Code archives/3D Graphics - Effects/Ulysses Foliage System

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Ulysses Foliage System by N2004
This is a single-surface foliage system. What it does is places foliage and grass sprites (not actual sprites but virtual ones) across a terrain in a fashion similar to this:

It's very simple and easy to use, the functions are as follows:

InitGrass(Camera, Y-Trace Range, Spawning Radius)
Initializes the grass system. Camera is the only mandatory argument.

Kills the grass system.

LoadGrassTexture(Path,Columns,Rows,No Mip Mapping)
Loads a texture useable by the grass system. Columns specifies how many textures there are horizontally, and Rows specifies how many textures there are vertically. Refer to grass3.tga to get a visual example of how the textures need to be laid out.

CreateGrassSpawner(Texture,Tile,Size,Mesh,Grass Added Per Update,Maximum Amount of Grass,Field Of View)
Creates a grass spawner, the Texture argument is mandatory.

Tells a grass spawner to attempt to spawn grass quads.

Tells a grass spawner to not attempt to spawn any grass quads.

Toggles whether or not a grass spawner spawns grass quads.

Sets the wind speed a spawner uses.

Sets whether or not a spawner is affected by wind.

SetSpawner(Spawner, BunchRange, Quads per Bunch)
Use this function to fine-tune the amount of quads per grass-bunch and the distance between them.

Frees a grass spawner.

Internal function, disregard it.

Updates the grass objects.

AddGrassObject(Entity,Surface,Color Texture Path)
Specifies that an object is a viable attach-point for grass quads. This returns an integer handle that can be used to remove the object later. If you would like to limit it to a single-surface within the mesh you can pass a surface to the Surface argument (as displayed in the example). This function will build a node-list so that grass will be spawned from positions on a precompiled grid of positions, so you will want to call this outside of a main loop, otherwise you could end up waiting a bit. Passing a path to a texture to the last argument of this function will make it load the texture and proceed to color nodes according to positions on the texture. For reference, the texture is read like this: negative X is 0, negatize Z is 0, positive X is 1, positive Z is 1. Think of that as if it were UV coordinates.

Removes an object from the list of objects useable by grass quads.

Contrary to what this function's name suggests it does, this creates a rectangle within-which grass cannot be spawned.

Removes a grass block from memory.

This exports the current set of nodes to a file. If you have the bz2 wrapper DLL by elias_t then Ulysses will also compress the file (since 512^2 nodes can be a tad large- 7.5mb in some cases, either way using over 64^2 nodes can be extremely slow if you're not being careful). Do not pass a file extension to 'path', or you will result in something along the lines of 'file.your_ext.unl'.

Imports a set of nodes from a file. If you have elias_t's bz2 wrapper DLL it will attempt to decompress the node file.

Obviously, the commands are simple.

Media Pack
This is a small (by small I do mean small- four grass sprites, two flat textures, and a terrain mesh) media pack that contains a few grass sprites for your use.
;; ************************ READ ME **************************
;; If you do not have the BZ2 user-lib made by elias_t then this function is necessary, otherwise **REMOVE IT**.
;; ************************ READ ME **************************
;Function bz2(compress,level,cfrom$,cto$)
;	CopyFile cfrom,cto
;End Function
;; Commented out by default because I have the bz2 userlib and because it's included in

Type GrassTile
	Field Surface
	Field US#,VS#
	Field Columns,Rows
End Type

Type GrassSet
	Field Mesh
	Field Radius#
	Field Range#
	Field W,H
	Field GSin#[359]
	Field GCos#[359]
	Field TPivot
	Field Camera
	Field OX#,OY#,OZ#,OYaw#,OPitch#
	Field TPivotB
End Type

Type GTex
	Field Index
	Field FOV
	Field ID
	Field Count
	Field Size#
	Field Rate%
	Field Tex.GrassTile
	Field MaxCount%
	Field Frame
	Field On
	Field WindDirection%
	Field WindSpeed#
	Field WindPower#
	Field Mesh
	Field WindAffects
	Field BunchRange#
	Field BunchCount% ;; you can go from 1 to GrassBunchCount-1
End Type

Type GrassObject
	Field Entity
	Field Surface
	Field Nodes.GNode[NODE_SEG^2 - 1]
	Field Rows.NodeRow[NODE_SEG-1]
End Type

Type GNode
	Field X#,Y#,Z#
	Field Width#,Depth#
	Field NX#,NY#,NZ#
	Field U%				;; Useable
	Field Occupied[OccupiedIndices]
	Field R#,G#,B#,A#
End Type

Type NodeRow
	Field X#,Width#
	Field Z#,Depth#
	Field Nodes.GNode[NODE_SEG-1]
End Type

Type GSprite
	Field TimeOut
	Field X#,Y#,Z#
	Field NX#,NY#,NZ#
	Field N.GNode
	Field Parent.GTex
	Field IDelete
	Field Quads.GQuad[cGrassBunchCount-1]
	Field Range#
End Type

Type GQuad
	Field X#,Y#,Z#
	Field VX#[3]
	Field VY#[3]
	Field VZ#[3]
	Field CAlpha#
	Field DAlpha#
	Field Angle#
	Field gx#,gy#,gz#,rx#,ry#,rz#
	Field Size#
	Field Reverse%
	Field R%,G%,B%
End Type

Type GBlock
	Field X#,Y#,Z#,W#,L#,H#
End Type

;; Internal array
Dim SortArray#(0,0)

;; The amount of grass per node
Const cGrassBunchCount = 10

;; Function Arguments
Const cGrassCount = 500
Const cGrassRate = 1

;; The amount of segments per precalculated node array
;; Keep in mind, this value should be low, even if you export the node list and import it later to save time, Blitz will still slow down when you go through NODE_SEG^2 amount of nodes
Const NODE_SEG = 48

;; The amount of larger blocks of nodes to check against when finding the node to use
Const CONT_SEG = 8

;; Various Function Modified Variables
Global IntersectedX#,IntersectedY#,IntersectedZ#,IntersectedTriangle%,IntersectedSurface%

;; The time it takes to call the UpdateGrass function
Global GrassUpdateTime% = 0

;; The width/length of the grass bunch range
Global cGrassBunchRange# = 3

;; Grass system data and information about the graphics mode
Global gGrassSet.GrassSet = Null

;; Grass sprites in existence (not quads, rather the nodes that contain n amount of quads)
Global cCurrentGrassCount = 0

;; Amount of different kinds of grass spawners a node can 'carry'
Const OccupiedIndices = 16

;; Amount of spawners in existence, never modify this variable
Global ExistingSpawners = 0

