
	MoveEntity GlobalCamera, dx, 0, dz
	MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2, GraphicsHeight()/2
	If KeyHit(4) Then 
		CameraZoom GlobalCamera, 4.0
	End If
	If KeyHit(5) Then
		CameraZoom GlobalCamera, 1.0
	End If
End Function


I get "illegal number of segments" error.

So do I. It's this line

mshtmp = CreateCylinder(2, False)

A cylinder can't possibly have 2 segments. 3 is the bare minimum.

Once you correct that line (and move the mouse), it looks really good.

Mr Snidesmin2005
That illegal number of segments error only appears in debug.

With debug off, the error is not checked and you just get a flat 2 faced square, i.e. a 2 sided cylinder :O)

I don't know why debug doesn't allow this cos there's nothing wrong with it. . .

I don't know why debug doesn't allow this cos there's nothing wrong with it. . .

Well there is. A cylinder is :

The surface generated by a straight line intersecting and moving along a closed plane curve, the directrix, while remaining parallel to a fixed straight line that is not on or parallel to the plane of the directrix.

You have no closed plane curve, because your cylinder exists in only 2 dimensions. A cylinder is a 3 dimensional shape.

But yeah, nice effect.

As for your plea for help. Best thing I can suggest is to write ( or find ) an MD2 exporter. Export it from Blitz in code and then you can use quite a few of them without too much of a speed hit. Anything else is going to be slow because all B3D vertex operations are really slow.

I like the effect.

Tried it, modified the cylinder and was quite impressed....

Mr. Bean2006
I like the effect, too.

Huh...the jellyfish is quite fun.

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