Code archives/3D Graphics - Effects/Textured Spotlight

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Textured Spotlight by fredborg2004
A nice little effect, that could be used for car headlights or flashlights. It shouldn't be too dificult to understand how it works...

It's not optimized, so you probably need to change some stuff if you want to use it in a game...

You will need this image:

Have fun!
; Textured spotlight thingy
; Created by Mikkel Fredborg
; Use as you please!

Type dl_receiver
	Field mesh
End Type

Type dl_light
	Field entity
	Field range#
	Field scale#
	Field intensity#
	Field flicker#
	Field flickerrange#
	Field r#,g#,b#
End Type

Global dl_brush
Global dl_tex

Function DL_Init()

	dl_tex = LoadTexture("spotlight2.png",1+16+32)

	dl_brush = CreateBrush()
	BrushBlend dl_brush,3
	BrushFX dl_brush,1+2
	BrushTexture dl_brush,dl_tex	

End Function

Function DL_Free()

	For dlr.dl_receiver = Each dl_receiver
		FreeEntity dlr\mesh
		Delete dlr

	For dll.dl_light = Each dl_light
		Delete dll

	If dl_tex	Then FreeTexture dl_tex
	If dl_brush	Then FreeBrush dl_brush

	dl_tex		= 0
	dl_brush	= 0

End Function

Function DL_SetReceiver(mesh)

	dlr.dl_receiver = New dl_receiver
	dlr\mesh = CopyMesh(mesh)
	PaintMesh dlr\mesh,dl_brush
End Function

Function DL_SetLight(entity,range#=500.0,scale#=0.75,intensity#=2.0,flicker#=0.05,flickerrange#=0.5,r#=200,g#=220,b#=255)

	dll.dl_light = First dl_light

	If dll = Null
		dll.dl_light = New dl_light
	End If
	dll\entity 	 = entity
	dll\range  	 = range
	dll\scale		= scale
	dll\intensity = intensity
	dll\flicker	 = flicker
	dll\flickerrange = flickerrange
	dll\r		= r
	dll\g		= g
	dll\b		= b
End Function

Function DL_Update()

	dll.dl_light = First dl_light
	If dll = Null Then Return

	If Rnd(0.0,1.0)<dll\flicker
		intensity# = dll\intensity*Rnd(dll\flickerrange,1.0)
		intensity# = dll\intensity
	End If

	For dlr.dl_receiver = Each dl_receiver
		mesh	= dlr\mesh
		n_surfs = CountSurfaces(mesh)
		For s = 1 To n_surfs
			surf = GetSurface(mesh,s)
			n_verts = CountVertices(surf)-1
			For v = 0 To n_verts
				TFormPoint VertexX(surf,v),VertexY(surf,v),VertexZ(surf,v),mesh,dll\entity
				x# = TFormedX()
				y# = TFormedY()
				z# = TFormedZ()
				dist# = Sqr(x*x + y*y + z*z)*dll\scale
				tu# = (x/dist)+0.5
				tv# = 1.0-((y/dist)+0.5)
				VertexTexCoords surf,v,tu,tv

				If z>dll\range Then z = dll\range
				falloff# = 1.0-(z/dll\range)
				If falloff<0.0 Then falloff = 0.0
				If falloff>1.0 Then falloff = 1.0
				TFormNormal VertexNX(surf,v),VertexNY(surf,v),VertexNZ(surf,v),mesh,dll\entity
				dot# = -TFormedZ()*falloff*intensity
				If dot>0.0
					VertexColor surf,v,dot*dll\r,dot*dll\g,dot*dll\b
					VertexColor surf,v,0,0,0
				End If

End Function

; Example 
Graphics3D 640,480,0,2
SetBuffer BackBuffer()

AmbientLight 12,24,50
SeedRnd MilliSecs()

light = CreateLight()
RotateEntity light,70,40,0
LightColor light,50,50,50

camera = CreateCamera()
scene = CreateMesh()

For i = 0 To 100

	cube = CreateCube()
	ScaleMesh cube,Rnd(1,10),Rnd(1,10),Rnd(1,10)
	RotateMesh cube,Rnd(-90,90),Rnd(-180,180),Rnd(-180,180)
	PositionMesh cube,Rnd(-100,100),Rnd(-100,100),Rnd(-100,100)
	AddMesh cube,scene
	FreeEntity cube

cube = CreateCube()
ScaleMesh cube,150,150,150
FlipMesh cube
AddMesh cube,scene
FreeEntity cube


spd# = 2.0


	MoveEntity camera,(KeyDown(205)-KeyDown(203))*spd,0,(KeyDown(200)-KeyDown(208))*spd
	TurnEntity camera,-MouseYSpeed()*0.25,-MouseXSpeed()*0.25,0
	RotateEntity camera,EntityPitch(camera,True),EntityYaw(camera,True),0

	MoveMouse 320,240



Until KeyHit(1)




Thank's Fredborg!!! :)

This is exactly the type of effect I was searching for my torch for my player character of my game im' designing!!!
This should be of great use to me!

Thank's again!!! ;)

wicked effect :D
thx alot

Sir Gak2005
I like it. Thanks.

Mr. Bean2006
Nice Effect.

This is very nice, but how can you apply that projected texture inside an already textured mesh? I have tried that and it only disrupted the other textures.
Is there a way to separate different coordinates for each texture (as in, 1 set for a diffuse map and another one for this light texture)?

EDIT: Yes there is... TextureCoords().

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