;; Amount of nodes in existence
Global ExistingNodes

;; The amount of grass quads drawn
Global GrassQuadsDrawn = 0

;; Minimum Y normal of grass angles
Global YNormal# = .8

;; The alpha-level of grass pieces.
Global GrassAlpha# = 1

;; The speed at which the grass fades in.  0 is not at all, 100 is instantly (as in no interpolation).
Global AlphaFadeSpeed# = 2.5

;; Wind speed defaults
Const WindAffects = 1
Const WindDirection = 45	;; This is intentionally an integer so I can use it with the sin/cos lookup tables (refer to type GrassSet)
Const WindPower# = .6	;; Set this to something like .4 or something, otherwise it won't work out too well...
Const WindSpeed# = .06	;; Decrease to speed up, increase to slow down

;; Kill off-screen grass quads
Global KillOffScreen = 0

;; The amount of time when a grass bunch isn't visible before it gets removed
Global GrassTimeout = 400

;; Call this before the main loop- this is mandatory
Function InitGrass.GrassSet(Camera,CheckRange#=64,GrassRadius#=80)
	g.GrassSet = New GrassSet
	g\Camera = Camera
	g\Range = CheckRange	;; store checking settings
	g\Radius = GrassRadius
	g\Mesh = CreateMesh()	;; create the mesh that all grass sprites are placed in
	EntityFX g\Mesh,1+2+16+32
	g\W = GraphicsWidth()	;; store graphics width and height
	g\H = GraphicsHeight()
	For A = 0 To 359		;; build sin\cos lookup tables
		g\GSin[A] = Sin(A)
		g\GCos[A] = Cos(A)
	g\TPivot = CreatePivot()
	g\TPivotB = CreatePivot()
	gGrassSet = g
	Return g
End Function

;; frees the grass system from memory
Function KillGrass()
	FreeEntity gGrassSet\TPivot
	FreeEntity gGrassSet\TPivotB
	FreeEntity gGrassSet\Mesh
	Delete Each GTex
	Delete Each GSprite
	Delete Each GrassTile
	Delete Each GrassSet
	Delete Each GQuad
	Delete Each GrassObject
	Delete Each GBlock
	Delete Each GNode
End Function

;; Loads a texture useable by Ulysses
Function LoadGrassTexture(Path$,Columns=1,Rows=1,NoMips=False)
	If NoMips Then ClearTextureFilters
	T = LoadTexture(Path,1+2+16+32)
	If NoMips Then TextureFilter "",1+8
	If Not T Then Return False
	g.GrassTile = New GrassTile
	g\Surface = CreateSurface(gGrassSet\Mesh)
	B = CreateBrush()
	BrushTexture B,T,0,0
	PaintSurface g\Surface,B
	FreeBrush B
	g\US = (Float(TextureWidth(T))/Columns)/TextureWidth(T)
	g\VS = (Float(TextureHeight(T))/Rows)/TextureHeight(T)
	g\Rows = Rows
	g\Columns = Columns
	FreeTexture T
	Return Handle(g)
End Function

;; Pass your grass sprite texture to Texture
Function CreateGrassSpawner(Texture,Frame=0,Size#=2,Mesh=0,GrowthRate%=cGrassRate,MaxAmount%=cGrassCount,FOV% = 90,On=1)
	If Texture = 0 Then Return False
	g.GTex = New GTex
	g\ID = Handle(g)
	g\FOV = FOV
	g\Size = Size
	g\MaxCount = MaxAmount
	g\Frame = Frame
	g\Rate = GrowthRate
	g\Tex = Object.GrassTile(Texture)
	g\On = On
	g\Index = ExistingSpawners
	g\WindDirection = WindDirection
	g\WindPower = WindPower
	g\WindSpeed = WindSpeed
	g\WindAffects = WindAffects
	g\BunchCount = cGrassBunchCount
	g\BunchRange = cGrassBunchRange
	Local MinY# = 999999
	If Mesh <> 0 Then
		HideEntity Mesh
		For n = 1 To CountSurfaces(Mesh)
			S = GetSurface(Mesh,n)
			For V = 0 To CountVertices(S)-1
				y# = VertexY(S,V)
				If y < MinY Then MinY = y
		PositionMesh Mesh,0,-MinY,0
	g\Mesh = Mesh
	ExistingSpawners = ExistingSpawners + 1
	Return g\ID
End Function

;; Tells a spawner to create grass sprites
Function StartGrassSpawner(Spawner)
	g.GTex = Object.GTex(Spawner)
	If g = Null Then Return False
	g\On = 1
	Return True
End Function

;; Toggles whether or not a spawner creates grass sprites
Function ToggleGrassSpawner(Spawner)
	g.GTex = Object.GTex(Spawner)
	If g = Null Then Return False
	g\On = Not g\On
	Return True
End Function

;; Sets the wind speeds for a specific spawner.  Normally you shouldn't have to use this, but in the case you want to disable the effects of wind on a mesh, for example, you can.
Function SetWind(Spawner,Affects=WindAffects,WindSpeed#=WindSpeed,WindDirection=WindDirection,WindPower#=WindPower#)
	g.GTex = Object.GTex(Spawner)
	If g = Null Then Return False
	g\WindSpeed = WindSpeed
	g\WindDirection = WindDirection
	g\WindPower = WindPower
	g\WindAffects = Affects
	Return True
End Function

;; Sets whether or not a spawner is affected by wind speeds
Function WindAffects(Spawner,Affects=WindAffects)
	g.GTex = Object.GTex(Spawner)
	If g = Null Then Return False
	g\WindAffects = Affects
	Return True
End Function

;; Tells a spawner to not create grass sprites
Function StopGrassSpawner(Spawner)
	g.GTex = Object.GTex(Spawner)
	If g = Null Then Return False
	g\On = 0
	Return True
End Function

Function SetSpawner(Spawner,Range=2.3,Amount=cGrassBunchCount)
	g.GTex = Object.GTex(Spawner)
	If g = Null Then Return False
	g\BunchRange = Range
	g\BunchCount = Amount
	Return True
End Function

;; Frees a spawner from memory
Function FreeGrassSpawner(Spawner)
	FreeEntity gGrassSet\Mesh
	gGrassSet\Mesh = CreateMesh()
	S.GTex = Object.GTex(Spawner)
	If S = Null Then Return False
	SIndex = S\Index
	For n.GNode = Each GNode
		For f = SIndex To OccupiedIndices
			If f < OccupiedIndices Then
				n\Occupied[f] = n\Occupied[f+1]
			If f >= ExistingSpawners Then
				n\Occupied[f] = 0
	For g.GTex = Each GTex
		If g\Index > SIndex Then
			g\Index = g\Index - 1
		If g\ID = Spawner Then
			For i.GSprite = Each GSprite
				If i\Parent = g Then
					i\N\Occupied[i\Parent\Index] = 0
					For k = 0 To cGrassBunchCount-1
						Delete i\Quads[k]
					Delete i
			Delete g
			Return True
	Return False
End Function

