Code archives/3D Graphics - Effects/Screen interference effect

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Screen interference effect by big10p2004
This is a simple screen filter effect that mimicks screen static/interference. It's variable so can be used like the effect in Metroid Prime where the strength of the effect depends on the proximity to radioactive objects, for example.

It requires a version of Blitz 3D and graphics card that supports x2 multiply blend. If this is a problem, you can change it to use regular multiply blend but the effect isn't as good.

This is just one of many effects possible using this technique. Playing with texture scale, blend modes etc. can reveal many more!

Not sure if I like the scrolling lines or not, but I kept them in anyway! :)
; Variable screen filter static/interference effect demo.
; By Big10p (A.K.A. Chris Chadwick) 2004

	Graphics3D 800,600,32

	WireFrame 0
	AntiAlias 0
	SeedRnd MilliSecs()
	fps_timer = CreateTimer(60)

	; Create fuzz texture.
	fuzz_tex = CreateTexture(128,128)
	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(fuzz_tex)
	For n = 1 To 5000
		c = Rand(0,255)
		Color c,c,c
		Plot Rand(0,127),Rand(0,127)

	; Create line texture.
	line_tex = CreateTexture(128,128)
	SetBuffer TextureBuffer(line_tex)
	Color 255,255,255
	Line 0,50,127,50
	Color 128,128,128
	Line 0,51,127,51
	Line 0,49,127,49
	SetBuffer BackBuffer()

	; Lights, camera!
	piv = CreatePivot()
	cam = CreateCamera(piv)
	PositionEntity cam,0,5,-5
	PointEntity cam,piv
	light = CreateLight(1,cam)
	RotateEntity light,45,45,0

	; Create static filter.
	filter = create_quad(5)
	ScaleMesh filter,2,2,1
	EntityFX filter,1
	EntityParent filter,cam
	TextureBlend fuzz_tex,5
	TextureBlend line_tex,3
	EntityTexture filter,fuzz_tex,0,0
	EntityTexture filter,line_tex,0,1
	PositionEntity filter,EntityX(cam,1),EntityY(cam,1),EntityZ(cam,1),1
	RotateEntity filter,EntityPitch(cam),EntityYaw(cam),EntityRoll(cam),1
	MoveEntity filter,0,0,1.01
	EntityOrder filter,-1
	filter_alpha# = 0.5
	line_scroll# = 0.0

	; Create scene objects.
	ground = CreateCube()
	ScaleMesh ground,10,.1,10
	EntityColor ground,100,100,200
	PositionEntity ground,0,-2,0
	EntityAlpha ground,.4
	mirror = CreateMirror()
	PositionEntity mirror,0,-2,0
	ball = CreateSphere(16)
	cube = CreateCube()
	EntityColor cube,255,0,0
	PositionEntity cube,4,0,0
	cone = CreateCone(16)
	EntityColor cone,0,255,0
	PositionEntity cone,-4,0,0
	cylinder = CreateCylinder(16)
	EntityColor cylinder,0,0,255
	PositionEntity cylinder,0,0,4
	thing = CreateSphere(3)
	EntityColor thing,255,255,0
	PositionEntity thing,0,0,-4

	info$ = "Press up/down ARROW KEYS to alter effect strength"

	; --- Main loop ---
	While Not KeyHit(1)
		TurnEntity piv,0,.5,0
		; Set filter alpha (visibility).
		If KeyDown(200) Then filter_alpha = filter_alpha + .01
		If KeyDown(208) Then filter_alpha = filter_alpha - .01
		If filter_alpha > 1.0
			filter_alpha = 1.0
		ElseIf filter_alpha < 0
			filter_alpha = 0
		EntityAlpha filter,filter_alpha

		; Update filter textures.
		PositionTexture fuzz_tex,Rnd(0,1),Rnd(0,1)
		PositionTexture line_tex,0,line_scroll
		line_scroll = (line_scroll + .01) Mod 1.0

		Color 255,0,0
		Text 401,10,info$,1
		Text 399,10,info$,1
		Text 401,9,info$,1
		Text 401,11,info$,1
		Color 255,255,0
		Text 400,10,info$,1


Function create_quad(tex_scale#)
	m = CreateMesh()
	s = CreateSurface(m)
	AddVertex s,-1,1,0,  0,0
	AddVertex s,1,1,0,   tex_scale,0
	AddVertex s,-1,-1,0, 0,tex_scale
	AddVertex s,1,-1,0,  tex_scale,tex_scale
	AddTriangle s,0,1,3
	AddTriangle s,0,3,2
	Return m

End Function


That looks great! I can think of several possible uses for it - thanks.

Wow, that is the best one that I've seen so far in Blitz - very good stuff "big10p"!


Love it.

Dirk Krause2004

you know the weirdest thing? if I adjust it up or down, I can almost hear the noise as well :)

Wicked mate :)

Glad you like. :)

As I said, playing around can get different effects, for example:

The effect can be changed to lines of static by changing both textures to blend mode 5, and adding EntityBlend filter,3.


Changing the line filter = create_quad(5) to filter = create_quad(.1) gives a kind of magical glow effect, when used subtlely.

Gavin Beard2004
pretty damn sweet, my gfx doesnt support x2 multiply blend, but even standard blending looks fine

Yeah, there's not that much difference really. Just the white static dots don't get as bright as they do with x2 blending. :)

Jerome Squalor2007
it's like i feel the static!!
Great job

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