;; Creates a virtual block (top-down) that prevents grass from being grown within a specified area.  This allows somewhat finer-precision control of the grass system.
Function CreateGrassBlock(X#,Y#,Z#,Width#,Height#,Depth#)
	B.GBlock = New GBlock
	If Width < 0 Then
		X = X + Width
		Width = -Width
	If Height < 0 Then
		Y = Y + Height
		Height = -Height
	If Depth < 0 Then
		Z = Z + Depth
		Depth = -Depth
	B\X = X
	B\Y = Y
	B\Z = Z
	B\W = Width
	B\H = Height
	B\L = Depth
	Return Handle(B)
End Function

Function RemoveGrassBlock(Block)
	B.GBlock = Object.GBlock(Block)
	If B <> Null Then Delete B Return 1
	Return 0
End Function

;; Internal function
Function gQuickSort( L, R, RandomPivot = True )
	Local A, B, SwapA#, SwapB#, Middle#
	A = L
	B = R
	If RandomPivot Then
		Middle = SortArray( Rand(L, R), 0 )
		Middle = SortArray( (L+R)/2, 0 )
	While True
		While SortArray( A, 0 ) < Middle
			A = A + 1
			If A > R Then Exit
		While  Middle < SortArray( B, 0 )
			B = B - 1
			If B < 0 Then Exit
		If A > B Then Exit
		SwapA = SortArray( A, 0 )
		SwapB = SortArray( A, 1 )
		SortArray( A, 0 ) = SortArray( B, 0 )
		SortArray( A, 1 ) = SortArray( B, 1 )
		SortArray( B, 0 ) = SwapA
		SortArray( B, 1 ) = SwapB
		A = A + 1
		B = B - 1
		If B < 0 Then Exit
	If L < B Then gQuickSort( L, B )
	If A < R Then gQuickSort( A, R )
End Function

;; Updates the grass system
Function UpdateGrass()
	If gGrassSet = Null Then Return False
	For t.GrassTile = Each GrassTile
		ClearSurface t\Surface
	GrassQuadsDrawn = 0
	For i.GSprite = Each GSprite
		CameraProject gGrassSet\Camera,i\X,i\Y,i\Z
		PX = ProjectedX()
		PY = ProjectedY()
		PositionEntity gGrassSet\TPivot,i\X,i\Y,i\Z
		D# = EntityDistance(gGrassSet\Camera,gGrassSet\TPivot)
		If (ProjectedZ() <= 0) Or ((PX < -100 Or PX > gGrassSet\W+100) And KillOffScreen)  Or D > i\Range*1.5 Then
			i\TimeOut = i\TimeOut + 1
			If i\TimeOut > GrassTimeout
				i\IDelete = 1
				For n = 0 To i\Parent\BunchCount-1
					i\Quads[n]\DAlpha = 0
			i\TimeOut = 0
			i\IDelete = 0
			For n = 0 To i\Parent\BunchCount-1
				i\Quads[n]\DAlpha = GrassAlpha
		If i\IDelete = 1 Then
			If i\Quads[0]\CAlpha <= .1 Then i\IDelete = 2
		If i\IDelete = 2 Then
			i\Parent\Count = i\Parent\Count - 1
			cCurrentGrassCount = cCurrentGrassCount - 1
			For n = 0 To i\Parent\BunchCount-1
				Delete i\Quads[n]
			i\N\Occupied[i\Parent\Index] = 0
			Delete i
	CX# = EntityX(gGrassSet\Camera,1)
	CY# = EntityY(gGrassSet\Camera,1)
	CZ# = EntityZ(gGrassSet\Camera,1)
	TFormPoint gGrassSet\OX,gGrassSet\OY,gGrassSet\OZ,0,gGrassSet\Camera
	Backward# = 1
	If TFormedZ() > 0 Then Backward# = TFormedZ()*.4
	CYaw# = EntityYaw(gGrassSet\Camera,1)
	TurnYaw = (gGrassSet\OYaw-CYaw)
	CPitch# = EntityPitch(gGrassSet\Camera,1)
	TPivot = gGrassSet\TPivot
	TPivotB = gGrassSet\TPivotB
	For g.GTex = Each GTex
		If g\On = 1 Then
			If CX <> gGrassSet\OX Or CY <> gGrassSet\OY Or CZ <> gGrassSet\OZ Or CYaw <> gGrassSet\OYaw Or CPitch <> gGrassSet\OPitch Then
				Count = g\MaxCount-g\Count
				If Count > g\Rate Then Count = g\Rate
				For j = 1 To Count
					A = (CYaw+Rnd(-g\FOV/2,g\FOV/2)+90-TurnYaw*1.5) Mod 359
					If A > 359 Then A = A - 359
					If A < 0 Then A = A + 359
					R# = Rnd(.5,gGrassSet\Radius)*Backward;*Cos(CPitch)
					X# = CX + gGrassSet\GCos[Int A] * R
					Z# = CZ + gGrassSet\GSin[Int A] * R
					PositionEntity gGrassSet\TPivot,X,0,Z
					Closest.GNode = Null
					ClD# = 5000000
					For nr.NodeRow = Each NodeRow
						If X > nr\X And X < nr\X+nr\Width Then
							If Z > nr\Z And Z < nr\Z+nr\Depth Then
								For n = 0 To NODE_SEG-1
									If X > nr\Nodes[n]\X And X < nr\Nodes[n]\X + nr\Nodes[n]\Width Then
										If Z > nr\Nodes[n]\Z And Z < nr\Nodes[n]\Z+nr\Depth Then
											Closest = nr\Nodes[n]
					Con = 1
					If Closest <> Null Then
						X = Closest\X : Y = Closest\Y : Z = Closest\Z
						For b.GBlock = Each GBlock
							If X > b\X And X < b\X+b\W And Z > b\Z And Z <b\Z+b\L And Y > b\Y And Y < b\Y + b\H  Then Con = 0 Exit
						Con = 0
					If Con Then
						If Closest\Occupied[g\Index] = 0 And Closest\U Then
							i.GSprite = New GSprite
							i\Parent = g
							i\X = Closest\X
							i\Z = Closest\Z
							i\Y = Closest\Y
							i\NX# =Closest\NX
							i\NY# = Closest\NY
							i\NZ# = Closest\NZ
							i\N = Closest
							Closest\Occupied[i\Parent\Index] = 1
							i\Range = R*Rnd(1,2)
							PositionEntity TPivotB,i\X,i\Y,i\Z
							RotateEntity TPivotB,0,0,0
							For n = 0 To g\BunchCount-1
								PositionEntity TPivot,i\X,i\Y,i\Z
								i\Quads[n] = New GQuad
								rX# = Rnd(-i\Parent\BunchRange,i\Parent\BunchRange)
								rZ# = Rnd(-i\Parent\BunchRange,i\Parent\BunchRange)
								i\Quads[n]\X = RX
								i\Quads[n]\Z = rZ
								i\Quads[n]\Size = Rnd(g\Size*.7,g\Size*2)
								i\Quads[n]\Angle = Rnd(359)
								i\Quads[n]\DAlpha = GrassAlpha
								i\Quads[n]\Reverse = Rand(0,1)
								i\Quads[n]\R = Closest\R*255
								i\Quads[n]\G = Closest\G*255
								i\Quads[n]\B = Closest\B*255
								RotateEntity TPivot,0,i\Quads[n]\Angle,0
								AlignToVector TPivot,i\NX,i\NY,i\NZ,2,1
								MoveEntity TPivot,rX,0,rZ
								AlignToVector TPivot,i\NX,3.6,i\NZ,2,1
								If i\Parent\Mesh = 0 Then								
									TFormPoint -i\Quads[n]\Size,i\Quads[n]\Size*2,0,TPivot,TPivotB
									i\Quads[n]\VX[0] = TFormedX()
									i\Quads[n]\VY[0] = TFormedY()
									i\Quads[n]\VZ[0] = TFormedZ()
									TFormPoint i\Quads[n]\Size,i\Quads[n]\Size*2,0,TPivot,TPivotB
									i\Quads[n]\VX[1] = TFormedX()
									i\Quads[n]\VY[1] = TFormedY()
									i\Quads[n]\VZ[1] = TFormedZ()
									TFormPoint i\Quads[n]\Size,0,0,TPivot,TPivotB
									i\Quads[n]\VX[2] = TFormedX()
									i\Quads[n]\VY[2] = TFormedY()
									i\Quads[n]\VZ[2] = TFormedZ()
									TFormPoint -i\Quads[n]\Size,0,0,TPivot,TPivotB
									i\Quads[n]\VX[3] = TFormedX()
									i\Quads[n]\VY[3] = TFormedY()
									i\Quads[n]\VZ[3] = TFormedZ()
								i\Quads[n]\rx = EntityPitch(TPivot,1)
								i\Quads[n]\ry = EntityYaw(TPivot,1)
								i\Quads[n]\rz = EntityRoll(TPivot,1)
								i\Quads[n]\gx = EntityX(TPivot,1)
								i\Quads[n]\gy = EntityY(TPivot,1)
								i\Quads[n]\gz = EntityZ(TPivot,1)
							g\Count = g\Count + 1
							cCurrentGrassCount = cCurrentGrassCount + 1
	gGrassSet\OX = CX
	gGrassSet\OY = CY
	gGrassSet\OZ = CZ
	gGrassSet\OYaw = CYaw
	gGrassSet\OPitch = CPitch
	TPivot = gGrassSet\TPivot
	Dim SortArray(cCurrentGrassCount-1,2)
	n = 0
	For i.GSprite = Each GSprite
		PositionEntity TPivot,i\X,i\Y,i\Z
		SortArray(n,0) = -EntityDistance(TPivot,gGrassSet\Camera)+i\Parent\Index
		SortArray(n,1) = Handle(i)
		n = n + 1
	If cCurrentGrassCount > 12 Then gQuickSort(0,cCurrentGrassCount-2,1)
	ASpeed# = AlphaFadeSpeed#/100.0
	TimeTaken = MilliSecs()
	WTime = MilliSecs()
	For p = 0 To cCurrentGrassCount-1
		i.GSprite = Object.GSprite(SortArray(p,1))
		If i <> Null Then
			For n = 0 To i\Parent\BunchCount-1
				i\Quads[n]\CAlpha = i\Quads[n]\CAlpha+(i\Quads[n]\DAlpha-i\Quads[n]\CAlpha)*ASpeed#
				If i\Quads[n]\CAlpha*i\N\A > .01 Then
					Col = (i\Parent\Frame) Mod i\Parent\Tex\Columns
					Row = (i\Parent\Frame-Col)/i\Parent\Tex\Columns
					US# = i\Parent\Tex\US
					VS# = i\Parent\Tex\VS
					U# = US * Col
					V# = VS * Row
					If i\Parent\WindAffects Then
						WA = ((WindDirection)+i\X*2) Mod 359
						WB = Int(WTime*WindSpeed + i\X) Mod 359
						If WA > 359 Then WA = WA - 359
						If WA < 0 Then WA = WA + 359
						If WB > 359 Then WB = WB - 359
						If WB < 0 Then WB = WB + 359
						windX# = gGrassSet\GSin[WA] * WindPower*gGrassSet\GSin[WB]
						windZ# = gGrassSet\GCos[WA] * WindPower*gGrassSet\GCos[WB]
						windX = 0
						windZ = 0
					If i\Quads[n]\Y = 0 Then i\Quads[n]\Y = EntityY(TPivot)-i\Y
					If i\IDelete = 0 Then
						RX# = 0 : RY# = 0 : RZ# = 0
						For beef = 0 To 3
							RX = RX + i\Quads[n]\VX[beef]
							RY = RY + i\Quads[n]\VY[beef]
							RZ = RZ + i\Quads[n]\VZ[beef]
						RX = RX / 3
						RY = RY / 3
						RZ = RZ / 3
						CameraProject gGrassSet\Camera,i\Quads[n]\gx,i\Quads[n]\gy,i\Quads[n]\gz
						i\Quads[n]\DAlpha = GrassAlpha
						If ProjectedZ() <= 0 Then
							i\Quads[n]\DAlpha = 0
						ElseIf i\Parent\Mesh = 0
							PX = ProjectedX()
							If PX <= -16 Or PX > gGrassSet\W+16 Then
								i\Quads[n]\DAlpha = 0
								PY = ProjectedY()
								If PY <= -16 Or PY > gGrassSet\H + 16 Then i\Quads[n]\DAlpha = 0
						i\Quads[n]\DAlpha = 0
					GrassQuadsDrawn = GrassQuadsDrawn + 1
					S = i\Parent\Tex\Surface
					If i\Parent\Mesh = 0 Then
						eV = AddVertex(S,i\X+i\Quads[n]\VX[0]+windX,i\Y+i\Quads[n]\VY[0],i\Z+i\Quads[n]\VZ[0]+windZ,U+i\Quads[n]\Reverse*US,V)
						AddTriangle S,eV,eV+1,eV+2
						AddTriangle S,eV+2,eV+3,eV
						For o = 0 To 3
							VertexColor S,eV+o,i\Quads[n]\R,i\Quads[n]\G,i\Quads[n]\B,i\Quads[n]\CAlpha
						Mesh = i\Parent\Mesh
						For in = 1 To CountSurfaces(Mesh)
							Surface = GetSurface(Mesh,1)
							lv = CountVertices(S)
							PositionEntity Mesh,i\Quads[n]\gx,i\Quads[n]\gy,i\Quads[n]\gz,1
							RotateEntity Mesh,i\Quads[n]\rx+windX*3,i\Quads[n]\ry,i\Quads[n]\rz+windZ*3,1
							If i\Parent\WindAffects Then AlignToVector Mesh,windX/2,3.6,windZ/2,2,.3
							For iv = 0 To CountVertices(Surface)-1
								TFormPoint VertexX(Surface,iv)*i\Quads[n]\Size,VertexY(Surface,iv)*i\Quads[n]\Size,VertexZ(Surface,iv)*i\Quads[n]\Size,Mesh,0
								nv = AddVertex(S,TFormedX(),TFormedY(),TFormedZ(),U+VertexU(Surface,iv)*US,V+VertexV(Surface,iv)*VS,VertexW(Surface,iv))
								VertexColor S,nv,i\Quads[n]\R,i\Quads[n]\G,i\Quads[n]\B,i\Quads[n]\CAlpha
								TFormNormal VertexNX(Surface,iv),VertexNY(Surface,iv),VertexNZ(Surface,iv),Mesh,0
								VertexNormal S,nv,TFormedX(),TFormedY(),TFormedZ()
							For iv = 0 To CountTriangles(Surface)-1
								AddTriangle S,lv+TriangleVertex(Surface,iv,0),lv+TriangleVertex(Surface,iv,1),lv+TriangleVertex(Surface,iv,2)
						Surface = 0
	GrassUpdateTime = MilliSecs()-TimeTaken
End Function

;; Specify a mesh, if you want to specify a specific surface in the mesh then you can do that as well via the Surface argument
Function AddGrassObject(GObject,Surface=0,Lightmap$="")
	g.GrassObject = New GrassObject
	g\Entity = GObject
	g\Surface = Surface
	Local Mi#[2]
	Local Ma#[2]
	If Lightmap <> "" Then
		Tex = LoadTexture(Lightmap,1+2)
		If Tex Then
			T = TextureBuffer(Tex)
			W = TextureWidth(Tex)
			H = TextureHeight(TeX)
	If Surface <> 0 Then
		For n = 0 To CountVertices(Surface)-1
			TFormPoint VertexX(Surface,n),VertexY(Surface,n),VertexZ(Surface,n),GObject,0
			TX# = TFormedX()
			TY# = TFormedY()
			TZ# = TFormedZ()
			If TX < Mi[0] Then Mi[0] = TX
			If TY < Mi[1] Then Mi[1] = TY
			If TZ < Mi[2] Then Mi[2] = TZ
			If TX > Ma[0] Then Ma[0] = TX
			If TY > Ma[1] Then Ma[1] = TY
			If TZ > Ma[2] Then Ma[2] = TZ
		For k = 1 To CountSurfaces(GObject)
			Surface = GetSurface(GObject,k)
			For n = 0 To CountVertices(Surface)-1
				TFormPoint VertexX(Surface,n),VertexY(Surface,n),VertexZ(Surface,n),GObject,0
				TX# = TFormedX()
				TY# = TFormedY()
				TZ# = TFormedZ()
				If TX < Mi[0] Then Mi[0] = TX
				If TY < Mi[1] Then Mi[1] = TY
				If TZ < Mi[2] Then Mi[2] = TZ
				If TX > Ma[0] Then Ma[0] = TX
				If TY > Ma[1] Then Ma[1] = TY
				If TZ > Ma[2] Then Ma[2] = TZ
		Surface = 0
	If Tex Then LockBuffer(T)
	NodeWidth# = (Ma[0]-Mi[0])/NODE_SEG
	NodeDepth# = (Ma[2]-Mi[2])/NODE_SEG
	RowWidth# = (Ma[0]-Mi[0])
	For v# = 0 To NODE_SEG-1
		r.NodeRow = New NodeRow
		r\X = Mi[0]
		r\Z = Mi[2]+(Ma[2]-Mi[2])*(v/NODE_SEG)
		r\Width = RowWidth
		r\Depth = NodeDepth
		For u# = 0 To NODE_SEG-1
			If Surface <> 0 Then
				RI = Ray_Intersect_Surface(GObject,Surface,Mi[0]+(Ma[0]-Mi[0])*(u/NODE_SEG),Ma[1],Mi[2]+(Ma[2]-Mi[2])*(v/NODE_SEG),.01,Mi[1]-Ma[1],.01,0,1)
				RI = Ray_Intersect_Mesh(GObject,Mi[0]+(Ma[0]-Mi[0])*(u/NODE_SEG),Ma[1]+1,Mi[2]+(Ma[2]-Mi[2])*(v/NODE_SEG),.01,Mi[1]-Ma[1]-2,.01,0,1)
			Node = v*NODE_SEG+u
			g\Nodes[Node] = New GNode
			r\Nodes[u] = g\Nodes[Node]
			g\Nodes[Node]\U = RI
			If Tex Then
				X = (u/NODE_SEG)*W
				Y = (v/NODE_SEG)*H
				Pixel = ReadPixelFast(X,Y,T)
				cA# = Pixel Shr 24 And 255
				cR# = Pixel Shr 16 And 255
				cG# = Pixel Shr 8 And 255
				cB# = Pixel And 255
				g\Nodes[Node]\R = cR
				g\Nodes[Node]\G = cG
				g\Nodes[Node]\B = cB
				g\Nodes[Node]\A = cA/255
				g\Nodes[Node]\R = 255
				g\Nodes[Node]\G = 255
				g\Nodes[Node]\B = 255
				g\Nodes[Node]\A = 1
			If RI Then
				g\Nodes[Node]\X = IntersectedX
				g\Nodes[Node]\Y = IntersectedY
				g\Nodes[Node]\Z = IntersectedZ
				g\Nodes[Node]\NX = TriangleNX(IntersectedSurface,IntersectedTriangle)
				g\Nodes[Node]\NY = TriangleNY(IntersectedSurface,IntersectedTriangle)
				g\Nodes[Node]\NZ = TriangleNZ(IntersectedSurface,IntersectedTriangle)
				g\Nodes[Node]\Width = NodeWidth
				g\Nodes[Node]\Depth = NodeDepth
				If g\Nodes[Node]\NY < YNormal Then
					g\Nodes[Node]\U = 0
	If Tex Then
	Return Handle(g)
End Function

;; Export a nodeset
Function ExportNodes(Path$)
	FOut = WriteFile(Path$+".unltemp")
	If Not FOut Then Return False
	WriteString FOut,"NODESET_"
	For r.NodeRow = Each NodeRow
		WriteFloat FOut,r\X
		WriteFloat FOut,r\Z
		WriteFloat FOut,r\Width
		WriteFloat FOut,r\Depth
		For n = 0 To NODE_SEG-1
			i.GNode = r\Nodes[n]
			WriteFloat FOut,i\X
			WriteFloat FOut,i\Y
			WriteFloat FOut,i\Z
			WriteFloat FOut,i\Width
			WriteFloat FOut,i\Depth
			WriteFloat FOut,i\NX
			WriteFloat FOut,i\NY
			WriteFloat FOut,i\NZ
			WriteByte FOut,i\R
			WriteByte FOut,i\G
			WriteByte FOut,i\B
			WriteByte FOut,i\A*255
			WriteByte FOut,i\U
	CloseFile FOut
	bz2( 0, 9, Path$+".unltemp", Path$+".unl" )
	DeleteFile Path$+".unltemp"
	Return True
End Function

;; Imports a nodeset.  Nodesets should be rebuilt after -any- changes to anything grass is placed upon
Function ImportNodes(Path$)
	If FileType(Path+".unl") <> 1 Then Return False
	bz2( 1, 0, Path+".unl", Path+".unltemp" )
	FIn = ReadFile(Path$+".unltemp")
	If Not FIn Then Return False
	ID$ = ReadString(FIn)
	If ID$ <> "NODESET_" Then
		CloseFile FIn
		Return False
	While Not Eof(FIn)
		r.NodeRow = New NodeRow
		r\X = ReadFloat(FIn)
		r\Z = ReadFloat(FIn)
		r\Width = ReadFloat(FIn)
		r\Depth = ReadFloat(FIn)
		For n = 0 To NODE_SEG-1
			i.GNode = New GNode
			i\X = ReadFloat(FIn)
			i\Y = ReadFloat(FIn)
			i\Z = ReadFloat(FIn)
			i\Width = ReadFloat(FIn)
			i\Depth = ReadFloat(FIn)
			i\NX = ReadFloat(FIn)
			i\NY = ReadFloat(FIn)
			i\NZ = ReadFloat(FIn)
			i\R = ReadByte(FIn)
			i\G = ReadByte(FIn)
			i\B = ReadByte(FIn)
			i\A = Float(ReadByte(FIn))/255
			i\U = ReadByte(FIn)
			r\Nodes[n] = i
	DeleteFile Path+".unltemp"
	CloseFile FIn
	Return True
End Function

;; Removes an object useable by the grass system
Function RemoveGrassObject(GObject)
	g.GrassObject = Object.GrassObject(GObject)
	If g = Null Then Return False
	For n = 0 To NODE_SEG-1
		For i = 0 To NODE_SEG-1
			Delete g\Rows[n]\Nodes[i]
		Delete g\Rows[n]
	Delete g
	Return True
End Function

;; sswift's ray-triangle intersection code, butchered by me
Function Ray_Intersect_Triangle(Px#, Py#, Pz#, Dx#, Dy#, Dz#, V0x#, V0y#, V0z#, V1x#, V1y#, V1z#, V2x#, V2y#, V2z#, Extend_To_Infinity=True, Cull_Backfaces=False)
	E1x# = V2x# - V0x#
	E1y# = V2y# - V0y#
	E1z# = V2z# - V0z#

	E2x# = V1x# - V0x#
	E2y# = V1y# - V0y#
	E2z# = V1z# - V0z#

	Hx# = (Dy# * E2z#) - (E2y# * Dz#)
	Hy# = (Dz# * E2x#) - (E2z# * Dx#)
	Hz# = (Dx# * E2y#) - (E2x# * Dy#)

	A# = (E1x# * Hx#) + (E1y# * Hy#) + (E1z# * Hz#)

	If (Cull_Backfaces = True) And (A# >= 0) Then Return False
	If (A# > -0.00001) And (A# < 0.00001) Then Return False
	F# = 1.0 / A#

	Sx# = Px# - V0x#
	Sy# = Py# - V0y#
	Sz# = Pz# - V0z#
	U# = F# * ((Sx# * Hx#) + (Sy# * Hy#) + (Sz# * Hz#))
	If (U# < 0.0) Or (U# > 1.0) Return False

	Qx# = (Sy# * E1z#) - (E1y# * Sz#)
	Qy# = (Sz# * E1x#) - (E1z# * Sx#)
	Qz# = (Sx# * E1y#) - (E1x# * Sy#)
	V# = F# * ((Dx# * Qx#) + (Dy# * Qy#) + (Dz# * Qz#))
	If (V# < 0.0) Or ((U# + V#) > 1.0) Return False

	T# = F# * ((E2x# * Qx#) + (E2y# * Qy#) + (E2z# * Qz#))
	IntersectedX# = Px+Dx*T
	IntersectedY# = Py+Dy*T
	IntersectedZ# = Pz+Dz*T

	If (T# < 0) Then Return False

	If (Extend_To_Infinity = False) And (T# > 1) Return False

	Return True
End Function

Function Ray_Intersect_Mesh(Mesh, Px#, Py#, Pz#, Dx#, Dy#, Dz#, Extend_To_Infinity=True, Cull_Backfaces=False)
	Surfaces = CountSurfaces(Mesh)
	If Surfaces > 0
		For SurfaceLoop = 1 To Surfaces
			Surface = GetSurface(Mesh, SurfaceLoop)
			Tris  = CountTriangles(Surface)
			For TriLoop = 0 To Tris-1
				V0 = TriangleVertex(Surface, TriLoop, 0)
				V1 = TriangleVertex(Surface, TriLoop, 1)
				V2 = TriangleVertex(Surface, TriLoop, 2)
				V0x# = VertexX#(Surface, V0)
				V0y# = VertexY#(Surface, V0)
				V0z# = VertexZ#(Surface, V0)

				V1x# = VertexX#(Surface, V1)
				V1y# = VertexY#(Surface, V1)
				V1z# = VertexZ#(Surface, V1)

				V2x# = VertexX#(Surface, V2)
				V2y# = VertexY#(Surface, V2)
				V2z# = VertexZ#(Surface, V2)

				TFormPoint V0x#, V0y#, V0z#, Mesh, 0
				V0x# = TFormedX#()
				V0y# = TFormedY#()
				V0z# = TFormedZ#()

				TFormPoint V1x#, V1y#, V1z#, Mesh, 0
				V1x# = TFormedX#()
				V1y# = TFormedY#()
				V1z# = TFormedZ#()
				TFormPoint V2x#, V2y#, V2z#, Mesh, 0
				V2x# = TFormedX#()
				V2y# = TFormedY#()
				V2z# = TFormedZ#()
				Intersected = Ray_Intersect_Triangle(Px#, Py#, Pz#, Dx#, Dy#, Dz#, V0x#, V0y#, V0z#, V1x#, V1y#, V1z#, V2x#, V2y#, V2z#, Extend_To_Infinity, Cull_Backfaces)
				If Intersected Then
					IntersectedTriangle = TriLoop
					IntersectedSurface = Surface
					Return True
	IntersectedTriangle = -1
	IntersectedSurface = -1
	Return False
End Function

;; hacked the Ray_Intersect_Mesh function so it can be used on surfaces as well
Function Ray_Intersect_Surface(Mesh, Surface, Px#, Py#, Pz#, Dx#, Dy#, Dz#, Extend_To_Infinity=True, Cull_Backfaces=False)
	Tris  = CountTriangles(Surface)
	For TriLoop = 0 To Tris-1
		V0 = TriangleVertex(Surface, TriLoop, 0)
		V1 = TriangleVertex(Surface, TriLoop, 1)
		V2 = TriangleVertex(Surface, TriLoop, 2)

		V0x# = VertexX#(Surface, V0)
		V0y# = VertexY#(Surface, V0)
		V0z# = VertexZ#(Surface, V0)

		V1x# = VertexX#(Surface, V1)
		V1y# = VertexY#(Surface, V1)
		V1z# = VertexZ#(Surface, V1)

		V2x# = VertexX#(Surface, V2)
		V2y# = VertexY#(Surface, V2)
		V2z# = VertexZ#(Surface, V2)

		TFormPoint V0x#, V0y#, V0z#, Mesh, 0
		V0x# = TFormedX#()
		V0y# = TFormedY#()
		V0z# = TFormedZ#()

		TFormPoint V1x#, V1y#, V1z#, Mesh, 0
		V1x# = TFormedX#()
		V1y# = TFormedY#()
		V1z# = TFormedZ#()
		TFormPoint V2x#, V2y#, V2z#, Mesh, 0
		V2x# = TFormedX#()
		V2y# = TFormedY#()
		V2z# = TFormedZ#()
		Intersected = Ray_Intersect_Triangle(Px#, Py#, Pz#, Dx#, Dy#, Dz#, V0x#, V0y#, V0z#, V1x#, V1y#, V1z#, V2x#, V2y#, V2z#, Extend_To_Infinity, Cull_Backfaces)
		If Intersected Then
			IntersectedTriangle = TriLoop
			IntersectedSurface = Surface
			Return True

	IntersectedTriangle = -1
	IntersectedSurface = -1
	Return False
End Function

;; some functions of my own...
;; just to note, these don't return the actual normals of a triangle, they only return the averaged normals of the vertices.  in most cases- when it comes to terrain- this is enough
Function TriangleNX#(Surface,Triangle)
	Local NX#
	For N = 0 To 2
		NX# = NX# + VertexNX(Surface,TriangleVertex(Surface,Triangle,N))
	Return NX / 3
End Function

Function TriangleNY#(Surface,Triangle)
	Local NY#
	For N = 0 To 2
		NY# = NY# + VertexNY(Surface,TriangleVertex(Surface,Triangle,N))
	Return NY / 3
End Function

Function TriangleNZ#(Surface,Triangle)
	Local NZ#
	For N = 0 To 2
		NZ# = NZ# + VertexNZ(Surface,TriangleVertex(Surface,Triangle,N))
	Return NZ / 3
End Function

;;;; EXAMPLE CODE	;;;;

;; FPS
Global FPS,LastCheck,Frames
Function GetFPS()
	Frames = Frames + 1
	If MilliSecs() > LastCheck+1000 Then
		LastCheck = MilliSecs()
		FPS = Frames
		Frames = 0
	Return FPS
End Function

;; Graphics Mode
Graphics 320,240,32,2
If FileType("grass3.tga") <> 1 Then
	bz2 1,0,"grass3.tga.bz2","grass3.tga"
	Delay 20
ClsColor 255,255,255
Color 0,0,0
Graphics3D 800,600,32,Int(Replace(Lower(Input$("Windowed? Y/N        ")),"y","1"))+1
;; Camera
C = CreateCamera()

;; Terrain - objects no longer need pick-modes
T = LoadMesh("terrain.3ds")
ScaleEntity T,40*.4,35*.4,40*.4
TranslateEntity T,0,-70,0

;; for some reason whenever i add or remove something from this the surface indices change, so now i have to check for vertex count to know which one i need
If CountVertices(GetSurface(t,1)) > CountVertices(GetSurface(t,2)) Then
	s1 = 1
	s2 = 2
	s1 = 2
	s2 = 1

B = LoadBrush("detail.png")
PaintSurface GetSurface(T,s1),B
FreeBrush B
B = LoadBrush("path.png")
PaintSurface GetSurface(T,s2),B
FreeBrush B

;; Lighting
L = CreateLight(2)
PositionEntity L,0,500,0
LightRange L,200
LightColor L,255,255,255
AmbientLight 96,96,96

;; Grass
Tex = LoadGrassTexture("grass3.tga",2,4)


If FileType("terrain.unl") Then
	Print "Rebuild object nodeset?  Y/N"
		k = Asc(Lower(Chr(WaitKey())))
	Until k = Asc("y") Or k = Asc("n")
	If k = Asc("y") Then
		Print "Rebuilding..."
		DeleteFile "terrain.unl"
		TerrainObject = AddGrassObject(T,GetSurface(T,s1))
		Print "Loading nodeset..."
	Print "Done."
	TerrainObject = AddGrassObject(T,GetSurface(T,s1))

;; Tweening
MFPS = 60
Period = 1000/MFPS
Time = MilliSecs()-Period

S = CreateSprite()
ScaleSprite S,10,10
EntityFX S,1+16
EntityBlend S,3
EntityOrder S,-5
PositionEntity S,0,0,2
EntityColor S,255,255,255
EntityParent S,C,1

Alpha# = 1.4

CameraClsColor C,191,223,245

		Elapsed = MilliSecs() - Time
	Until Elapsed
	Ticks = Elapsed / Period
	Tween# = Float(Elapsed Mod Period) / Float(Period)
	For U = 0 To Ticks
		Time = Time + Period
		If U = Ticks Then
		If Alpha < .01 Then
			Alpha = 0
			Alpha# = Alpha# * .98
		EntityAlpha S,Alpha
		;; Camera
		PitchAccel# = MouseYSpeed()*.05
		PanAccel# = -MouseXSpeed()*.05
		Pitch# = Pitch + PitchAccel
		Pan# = Pan + PanAccel
		If Pitch > 80 Then Pitch = 80
		If Pitch < -80 Then Pitch = -80
		RotateEntity C,Pitch,Pan,0
		MoveMouse GraphicsWidth()/2,GraphicsHeight()/2
		MoveV# =(KeyDown(200)-KeyDown(208))*.7
		MoveEntity C,0,0,MoveV
		;; Grass
		;; Graphics
	;; Graphics
	RenderWorld Tween
	;; FPS
	Text 2,2,"FPS : "+FPS
	Flip 0
Until KeyHit(1)

;; Grass

;; Graphics


Rook Zimbabwe2004
Looks GREAT! but can it NOT put grass where it senses a MODEL like a building??? That would be a great tool too!

Rook: Refer to the AddGrassObject command.

That function basically tells it where it can and can't put grass.

There's a bug in this line

windX# = gGrassSet\GSin[(WA+i\X*2) Mod 359] * WindPower*gGrassSet\GSin[Int(MilliSecs()*WindSpeed) Mod 359]

If my camera goes below 30(in the y direction) then I get a "Blitz Array Index Out of Bounds" error.

That doesn't make sense, since that line has no relation to the Y position of the camera. I'd say it's just trying to access part of the array above 359 or below 0. I'll look into it.

verrrrrry nice.

Added two new functions and sortof improved (in my opinion) the way grass is spawned.

I'm trying to find a way to avoid the line-picking to get the positions and normals of the grass bunches, but so far every idea I've had has been shot down due to me forgetting one detail or another.

Very nice but gets some nasty slowdown on mine...

mrtricks: I'd say the vertex lighting and 10,000-detail Blitz terrain in the example code is mostly to blame for that. But some of the blame lies with my system as well for using line picks for every 5 or so (it's a variable amount specified by a constant) grass bunches.

Anyhow, I've implemented a texture system that allows you to reduce the surface count to one surface per 4 to 8 grass sprite textures. I'm still working on the line-picking problem though, since that's slow as hell if the growth rate is high.

The new texture system is implemented, and I've removed the line-picking and switched to using sswift's triangle intersect functions.

Fantastic and thanks you for that !

This is very nice Noel, as always!
I hope you keep working on this :D

When accompanied with a nice grass texture for the ground the effect is even better.

<ego>I am such a nice person -_-</ego>

But in all seriousness, without sswift's ray intersect code, this would be a hell of a lot slower than it is now.

I've got plans for pre-compiling node arrays now, too, in order to speed stuff up.

oh, ray intersect code I need that badly! thanks for telling me there's a such thing :D

It's odd, but I can't see any grass in the newest version :(

Not sure why not. Also, it no longer works on Blitz terrains (because of the ray intersect code- you could, as an example, generate a mesh that is based off of a loaded Blitz terrain to make it work again though), so if you're using one that might be the problem.

I'm just using your demo code alone along with the media pack

Decided not to add any more posts...
When I copy and paste the data written on this page rather than download the .bb file, there is a small region that has grass on it. It takes a while to notice though... Is it supposed to be just one small segment?

Hm.. well I made sure to test the example code that came in the zip, and it worked fine. I'll take another look at it to see if there's anything I've left out.

The idea I had for precompiling grass nodes is now implemented, along with some minor optimizations and changes to make it more efficient at times.

Ooh, works much better now. Thanks noel!

Lots of variables to play with too :)
This is probably the most useful grass system I've seen in blitz yet. I can't wait to try it out with some nice sprites :D

-Vertex positions are precalculated, this is to save time on redrawing them per-update.
-Nodes used to apply to backfacing triangles (top-down, remember), so if you, for example, had an arch over a section of terrain, it would have created grass on the underside of it: not pretty. This is 'fixed'.
-You can now have a color-map applied to grass nodes when you add an object to the list. It's an extra argument to AddGrassObject(). Full RGBA support (meaning you control red, green, blue, and alpha of areas).

-Sometimes grass spawns in the air. This bug is obviously due to some error (of mine, likely, since the ray intersect code works fine in normal cases) when nodes are being generated. I have no idea what's causing it yet, but I know where it is and as such it's isolated.

This is probably the most useful grass system

Well, it's only one of three I think. In any case, I feel this is a really useful module of sorts for adding a great deal of depth to your environments.

hm, that's the problem.
It seems that when I run this in debug mode, or with a complete compilation in a folder other than the original folder of the .bb file, it will scatter the trail texture everywhere and the grass doesn't show up except in the valley.

- Added support for meshes (this is single-surface support, so even if the mesh you're referencing is using multiple surfaces it will put it all in the same surface).
- Various bug fixes.
- Importing and exporting node sets.
- Per-spawner wind settings.

You need to be careful with the mesh spawners, because if you use a lot of polygons then you will probably end up with a pretty damn slow game. I'm working on some ideas to make this faster, but at the moment you'll have to live with this.

- No more distance checks when determining which node a grass bunch gets placed on- now it checks rows and when the position is determined to be inside of the row it places the quad inside of the node it's inside of.
- Added the function SetSpawner() which allows you to choose some ranges. You might or might not need to use this, it depends on your scene.

This newer version seems a bit slower to me... Still great nontheless! And nicer :)


Damned !!! veyr veyr nice stuff ! TY


I just noticed that starting at my last comment, the time between comments has incremented by two days each.

Mr. Pickles commented after two days;
Mustang after four;
KissKool after six.

Very, very slow (6-10fps) with obvious and noticeable pop-in on my system: p3/1G, ge4ti/4400, 256MB ram, WinXP Pro.

Make sure DEBUG is turned off in the editor, ELSE it will slow down..


This goes without saying. But it also doesn't help the framerate on my rig, either, as I wasn't using it with debug in the first place.

The image doesn't work, and neither does the link :(

It's 3 years old. Cheers.

Does anyone have this available? I sure would like to take a gander! If so, please email to hilbily001@...


Well, you got the source code up there.

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